

歌名 拖延症procrastination
歌手 AKA关仁
歌手 $hane
歌手 T!ANA
专辑 为了做后期我们花了600
[00:00.000] 作词 : 关仁Side-Effect/knowmerock/T!ANA
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 关仁Side-Effect/knowmerock/T!ANA
[00:20.684] Mix by $CC731
[00:21.934] Produce by Young Taylor
[00:23.436] 我不着急属于我的未来
[00:25.934] 失去的一切我会take back
[00:28.934] get off of mymind 全都推开
[00:31.937] 尽管有些慢但总会来
[00:39.624] Im going hard
[00:40.375] Im going far
[00:46.628] Ay 我们chilling 我们拖延
[00:49.623] 人际关系对我只是“一别多年”
[00:52.623] ay 我不觉得这很可怜
[00:55.375] 习惯生活总是很多变 but
[00:59.124] but IDGAF——
[01:01.876] 我不快刀斩乱麻
[01:03.625] 一点一点把 问题简单化
[01:06.624] we can make dat guap
[01:08.128] young boi never rush
[01:09.625] 他们不懂不理解 看不清我的一切
[01:12.625] who can be my bruh
[01:15.374] 有时感觉就像lil tjay
[01:18.377] I aint chasing same thing
[01:19.874] 特立独行
[01:20.127] 太多东西都差不多 我分不清
[01:21.125] they see me crusing
[01:22.625] 我很小心
[01:24.126] 满天繁星 但我为何crush on you
[01:28.625] 当你想走他想留
[01:31.377] 我会向前不回头
[01:33.374] Take back get out my mind
[01:38.128] Yeah we going Going hard
[01:40.876] Yeah we Going far
[01:43.378] Yayayaya relax
[01:45.625] Don care about other people said
[01:47.126] Use the lyrics show them we are flexing flexing Flexing
[01:50.128] We just gonna take our time
[01:51.376] Make all things become to mine
[01:52.875] Man we are director Run this game not player
[01:55.876] 就当做我还是在散德行
[01:58.626] Yeah come on girl I know im not ur type
[02:01.625] Oh maybe im gonna stop pretending
[02:07.626] It’s a lot to take in, no god just let me
[02:10.378] Let me be who I wanna be
[02:13.125] Fking girls like im ICE T
[02:14.880] And wearing Jordan on my feet
[02:16.125] I don’t know what im up to
[02:18.125] Making myself a fool
[02:19.127] I wanna be the one where they cant judge me
[02:22.378] Making those money
[02:24.878] Like Tony Montana
[02:27.879] 这样我才worth you
[02:30.630] 又花了20块钱买利群
[02:32.376] 却不好意思说我中意您
[02:33.876] 就假装我是在劫富济贫
[02:35.128] 女粉丝只出现在网易云
[02:36.876] Yeah 凌晨三点的工体打不着 车
[02:40.380] 所以我只能回去坐下接着喝
[02:43.127] Take back get out my mind
[02:47.879] Yeah we going Going hard
[02:50.878] Yeah we Going far
[02:53.379] Yayayaya relax
[02:55.126] Don care about other people said
[02:56.878] Use the lyrics show them we are flexing flexing Flexing
[02:58.130] We just gonna take our time
[03:01.378] Make all things become to mine
[03:02.881] Man we are director Run this game not player
[03:05.626] we are still young
[03:06.377] feeling rush now
[03:07.127] things are many
[03:07.877] pressure can't tell
[03:08.626] 期待着明天就一定会好
[03:09.876] 睡完一觉便会忘记烦恼
[03:11.379] 既是把所有的药片放进嘴里
[03:13.381] 焦虑还在围绕
[03:14.631] 一切该发生的let it go
[03:16.128] 自然急不了
[03:17.381] 肩上的重任越多
[03:19.377] We got problems
[03:21.380] Hundred to thousand
[03:22.628] Yeah we solve them
[03:24.128] We got lot of to looking forward
[03:25.381] sinking into our vibe slow motion
[03:28.377] Take me to the utopia
[03:30.128] time can let us To the paradise
[03:31.881] Trouble never stop
[03:34.130] So we just kill them one by one
[03:34.630] Can’t we chilling and chilling
[03:35.877] no need know who Pain killer
[03:37.881] growing n growing
[03:38.878] But I just want be a children
[03:40.880] Chasing want I want
[03:41.628] 寻找我想要的东西
[03:42.632] 把行囊装上 为何要懂事 为何要成长
[03:45.130] 命运会主导 一切的事情 没事没达到期望 眼看着 马上就要天亮
[03:46.377] 焦虑着仍然没有睡着 其实不用这样 总有一天我在天空中 翱翔
[00:39.624] 用力了嗷
[00:40.375] 渐行渐远
[00:59.124] 但是我不管这些
[01:06.624] 我们可以发家致富
[01:08.128] 靓仔从不着急
[01:12.625] 谁能做我的兄弟
[01:18.377] 我追求的东西不一样
[01:21.125] 他们看到我开个小车兜风
[01:33.374] 所有顾虑都消失
[01:38.128] 我们竭尽全力
[01:40.876] 我们渐行渐远
[01:43.378] 放松就好
[01:45.625] 别在乎他人的评价
[01:47.126] 用歌词告诉他们我们超酷
[01:50.128] 我们享用我们的时间
[01:51.376] 想要的会变成我所拥有的
[01:52.875] 我们会掌控这个游戏
[01:58.626] 得了吧女孩你知道我不是你的菜
[02:01.625] 但是也许我会不再假装
[02:07.626] 这不太好接受 所以老天请让我
[02:10.378] 让我成为我想成为的
[02:13.125] 想ICE T一样酷
[02:14.880] 穿着乔丹的鞋
[02:16.125] 我不知道我要做啥
[02:18.125] 让我自己出了丑
[02:19.127] 我想要成为那个他们无法评价的人
[02:22.378] 赚些钱
[02:24.878] 像是托尼蒙塔娜
[02:43.127] 所有顾虑都消失
[02:47.879] 我们竭尽全力
[02:50.878] 我们渐行渐远
[02:53.379] 放松就好
[02:55.126] 别在乎他人的评价
[02:56.878] 用歌词告诉他们我们超酷
[02:58.130] 我们享用我们的时间
[03:01.378] 想要的会变成我所拥有的
[03:02.881] 我们会掌控这个游戏
[03:05.626] 我门还年轻
[03:06.377] 却总是着急
[03:07.127] 事情太多辽
[03:07.877] 老铁我太难了
[03:19.377] 我们总有些问题
[03:21.380] 成百上千个
[03:22.628] 我们会解决掉它们
[03:24.128] 我们还要狠多去期待的
[03:25.381] 快沉浸在我的音乐中
[03:28.377] 带我去乌托邦
[03:30.128] 时间却带我去了伊甸园
[03:31.881] 麻烦总不会消失
[03:34.130] 所以迎难而上吧
[03:34.630] 享受时间
[03:35.877] 不需要去找那个特别的人
[03:37.881] 一直在成长噢
[03:38.878] 我只想做一个孩子
[03:40.880] 追寻我想要的