

歌名 Actress
歌手 Tori Kelly
专辑 Inspired by True Events
[00:09.99] She don't smile too much
[00:12.76] But when she does it's just enough to make you smile back
[00:20.58] She don't cry too much
[00:23.22] But when she does it's just enough to make you feel bad
[00:31.26] She got dreams to be seen on screens by everyone
[00:36.34] But underneath truly just wants to be known by anyone
[00:41.58] She's in the fast lane
[00:43.55] Making big waves so there's no time for her heart
[00:47.62] Can't slow down now
[00:51.52] She said it's easier to be an actress
[00:54.02] Call me insane or call me an addict
[00:56.51] But like champagne when it touches my lips
[00:59.13] I can choose who I wanna be
[01:02.73] Yeah it's easier to be an actress
[01:04.58] Fresh tear stains are found on the mattress
[01:07.13] Hide my pain I can never admit
[01:10.47] That I'm sick of all this
[01:12.16] But nuh-uh it's easier to be an actress
[01:17.16] Yeah
[01:19.46] Oh-whoa
[01:24.65] She don't fall in love
[01:27.19] 'Cause that would mean gotta let 'em see behind the mask oh
[01:35.20] And she don't know enough
[01:37.87] About how beautiful
[01:39.63] She is without all the magic tricks that she's hiding
[01:45.88] And she got dreams to be seen on screens by everyone
[01:51.14] But underneath truly
[01:53.07] Just wants to be close to anyone
[01:56.25] But you gotta fake it 'til you make it
[01:59.39] So there's no time to be real
[02:01.96] Can't slow down now
[02:06.29] She said it's easier to be an actress
[02:08.73] Call me insane or call me an addict
[02:11.15] But like champagne when it touches my lips
[02:13.76] And I can choose who I wanna be
[02:17.38] Yeah it's easier to be an actress
[02:19.31] Fresh tear stains are found on the mattress
[02:21.80] Hide my pain I can never admit
[02:25.16] That I'm sick of all this
[02:27.09] But nuh-uh it's easier to be an actress
[02:31.77] Yeah oh
[02:37.64] Nuh-uh it's easier to be an actress
[02:42.46] Oh yeah
[02:47.73] It's easier mmm
[00:09.99] 她不怎么笑
[00:12.76] 但她笑起来时 你也会不禁报以微笑
[00:20.58] 她不怎么哭
[00:23.22] 但她哭泣之时 你也会不禁感到悲伤
[00:31.26] 她梦想着能在荧幕上被所有人看到
[00:36.34] 但掩藏在表面下的却是她渴望被人认识的心
[00:41.58] 她正快速前进
[00:43.55] 掀起巨浪 也因此就无暇再顾及她的心
[00:47.62] 已经无法慢下脚步了
[00:51.52] 她说当个演员更容易啊
[00:54.02] 说我疯了或说我上瘾都好
[00:56.51] 但就像香槟触及双唇的感觉
[00:59.13] 我能自由选择自己要成为谁
[01:02.73] 对 其实做个演员更轻松
[01:04.58] 留在床垫上的新鲜泪痕
[01:07.13] 掩藏起我不可能承认的痛苦
[01:10.47] 其实我厌恶这一切啊
[01:12.16] 但不啊 还是当个演员更容易
[01:24.65] 她不陷入爱情
[01:27.19] 因为那意味着要让别人见到面具伪装下的她
[01:35.20] 她也还不够了解
[01:37.87] 不清楚自己有多漂亮
[01:39.63] 她有多美 如果把她藏着的魔法把戏全都消去
[01:45.88] 她梦想着能在荧幕上被所有人看到
[01:51.14] 但掩藏在表面下的
[01:53.07] 却是她渴望被人认识的心
[01:56.25] 但你只能一直假装着 直到真的成功
[01:59.39] 所以就没有时间做真实的自己了
[02:01.96] 已经无法慢下脚步了
[02:06.29] 她说当个演员更容易啊
[02:08.73] 说我疯了或说我上瘾都好
[02:11.15] 但就像香槟触及双唇的感觉
[02:13.76] 我能自由选择自己要成为谁
[02:17.38] 对 其实做个演员更轻松
[02:19.31] 留在床垫上的新鲜泪痕
[02:21.80] 掩藏起我不可能承认的痛苦
[02:25.16] 其实我厌恶这一切啊
[02:27.09] 但不啊 还是当个演员更容易
[02:37.64] 不啊 还是当个演员更轻松
[02:47.73] 这样更安逸 嗯