Black Sheep

Black Sheep

歌名 Black Sheep
歌手 Dean Brody
专辑 Black Sheep - EP
[00:00.00] Dean Brody - Black Sheep
[00:16.00] I was raised in a small town underneath a steeple
[00:21.00] Raised with the good book in my hand
[00:25.00] Though I loved the Shepherd
[00:27.00] I didn't mix well with his people
[00:29.00] So one day I jumped the fence to find new lands
[00:33.00] I'm just a black sheep looking for a family
[00:37.00] Others just like me wandering 'round
[00:41.00] I'm just a black sheep about here in the badlands
[00:45.00] Hoping I ain't too damned lost to be found
[00:51.00] I hang with the lone wolves, the outcast and the sinners
[00:56.00] We drink beer in the taverns Friday nights
[00:59.00] We shoot whiskey and we cuss, we throw down, we make up
[01:04.00] Working all our guardian angels overtime
[01:08.00] I'm just a black sheep looking for a family
[01:12.00] Others just like me wandering 'round
[01:16.00] I'm just a black sheep 'bout here in the badlands
[01:20.00] Hoping I ain't too damned lost to be found
[01:43.00] Sometimes late at night I get thinking about my Shepherd
[01:47.00] How it broke his big old heart to see me stray
[01:51.00] But if I know the hound of heaven
[01:53.00] He's left the flock to find me
[01:55.00] And when he tracks me down ho happy, happy day
[01:59.00] 'Cause I'm just a black sheep lookin' for a family
[02:03.00] Others just like me wandering 'round
[02:07.00] I'm just a black sheep 'bout here in the badlands
[02:11.00] Hoping I ain't too damned lost to be found
[02:15.00] Hoping I ain't too damned lost to be found, found, found
[02:19.00] Hoping I ain't too damned lost to be found
[02:30.00] When that day comes and he takes me
[02:33.00] To his throne on that mountain
[02:36.00] He'll say welcome home son, you're family
[02:44.00] And I'll turn around and I'll look out
[02:47.00] On his heaven of millions
[02:50.00] On a sea of black sheep just like me
[00:16.00] 小镇出身的我在教堂的庇护下长大
[00:21.00] 打小受到「圣经」的熏陶
[00:25.00] 但纵使我对上帝虔诚信仰
[00:27.00] 同别人相比我也格格不入
[00:29.00] 于是某天我跳出这片藩篱 开辟新的世界
[00:33.00] 我这人们眼中的异类 寻找着自己的同伴
[00:37.00] 探求着像我一般 四处游荡的魂灵
[00:41.00] 杳无人烟的荒野之中 我寻觅着未来的方向
[00:45.00] 只求自己不要迷失过深 至少还能发现同道中人
[00:51.00] 我与孤狼同行 在这梗迹蓬飘 罪恶遍地的土地上
[00:56.00] 周五之夜一同上酒馆喝个几轮
[00:59.00] 举起烈酒一饮而尽 偶尔爆点粗口 四处招摇寻欢
[01:04.00] 时常寻求刺激 行事出格 让人们担心不已
[01:08.00] 我这人们眼中的异类 寻找着自己的同伴
[01:12.00] 探求着像我一般 四处游荡的魂灵
[01:16.00] 杳无人烟的荒野之中 我寻觅着未来的方向
[01:20.00] 只求自己不要迷失过深 至少还能发现同道中人
[01:43.00] 夜深人静的时候 我也时常会想起我曾经的牧师
[01:47.00] 想到他眼看着我执意脱队 迷失信仰的无奈心痛
[01:51.00] 但我心底里也明白 天堂的猎犬也正寻找着我
[01:53.00] 我的牧师仍在等我回来
[01:55.00] 如果他发现了我的踪迹 他会发现我过得舒服自在
[01:59.00] 我这人们眼中的异类 寻找着自己的同伴
[02:03.00] 探求着像我一般 四处游荡的魂灵
[02:07.00] 杳无人烟的荒野之中 我寻觅着未来的方向
[02:11.00] 只求自己不要迷失过深 至少还能发现同道中人
[02:15.00] 只求自己不要迷失过深 至少还能发现同道中人
[02:19.00] 只求自己不要迷失过深 至少还能发现同道中人
[02:30.00] 当我大限将至 我的上帝来将我带走
[02:33.00] 带我回到他高山之巅的宫殿
[02:36.00] 他会将我视为己出 欢迎我终于找到了归宿
[02:44.00] 而我蓦然回首 回望身后
[02:47.00] 在这圣洁广袤的天堂之中
[02:50.00] 也尽是像我一样的所谓异类啊