Just Playin

Just Playin

歌名 Just Playin
歌手 Bridget Kelly
专辑 The Great Escape
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Bridget Kelly/James Foye III/Austin Owens/Daniel Breland/Edsel "TreAce" Alexander III
[00:12.000] You must think that I'm crazy
[00:16.000] Quick to turn up
[00:18.000] Fire off words with no safety
[00:21.000] I don't give a ****
[00:23.000] Cause I shoot first and ask later
[00:25.000] Thought you liked me straight with no chaser
[00:28.000] Holding back just ain't in my nature
[00:34.000] But you know its whatever
[00:35.000] Promise I'll do better
[00:36.000] Long as we don't ever stop
[00:39.000] Get our shit together
[00:41.000] Boy, it's now or never
[00:42.000] Can't do this forever
[00:43.000] I get impatient
[00:45.000] Every time I feel a way, baby I complain
[00:49.000] Tired of waiting
[00:51.000] I thought you knew me better than that,
[00:53.000] why you gettin' so mad
[00:54.000] I thought you could take it
[00:56.000] You know how I say shit
[00:59.999] I was just playin'
[01:07.998] I know you think I'm crazy
[01:10.998] But I care too much
[01:12.998] Only reason I'm tripping
[01:15.998] Cause I know real love
[01:17.998] Why you always thinking I'm on one
[01:20.998] Don't understand where I come from
[01:23.998] Going back and forth tell me you're done
[01:26.998] But you can't get enough
[01:28.998] But you know its whatever
[01:29.998] Promise I'll do better
[01:32.000] Long as we don't ever stop
[01:34.000] Get our shit together
[01:36.000] Boy, it's now or never
[01:37.000] Can't do this forever
[01:39.000] I get impatient
[01:41.000] Every time I feel a way, baby I complain
[01:44.000] Tired of waiting
[01:46.000] I thought you knew me better than that,
[01:48.000] why you gettin' so mad
[01:49.000] I thought you could take it
[01:52.000] You know how I say shit
[01:55.000] I was just playin'
[00:12.000] 你肯定觉得我疯了
[00:16.000] 可以快速翻篇
[00:18.000] 把没有安全感的话语一炮打消
[00:21.000] 我一点儿都不在乎
[00:23.000] 因为我都先动手再开口
[00:25.000] 觉得你就是喜欢我,没有追随者
[00:28.000] 退缩不是我的本性
[00:34.000] 但你知道无论如何
[00:35.000] 保证我会做得更好
[00:36.000] 长久得好像从不止步
[00:39.000] 让我们在一起吧
[00:41.000] 宝贝,要么现在,要么永远都不
[00:42.000] 我们没法使之永恒
[00:43.000] 我都要不耐烦了
[00:45.000] 每次我有这种感觉后,我总要抱怨
[00:49.000] 我受够了等待
[00:51.000] 我本以为你比谁都更懂我
[00:53.000] 为什么你变得这样不可理喻
[00:54.000] 我以为你可以摆平一切
[00:56.000] 你知道我都是怎么说话的
[00:59.999] 我只是说着玩玩
[01:07.998] 你知道你认为我很疯
[01:10.998] 但我在意的太多
[01:12.998] 我被阻碍的唯一原因
[01:15.998] 就是我知道了什么是真正的爱
[01:17.998] 为什么你总是认为我应该孤身一人
[01:20.998] 不理解我从何而来
[01:23.998] 翻来覆去地告诉我你做了什么
[01:26.998] 但你就是不肯消停
[01:28.998] 但你知道无论如何
[01:29.998] 保证我会做得更好
[01:32.000] 长久得好像从不止步
[01:34.000] 让我们在一起吧
[01:36.000] 宝贝,要么现在,要么永远都不
[01:37.000] 我们没法使之永恒
[01:39.000] 我都要不耐烦了
[01:41.000] 每次我有这种感觉后,我总要抱怨
[01:44.000]] 我受够了等待
[01:46.000] 我本以为你比谁都更懂我
[01:48.000] 为什么你变得这样不可理喻
[01:49.000] 我以为你可以摆平一切
[01:52.000] 你知道我说的什么意思
[01:55.000] 我只是玩玩的啊