

歌名 3/26/1994
歌手 Tori Kelly
专辑 Inspired by True Events
[00:00.41] Who wants to pray for us?
[00:02.70] Heavenly Father
[00:03.98] Alright, then
[00:05.39] Dear, Father, uh, today we come to be in this solemn moment.
[00:09.78] It is this precious time and a,
[00:12.79] Uh, momentous time in that we want to give Victoria Loren back to You
[00:19.54] You've been the Creator and You informed her
[00:23.13] And she has grown beautiful, beautifully,
[00:26.22] But today we give her back to You,
[00:28.45] And we ask You to give her a special,
[00:33.14] Uh, upbringing, oh, Lord.
[00:35.91] May she come out to be a jewel for You,
[00:39.50] Oh, Lord. May she shine and grow in health and strength,
[00:43.68] Be a blessing to her parents, and a blessing to You,
[00:48.68] Most of all. Lord, use her as Your will be.
[00:53.23] Let Your grace shine on her.
[00:55.28] And let Your mercy be ever, uh, present.
[00:59.61] We pray in Jesus' name. Amen
[01:03.02] You gonna be blessed
[01:08.62] That's right
[01:09.62] You already taken care of, girl
[01:15.80] Yeah alright
[00:00.41] 谁想为我们祷告?
[00:02.70] 天父
[00:03.98] 好吧,那么
[00:05.39] 亲爱的,天父,额,今日我们齐聚于这隆重的时刻。
[00:09.78] 正是这宝贵的时间以及一个,
[00:12.79] 额,重要的时间里,我们要将Victoria Loren(Tori Kelly的原名)归还于你
[00:19.54] 你是那造物主,而你将告知她
[00:23.13] 她很好地成长得很美好,
[00:26.22] 但今天我们将她归还于你,
[00:28.45] 我们向你祈求给予她一个特殊的,
[00:33.14] 额,抚育,噢,主啊。
[00:35.91] 愿她成为你的珍宝,
[00:39.50] 噢,主啊。愿她闪耀,健康茁壮的成长,
[00:43.68] 愿她带上父母的祝福,也获得你的祝福,
[00:48.68] 最重要的是 主啊,照你的旨意指引她吧
[00:53.23] 愿你的恩典照耀她。
[00:55.28] 愿你的仁慈永远,额,存在。
[00:59.61] 我们奉耶稣之名祷告。阿门。
[01:03.02] 你会被祝福的
[01:08.62] 是的
[01:09.62] 你会被照看的了,姑娘
[01:15.80] 是的没错