Revive the Soul

Revive the Soul

歌名 Revive the Soul
歌手 Florence McNair
歌手 工藤和馬
歌手 吉田真理
[00:00.00] Revive The Soul
[00:02.02] Composed by Kensuke Inage
[00:05.01] Lyrics by Mari Yosida
[00:07.20] Vocals by Florence McNair
[00:13.41] Even if I'm in a time of sorrow
[00:18.01] I swear I won't tell a lie to myself
[00:26.13] Even if it's a time of loneliness
[00:31.41] I look in my heart and search for wisdom
[00:39.97] I will never give up on my dream
[00:42.93] Whatever it takes
[00:45.54] I am from the Land of the Rising Sun
[00:52.46] I never lose my way
[00:55.87] And give in to weakness
[00:59.24] Keep on running with the Samurai Soul
[01:05.69] Just doing what I do
[01:09.09] I can win the fight to death
[01:12.62] Without fail
[01:15.83] Like an Ashura
[01:17.47] Revive the Soul
[01:45.87] Always, I felt anxiety
[01:50.80] While I was wandering in the darkness
[01:59.09] Always, I was struggling
[02:03.86] While tears of regret welled up in my eyes
[02:12.60] Closed my eyes and asked in my mind
[02:15.91] "Where is my light?"
[02:18.30] "You are from the Land of the Rising Sun"
[02:25.41] It's there in your Bushido"
[02:28.55] "Believe in yourself"
[02:31.81] Someone spoke to me, like thunder from the sky
[02:38.18] The spirit of Katana
[02:41.31] I will be stronger now
[02:45.04] And rise to the top
[02:48.04] Like a phoenix
[02:50.69] Revive the Soul
[03:18.11] I never lose my way
[03:21.59] And give in to weakness
[03:24.85] Keep on running with the Samurai Soul
[03:31.67] Just doing what I do
[03:34.51] I can win the fight to death
[03:38.30] Without fail
[03:41.33] Like an Ashura
[03:44.89] "It's there in your Bushido"
[03:47.97] "Believe in yourself"
[03:51.41] Someone spoke to me, like thunder from the sky
[03:57.85] The spirit of Katana
[04:00.91] I will be stronger now
[04:04.59] And rise to the top
[04:07.95] Like a phoenix
[04:10.05] Revive the Soul
[00:00.00] Revive The Soul
[00:02.02] Composed by Kensuke Inage
[00:05.01] Lyrics by Mari Yosida
[00:07.20] Vocals by Florence McNair
[00:13.41] 即便我身肩郁苦悲怆
[00:18.01] 我誓时刻坦诚于己
[00:26.13] 即便我身处寂寞孤独
[00:31.41] 我也会遵循心之所向探寻真知
[00:39.97] 我永不会背弃自己的梦想
[00:42.93] 无论发生什么
[00:45.54] 我从灿然升起的旭日那端前来
[00:52.46] 我从不会失去自己的方向
[00:55.87] 而向软弱所妥协
[00:59.24] 我将怀揣武士之魂继续前行
[01:05.69] 去做我该做的事
[01:09.09] 我会赢下同死亡的博弈
[01:12.62] 不留下一丝的伤败
[01:15.83] 就如阿修罗一般
[01:17.47] 让灵魂二度复苏
[01:45.87] 我也曾备受焦虑
[01:50.80] 当我不知所措地在黑暗中徘徊
[01:59.09] 我也曾时时挣扎
[02:03.86] 当我双眼淌出悔恨的泪水
[02:12.60] 蒙上眼睛向自己发问
[02:15.91] “究竟何处才会有属于我的光明?”
[02:18.30] “你从灿然升起的旭日那端而来”
[02:25.41] “那便存在于你的武士道里”
[02:28.55] “要相信自己”
[02:31.81] 有人曾像落雷一般将那嘱托与我
[02:38.18] 藉由那刀剑之魂
[02:41.31] 让我变得更加强大
[02:45.04] 直到到达顶点
[02:48.04] 像凤凰那样
[02:50.69] 让灵魂二度复苏
[03:18.11] 我从不会失去自己的方向
[03:21.59] 而向软弱所妥协
[03:24.85] 我将怀揣武士之魂继续前行
[03:31.67] 去做我该做的事
[03:34.51] 我会赢下同死亡的博弈
[03:38.30] 不留下一丝的伤败
[03:41.33] 就如阿修罗一般
[03:44.89] "那便存在于你的武士道里"
[03:47.97] "要相信自己"
[03:51.41] 有人曾像落雷一般将那嘱托与我
[03:57.85] 藉由那刀剑之魂
[04:00.91] 让我变得更加强大
[04:04.59] 直到到达顶点
[04:07.95] 像凤凰那样
[04:10.05] 让灵魂二度复苏