

歌名 Ashes
歌手 Eli Lieb
专辑 Ashes
[00:02.41] What's left to say?
[00:04.35] These prayers ain't working anymore
[00:10.41] Every word shot down in flames
[00:18.16] What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?
[00:25.96] I'm losing my voice calling on you
[00:32.76] 'Cause I've been shaking
[00:34.91] I've been bending backwards till I'm broke
[00:40.81] Watching all these dreams go up in smoke
[00:47.17] Let beauty come out of ashes
[00:55.02] Let beauty come out of ashes
[01:02.82] And when I pray to God all I ask is
[01:10.78] Can beauty come out of ashes?
[01:22.34] Can you use these tears to put out the fires in my soul?
[01:30.84] 'Cause I need you here, woah
[01:37.75] 'Cause I've been shaking
[01:39.80] I've been bending backwards till I'm broke
[01:45.80] Watching all these dreams go up in smoke
[01:52.05] Let beauty come out of ashes
[02:00.00] Let beauty come out of ashes
[02:07.75] And when I pray to God all I ask is
[02:15.81] Can beauty come out of ashes?
[02:23.76] Can beauty come out from ashes?
[02:31.66] Can beauty come out from ashes?
[00:02.41] 还有什么好说的?
[00:04.35] 你许下的祈祷已经不再灵验
[00:10.41] 一字一句都被灼灼火焰烧毁
[00:18.16] 这些残缺破碎的碎片又该如何清理
[00:25.96] 我不断呼唤着你 声嘶力竭地呼唤着你
[00:32.76] 我已经不断颤抖 无法站稳
[00:34.91] 我不断像现实屈服 知道迷失自我
[00:40.81] 亲眼看着梦想在迷雾中走失飘散
[00:47.17] 就让美好从灰烬中重新绽放
[00:55.02] 就让美好从灰烬中重生
[01:02.82] 当我虔诚地向上帝祈祷 心中想问的只有
[01:10.78] 美好是否还能从灰烬中重生
[01:22.34] 你能否用你的滴滴泪水 将灼烧着我灵魂的火熄灭
[01:30.84] 因为我需要你在我身边
[01:37.75] 我已经不断颤抖 无法站稳
[01:39.80] 我不断像现实屈服 知道迷失自我
[01:45.80] 亲眼看着梦想在迷雾中走失飘散
[01:52.05] 就让美好从灰烬中重新绽放
[02:00.00] 就让美好从灰烬中重生
[02:07.75] 当我虔诚地向上帝祈祷 心中想问的只有
[02:15.81] 美好是否还能从灰烬中重生
[02:23.76] 美好是否还能从灰烬中重生
[02:31.66] 美好是否还能从灰烬中重生