

歌名 Forever
歌手 Kalide
歌手 Kiemann
歌手 Bianca
专辑 Forever
[00:04.00] A frozen night
[00:06.00] But everyone's moving out
[00:10.00] We all need time
[00:12.00] But there's no way to slow it down
[00:16.00] We all dreamin
[00:17.00] Dreaming of the good life
[00:19.00] But there's nothing that nice on the 'cause for us
[00:22.00] It's allright though 'cause we can have a good time
[00:25.00] And we don't worry if it's dangerous
[00:29.00] So take this right and hold on tight
[00:32.00] We're gonna live forever now
[00:35.00] And side by side
[00:37.00] We don't need light
[00:39.00] We're gonna live forever now
[00:42.00] You feel that touch and all the love
[00:45.00] It's make us live forever now
[00:48.00] We don't look up we rise above
[00:52.00] We're gonna live forever now
[01:05.00] We're gonna live forever now
[01:07.00] Now now now
[01:08.00] Now now now
[01:10.00] We've come so far but it wasn't without a fight
[01:17.00] We share these scars but they won't keep us outta sight
[01:23.00] We all dreamin
[01:25.00] Dreaming of the good life
[01:26.00] But there's nothing that nice on the 'cause for us
[01:30.00] It's allright though 'cause we can have a good time
[01:33.00] And we don't worry if it's dangerous
[01:36.00] So take this right and hold on tight
[01:39.00] We're gonna live forever now
[01:43.00] And side by side
[01:44.00] We don't need light
[01:46.00] We're gonna live forever now
[01:49.00] You feel that touch and all the love
[01:52.00] It's make us live forever now
[01:55.00] We don't look up we rise above
[01:59.00] We're gonna live forever now
[02:12.00] We gonna live forever now
[02:14.00] For listen to this night
[02:16.00] Stand by this fan so price
[02:17.00] Come boy the fully fine
[02:19.00] Nobody cames tonight
[02:21.00] We know that life is hard
[02:22.00] Not like the movie stars
[02:24.00] But we know who we are
[02:25.00] Now we're breaking paradise
[02:34.00] We gonna live forever
[02:39.00] We gonna live forever now
[02:46.00] We gonna live forever
[02:52.00] We gonna live forever now
[00:04.00] 寒夜彻骨
[00:06.00] 无人汇聚
[00:10.00] 消逝的时间
[00:12.00] 也无法阻止那份悸动
[00:16.00] 光影
[00:17.00] 假想中的世界
[00:19.00] 无法触及
[00:22.00] 无妨,生活依旧
[00:25.00] 即使前路荆棘
[00:29.00] 向着正确的道路
[00:32.00] 向着不朽
[00:35.00] 一同前进
[00:37.00] 无需救赎
[00:39.00] 我们会成为光
[00:42.00] 你能感受到的那种爱
[00:45.00] 就是我们活着的理由
[00:48.00] 无需仰望星空
[00:52.00] 我们即是不朽
[01:05.00] 我们即是不朽
[01:07.00] 此时
[01:08.00] 此刻
[01:10.00] 长路漫漫
[01:17.00] 伤痕累累
[01:23.00] 光影
[01:25.00] 假想中的世界
[01:26.00] 无法触及
[01:30.00] 无妨,生活依旧
[01:33.00] 即使前路荆棘
[01:36.00] 向着正确的道路
[01:39.00] 我们已是不朽
[01:43.00] 和我一起
[01:44.00] 无需救赎
[01:46.00] 我们已成为光
[01:49.00] 你能感受到的那份爱
[01:52.00] 就是我想永存的理由
[01:55.00] 再也不用仰望星空
[01:59.00] 因为我们即是不朽
[02:12.00] 即是不朽
[02:14.00] 今夜
[02:16.00] 追寻者
[02:17.00] 过来吧
[02:19.00] 即使四下无人
[02:21.00] 就算生如蜉蝣
[02:22.00] 区别于光影
[02:24.00] 我秉承本心
[02:25.00] 即使死亡也无法束缚
[02:34.00] 我即是不朽
[02:39.00] 我即是不灭
[02:46.00] 我将会永存
[02:52.00] 就在此刻