歌手 ALLY李易臻
[00:00.950] Faded
[00:03.204] ALLY李易臻
[00:07.198] 8082 AUDIO TECHNOLOGY
[00:11.204] You were the shadow to my light
[00:14.452] Did you feel us
[00:18.204] Another start
[00:20.201] You fade away
[00:22.198] Afraid our aim is out of sight
[00:25.205] Wanna see us
[00:28.700] Alive
[00:31.197] Where are you now
[00:36.953] Where are you now
[00:42.203] Where are you now
[00:44.699] Was it all in my fantasy
[00:47.449] Where are you now
[00:50.202] Were you only imaginary
[00:54.196] Where are you now
[00:57.446] Atlantis
[00:59.954] Under the sea
[01:02.195] Under the sea
[01:04.945] Where are you now
[01:07.453] Another dream
[01:10.706] The monsters running wild inside of me
[01:14.700] I'm faded
[01:20.203] I'm faded
[01:24.197] So lost I'm faded
[01:30.698] I'm faded
[01:34.704] So lost I'm faded
[01:37.700] These shallow waters never met
[01:41.206] What I needed
[01:44.701] I'm letting go
[01:46.698] A deeper dive
[01:48.707] Eternal silence of the sea
[01:51.701] I'm breathing
[01:55.707] Alive
[01:58.203] Where are you now
[02:03.450] Where are you now
[02:08.953] Under the bright
[02:10.197] But faded lights
[02:11.450] You've set my heart on fire
[02:14.202] Where are you now
[02:16.952] Where are you now
[02:20.958] Another dream
[02:23.454] Another dream
[02:26.207] Another dream
[02:28.704] Another dream
[02:31.454] Where are you now
[02:34.706] Atlantis
[02:36.957] Under the sea
[02:39.453] Under the sea
[02:41.949] Where are you now
[02:44.702] Another dream
[02:48.145] The monster running wild inside of me
[02:52.149] I'm faded
[02:57.399] I'm faded
[03:01.893] So lost I'm faded
[03:08.149] I'm faded
[03:12.143] So lost I'm faded
[00:11.204] 你是我生命之光中的一道暗影
[00:14.452] 你能感受彼此的存在吗?
[00:18.204] 下一个开始
[00:20.201] 你的身影渐渐模糊
[00:22.198] 害怕我们的目标逝于视野之外
[00:25.205] 只希望我们都能
[00:28.700] 好好活着
[00:31.197] 此刻你在哪里?
[00:36.953] 此刻你在哪里?
[00:42.203] 此刻你在哪里?
[00:44.699] 难道这一切都只是我的幻境?
[00:47.449] 此刻你在哪里?
[00:50.202] 你只是我的幻想?
[00:54.196] 此刻你在哪里?
[00:57.446] 亚特兰蒂斯
[00:59.954] 没于汪洋
[01:02.195] 没于汪洋
[01:04.945] 此刻你在哪里?
[01:07.453] 又一场梦境
[01:10.706] 欲望的野兽在我心底徘徊
[01:14.700] 我已无力
[01:20.203] 我已无力
[01:24.197] 如此迷茫 我已无力
[01:30.698] 我已无力
[01:34.704] 如此迷茫 我已无力
[01:37.700] 这浅滩水域从未有
[01:41.206] 我需要的你
[01:44.701] 我学着放手
[01:46.698] 潜入海底
[01:48.707] 无尽的沉默于海中
[01:51.701] 我依然呼吸着
[01:55.707] 还活着
[01:58.203] 此刻你在哪里?
[02:03.450] 此刻你在哪里?
[02:08.953] 清晰的光亮里
[02:10.197] 渐暗的光影里
[02:11.450] 你点燃了我的心火
[02:14.202] 此刻你在哪里?
[02:16.952] 此刻你在哪里?
[02:20.958] 又一场梦境
[02:23.454] 又一场梦境
[02:26.207] 又一场梦境
[02:28.704] 又一场梦境
[02:31.454] 此刻你在哪里?
[02:34.706] 亚特兰蒂斯
[02:36.957] 没于汪洋
[02:39.453] 没于汪洋
[02:41.949] 此刻你在哪里?
[02:44.702] 又一场梦境
[02:48.145] 欲望的野兽在我心底徘徊
[02:52.149] 我已无力
[02:57.399] 我已无力
[03:01.893] 如此迷茫 我已无力
[03:08.149] 我已无力