

歌名 Pg.10
歌手 Lil Loski
专辑 Life Without Heartbreak
[00:20.869] Hey, I was laying down looking up in the ceiling
[00:24.107] She don't even know all the pain I was feelin
[00:26.614] All these open scars with no time for no healin, healin, healin
[00:32.864] All alone but I don't know the meanin
[00:35.605] Sippin on the pain in my cup, now I'm leanin
[00:39.357] Told me you would never go now you leavin, leavin, leavin
[00:43.865][Verse 1]
[00:44.604] You walked out the door for no reason
[00:45.861] Gave you all I had now I'm drownin in the deep end
[00:48.610] I keep waking up just hoping I was dreamin
[00:50.623] If I think about it, it might be a sequence, it might be a sequence
[00:55.118] I don't even know if it's you that I needed
[00:59.115] Even when we talk I feel like we never speakin
[01:03.354] Yeah, I feel like we never speakin
[01:05.605] But I try to tell you I would never lie
[01:07.608] The love I gave you, you denied
[01:11.609] I think about it everytime
[01:14.869] But I try to tell you I would never lie
[01:18.853] The love I gave you, you denied
[01:21.363] I think about it everytime
[01:26.123][Verse 2]
[01:26.622] Oh, I'm missing you and all the things we used to do
[01:30.359] I swear it really hurts to lose
[01:32.357] But I guess it's really nothing new
[01:35.866] I do my pride to decide
[01:38.617] Hopin it open up your eyes
[01:40.616] My love might come in disguise
[01:43.611] But that don't mean you gotta hide
[01:46.612] So tell me what you want from me
[01:49.121] I gave you more than half of me
[01:51.861] Now I'm sittin here beggin on my knees
[01:54.106] Wishin you would just give me the time to plead
[01:58.123]All these wounds I'm seein in your[?]
[02:00.613] I feel this pain is so surreal
[02:02.624] I can't take it no more
[02:06.117] I said I can't take it no more
[02:08.612] But I try to tell you I would never lie
[02:12.107] The love I gave you, you denied
[02:14.614] I think about it everytime
[02:18.616] But I try to tell you I would never lie
[02:23.360] The love I gave you, you denied
[02:26.115] I think about it everytime
[02:30.114] But I try to tell you I would never lie
[02:33.616] The love I gave you, you denied
[02:36.122] I think about it everytime
[02:40.356] But I try to tell you I would never lie
[02:46.114] The love I gave you, you denied
[02:48.128] I think about it everytime
[00:20.869] 嘿,当我夜不能寐看着天花板时
[00:24.107] 她甚至不知道我所感受到的苦楚
[00:26.614] 所有的这些伤疤都没有时间让我去修复
[00:32.864] 孤身一人,但我不知道这代表这什么
[00:35.605] 啜饮杯中的痛苦,现在我离开了
[00:39.357] 曾告诉我你会不离不弃,但你还是走了
[00:44.604] 你就这样无缘无故地离开
[00:45.861] 我付出了所有但现在却坠落深渊
[00:48.610] 时刻保持清醒,希望这只是一个梦
[00:50.623] 在我看来,这不过是电影中的一组分镜头
[00:55.118] 我甚至都不知道是否还需要你的陪伴
[00:59.115] 即使我们交谈,我都没感觉我们在聊天
[01:03.354] 只是强拉话题罢了
[01:05.605] 但我试着告诉你我的真情实意
[01:07.608] 我给你的爱,被你抛弃
[01:11.609] 但我在尽力表达我的真心
[01:14.869] 我给你的爱,被你抛弃
[01:18.853] 我无时无刻不在感伤
[01:26.622] 我很怀念你和与你度过的时光
[01:30.359] 失去你的痛苦有有谁能感同身受?
[01:32.357] 但我想这并不是什么新鲜事
[01:35.866] 我很高兴做出了这个决定
[01:38.617] 希望这也可以使你领悟
[01:40.616] 我的爱可能不是很明显
[01:43.611] 但这并不代表你需要隐藏你的感情
[01:46.612] 坦白吧,你渴望从我这里的到什么
[01:49.121] 我几乎将我自己全都奉献给了你
[01:51.861] 现在我仍卑微的乞求
[01:54.106] 渴望你可以给我点时间来为自己辩护
[01:58.123] 在你身上留下的伤痕
[02:00.613] 我感受到的痛苦如此的不真实
[02:02.624] 我真的无法再承受了
[02:06.117] 真的受不了了
[02:08.612] 但我在尽力表达我的真心
[02:12.107] 我的爱你却视而不见
[02:14.614] 每时每刻都心如刀绞
[02:18.616] 但我在展示着我的忠诚
[02:23.360] 但你却对我置若罔闻
[02:26.115] 每味每刻想着你的所作所为
[02:30.114] 但我试着诉说我的感情
[02:33.616] 你却将它们丢进垃圾堆
[02:36.122] 我无时无刻不在难过
[02:40.356] 我曾毫无保留地给了你所有的爱
[02:46.114] 但你却将我的感情丢弃
[02:48.128] 每时每刻,心在滴血