Win Back All

Win Back All

歌名 Win Back All
歌手 BeatGeneration 1980’s
专辑 人类撕裂愈合计划
[00:00.000] 作词 : Torro/小白
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 小白
[00:08.730] 编曲:niji/小白/Torro
[00:10.060] 混音:niji
[00:10.920] 录音室:一梦音乐工作室
[00:41.970] Fight! The battle has just begin.
[00:47.340] (Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight with the enemy)
[00:52.340] He comes to me as like a madness tiger
[00:57.050] (He punched me a lot! Bleeding now)
[01:00.939] Something has to changed
[01:03.229] Something has to fighting
[01:05.828] Something has to prove
[01:08.019] Something has to believe
[01:11.569] I can not feel the painful
[01:13.900] Maybe I'm just in a numb when he hurts me with a pretty good one two punch
[01:25.989] I’m going to the fighting and standing on the court
[01:31.739] And he just wanna knocking me out
[01:35.629] It's time to kick it all back in this moment
[01:41.849] I will win back all!
[02:03.239] So why don't we keep try try try to get up
[02:05.858] Forget the pain that makes me go insane
[02:07.719] My steps are heavy
[02:08.939] I'm weary,fidgety,have to hurry
[02:10.419] You broke my bone,broke my nose
[02:11.929] You destroyed my every-thing
[02:13.030] But nothing could make me be freaking out
[02:14.639] My bones are crackling
[02:15.409] The wound and pain can give me only excitement
[02:17.209] It's time to fight back
[02:18.149] Shaking the fist
[02:18.899] Crush enemy with agony,my passion and obsession
[02:21.280] I'm just like the meteor ,sprint and onrush
[02:24.530] Let's get it
[02:44.129] Fighting now!
[02:46.369] Screaming now!
[02:48.879] Fight! He can't punch me down
[02:58.679] Trust myself, I trust myself
[03:10.769] Don't be afraid
[03:13.060] I'm strong enough
[03:21.359] I’m going to the fighting and standing on the court
[03:27.019] And he just wanna knocking me out
[03:30.759] It's time to kick it all back in this moment
[03:37.079] I will win back all
[00:41.970] 来吧!这场比赛才刚刚开始
[00:47.340] (战斗 战斗 战斗 战斗 与敌人战斗吧)
[00:52.340] 他宛如一头猛虎接近我
[00:57.050] (他给我狠狠一击!血流满地)
[01:00.939] 有些事需要被改变
[01:03.229] 有些事需要去战斗
[01:05.828] 有些事需要去证明
[01:08.019] 有些事需要去相信
[01:11.569] 我无法感受到痛感
[01:13.900] 也许我已经被他的重击伤害到麻木不仁了
[01:25.989] 我在在场上战斗着
[01:31.739] 他唯一想做的是把我击败
[01:35.629] 现在正是全力反击的时刻
[01:41.849] 我将反败为胜!
[02:03.239] 所以我们为什么不努力爬起来
[02:05.858] 忘掉身上那些让人发疯的伤痛
[02:07.719] 我的步伐无比沉重
[02:08.939] 我感到疲乏,烦躁,却必须勇往直前
[02:10.419] 你打断了我的骨头,打破了我的鼻子
[02:11.929] 你摧毁了我的一切
[02:13.030] 可是我已无所畏惧
[02:14.639] 骨骼噼啪作响
[02:15.409] 伤口和疼痛带给我的只有兴奋
[02:17.209] 是时候做出反击了
[02:18.149] 挥舞着拳头
[02:18.899] 用痛苦,激情和执念击垮眼前的强敌
[02:21.280] 我仿若流星,冲刺突进
[02:24.530] 让我们赢得胜利!
[02:44.129] 战斗吧!
[02:46.369] 嘶吼吧!
[02:48.879] 战斗吧!他无法将我击倒
[02:58.679] 相信自己,我相信自己
[03:10.769] 不要害怕
[03:13.060] 我足够强壮
[03:21.359] 我在场上战斗着
[03:27.019] 他唯一想做的是把我击败
[03:30.759] 现在正是全力反击的时刻
[03:37.079] 我将反败为胜!