The Road

The Road

歌名 The Road
歌手 Bewilder
专辑 Bewilder
[00:00.00] 作词 : Bewilder白雾岛
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Bewilder白雾岛
[00:32.90] When I wake up in the smoke
[00:35.94] I saw the man was standing in the storm
[00:40.56] When I walk out the room
[00:43.40] I heard the kids' crying in the war
[00:48.28] So I will be here with you
[00:55.69] We will find the place where're we belong
[01:01.36] Here we ****ing go!
[01:09.03] Here we ****ing go!
[01:36.00] Blood soak
[01:38.90] In my eyes
[01:40.60] The shadow all around my way
[01:45.58] Get up from hospital bed and its
[01:49.34] Still hitting my brain
[01:52.07] I wanna in all of this
[01:56.15] Before my soul crash
[01:58.86] Even cant remember the reason why I get on this way
[02:11.17] I will dry your tears
[02:16.62] Kill your weakness then will make you strong
[02:21.25] You take my home
[02:22.87] My love
[02:23.62] My everything used to have
[02:26.09] And bring the pain to build this ****ing ****
[02:29.92] You shot the bullet into my skin
[02:33.34] I won't bleed cause I'm already dead
[02:38.51] I will be with you
[02:44.50] and stand under the star
[02:48.43] to memory our pledge
[02:55.70] Even though we are on a thorny road , we will still go on
[03:28.42] Cold wind sink my memory
[03:34.12] Is there someone else could set me free
[03:43.72] Escape from the despairing eyes
[03:48.52] Maybe I should make up for lies
[03:53.78] Make up for lies
[03:58.84] Cold wind sink my memory
[04:04.81] Is there someone else could set me free
[04:17.41] End this ****ing war!
[04:35.02] Even though we are on a thorny road
[04:43.14] we will still go on
[04:50.76] Do you remember the man dying in the storm
[04:58.26] Do you remember the kids crying in the war
[05:06.26] But I will be here with you
[05:12.97] We will on the ****ing same old road
[00:32.90] 当我从烟雾中苏醒
[00:35.94] 我看到那个男人站立在风暴的中央
[00:40.56] 当我走出卧室
[00:43.40] 我听到孩子们在战火中痛哭
[00:48.28] 因此我将护你周全于乱世
[00:55.69] 去寻找我们的归宿
[01:01.36] 给我动起来!
[01:09.03] 是时候出发了!
[01:36.00] 我的双眼
[01:38.90] 被血液所浸透
[01:40.60] 这该死的阴影笼罩着前行的方向
[01:45.58] 垂死病中惊坐起
[01:49.34] 它仍在反复的刺痛我的大脑
[01:52.07] 我无法置身于外
[01:56.15] 在我的灵魂消逝殆尽之前
[01:58.86] 我甚至无法回忆起坚持下去的理由
[02:11.17] 我会拭去你的泪水
[02:16.62] 杀死你心中的软弱,去面对这场噩梦
[02:21.25] 你带走了我的归宿
[02:22.87] 我的挚爱
[02:23.62] 我曾经拥有的一切
[02:26.09] 却用你所带来梦魇去修建这人间地狱
[02:29.92] 子弹射进我的皮肤
[02:33.34] 我这个将死之人,不会再留下一滴鲜血
[02:38.51] 我将护你左右与战火之中
[02:44.50] 站在浩瀚星辰之下
[02:48.43] 回忆起我们最初的誓言
[02:55.70] 尽管这条荆棘之路行进艰难,但我们会不顾一切的向前冲去
[03:28.42] 我的记忆在寒风之中慢慢消逝
[03:34.12] 谁能让我从这绝望的地狱之中
[03:43.72] 获得解脱
[03:48.52] 也许是时候为我的谎言付出代价
[03:53.78] 弥补我所带来的恶果
[03:58.84] 我的记忆在寒风中渐行渐远
[04:04.81] 谁能带我从绝望的深渊中逃离
[04:17.41] 去他妈的战争!
[04:35.02] 尽管前路曲折
[04:43.14] 但我们心中的信念坚定不移
[04:50.76] 你还记得站在风暴中央的那个男人吗?
[04:58.26] 你还能记起在战火中痛苦的孩子们吗?
[05:06.26] 但我会永远在你身旁
[05:12.97] 我们仍会走上同样的道路