When I'm 150%

When I'm 150%

歌名 When I'm 150%
专辑 Life Before Sunrise
[00:00.000] 作词 : TozziyTheHellBoy
[00:01.000] 作曲 : TozziyTheHellBoy
[00:16.700] Oh I ain't a member of this world
[00:25.450] Oh i ain't a member of this world
[00:32.700] If I didn't start doing this kind of thing maybe I can be a writer
[00:41.200] I will write some sad type fairy tale **** So I can torture people
[00:49.701] Some time I got Anderson in my mind But i found it's a dark one
[00:57.950] Looking at sky let time goes fast I feel I'm nothin'
[01:06.950] I got no way back
[01:08.953] I got nothing left
[01:10.950] I'm too hurry to step on this round i have no time to take a backpack
[01:15.202] Why they have to gone
[01:17.450] They do nothing worry
[01:19.451] Aye peep x tell me which car pick you up I also wanna get on
[01:23.700] Cause I'm thinking about
[01:24.700] Oh I ain't a member of this world
[01:33.204] Oh i ain't a member of this world
[01:42.454] When I'm 150% I'm progress
[01:44.202] I can see my next life I mean perhaps
[01:45.950] People can't get love so they revenge
[01:47.951] Hospital stay not my final project
[01:50.200] They love see number more than what you did
[01:52.451] You don't even know me why you judge me
[01:54.452] Maybe you were my boy but you dead to me
[01:56.954] I can on my own f friendship
[01:58.450] Oh feeling like ride jet ski
[02:00.450] Where am I supposed to be
[02:02.202] Glance at my bag
[02:03.201] My money they were red now why they turn to green
[02:06.451] Tozziycold that's my favorite old tag
[02:08.704] I promise you can go take a new track
[02:10.700] new track to fighting for old me and new friend
[02:12.953] New friend who can make you get some new grand
[02:15.450] I said
[02:16.450] Oh I ain't a member of this world
[02:23.950] Oh i ain't a member of this world
[00:16.700] (我不是这个世界的人)
[00:25.450] (我不是这个世界的人)
[00:32.700] (如果我没有做音乐我可能会当个作家)
[00:41.200] (我会写一些黑暗童话故事来折磨人类)
[00:49.701] (我感觉我的身体里有一个安徒生,但是是黑暗类的)
[00:57.950] (看着天空时间飞快流逝我感觉我什么都不是)
[01:06.950] (我没有退路了)
[01:08.953] (我什么也不剩了)
[01:10.950] (太匆忙踏上这条路都没时间带上背包)
[01:15.202] (为什么他们非得走)
[01:17.450] (他们做错什么了?)
[01:19.451] (peep x 你们上了哪辆车,我也想上)
[01:23.700] (因为我觉得)
[01:24.700] (我不是这个世界的人)
[01:33.204] (我不是这个世界的人)
[01:42.454] (当我突破自我以后)
[01:44.202] (我有可能能看到我的下辈子)
[01:45.950] (人们得不到爱所以选择复仇)
[01:47.951] (我人生的最后一件事不是在医院等死)
[01:50.200] (比起你做的歌他们更喜欢看那些数据)
[01:52.451] (你都不认识为什么你要评价我?)
[01:54.452] (也许你以前是我的兄弟但现在已经不是了)
[01:56.954] (F友谊,我自己就可以)
[01:58.450] (感觉想坐水上摩托艇一样)
[02:00.450] (不知道自己应该在哪里)
[02:02.202] (来看一眼我的包)
[02:03.201] (以前装的是红色/rmb,现在变成绿色了/美元)
[02:06.451] (tozziycold是我最喜欢的老标配)
[02:08.704] (你肯定可以找到一条新路的)
[02:10.700] (一条可以为过去的我和新朋友奋斗的路)
[02:12.953] (得到一些可以让你赚新钱的新朋友)
[02:15.450] (因为我说)
[02:16.450] (我不是这个世界的人)
[02:23.950] (我不是这个世界的人)