Conversations with Myself

Conversations with Myself

歌名 Conversations with Myself
歌手 Bazzi
专辑 Soul Searching
[00:01.39] Sometimes I wonder why I'm even here
[00:04.01] Or if I have the strength to persevere
[00:06.67] Sometimes I feel like I’m somebody else
[00:08.92] Who's going mental with they mental health
[00:11.54] Sometimes I wonder if I'll die alone
[00:14.11] ’Cause lonely people tend to have lonely souls
[00:16.60] Sometimes I think about a younger me
[00:18.99] If he'd be proud of the man he sees
[00:21.44] I guess I'm rich, I made it out my town
[00:23.83] I played in from of thousands, you know I shut it down
[00:26.13] Look, little Bazzi, I'm living out our dreams
[00:28.76] Mama cry every time we on the TV
[00:31.38] Got a fancy car, we got a fancy crib
[00:33.94] And you couldn't even dream of the girl that you with
[00:36.51] Remember all your idols and the people that we love
[00:38.89] I met 'em at a party, we was all doin' drugs
[00:41.68] Was all doin'
[00:42.48] Jesus
[00:44.29] I think I need, I think I need some
[00:47.56] Jesus
[00:49.10] Rich enough and sad as ****
[00:52.18] I’m lonely
[00:54.05] Oh, I am, I am, I am
[00:56.64] I’m so lonely
[00:59.12] I'm the man, I guess I am
[01:01.74] But I’m still
[01:04.72] What's funny is, is
[01:07.04] My whole life I thought making money
[01:09.65] And being praise would give me some kind of happiness
[01:13.86] And I wanted those things because I was concerned About
[01:17.67] What everyone else thought of me
[01:18.99] I wanted to feel loved, I wanted to feel accepted
[01:21.31] And then I realized that I could never feel anybody's pain
[01:24.72] Or their happiness
[01:26.11] I could only feel mine
[01:27.36] In the car, in the house
[01:29.41] And the fame never made me feel anything except separated,
[01:33.23] Intoxicated, and obviously kinda grossed
[01:36.62] Don't get me wrong, nice things are fun,
[01:39.21] I like nice things
[01:40.20] But you just can’t base your human value on them
[01:42.93] Because at the end of the day, they don't mean anything
[01:45.72] If I'm not happy, I'm a sad guy in a nice guy
[01:49.18] If I don't have any real friends or family,
[01:52.66] I'm just a lonely guy in a big home, damn
[00:01.39] 有时我想知道为什么我会能在这里
[00:04.01] 还是是否我有足够的力量坚持下去
[00:06.67] 有时候我觉得自己不是自己
[00:08.92] 谁会因为心理健康而变得精神错乱
[00:11.54] 有时我想知道我是否会孤独地死去
[00:14.11] 因为孤独的人往往有孤独的灵魂
[00:16.60] 有时候我会想到一个年轻的我
[00:18.99] 是否他能为现在的他感到骄傲
[00:21.44] 我认为我很有钱,决定离开家乡
[00:23.83] 我参加过成千上万的比赛,但我选择关闭了它
[00:26.13] 听着,小巴兹,我实现了我们的梦想
[00:28.76] 妈妈每次看到我们上电视都会哭
[00:31.38] 我们有辆豪华车,和漂亮的婴儿床
[00:33.94] 但你甚至不能梦到和你在一起的那个女孩
[00:36.51] 记住你所有的偶像和我们所爱的人
[00:38.89] 我在派对上见过他们,都在吸着**
[00:41.68] 都在做
[00:42.48] 祈祷
[00:44.29] 我想我需要,我需要一些
[00:47.56] 力量
[00:49.10] 就算再多的钱也无法认我高兴
[00:52.18] 我很孤独
[00:54.05] 哦,我啊
[00:56.64] 我是如此的寂寞
[00:59.12] 我还是我吗,可能是吧
[01:01.74] 但我还是和以前一样
[01:04.72] 有趣的是
[01:07.04] 我一生都在想赚钱
[01:09.65] 等到表扬会给我带来这种快乐
[01:13.86] 我想要那些东西是因为我就是想要
[01:17.67] 不管其他人怎么看我
[01:18.99] 我只想要被爱,被接受
[01:21.31] 然后我意识到我无法感受到任何人的痛苦
[01:24.72] 或者他们的快乐
[01:26.11] 我只能感觉到我自己
[01:27.36] 在车里,在房子中
[01:29.41] 这种名誉只让我感到孤独
[01:33.23] 沉醉于酒精中,让我有点恶心
[01:36.62] 别误会,美好的事物很有趣
[01:39.21] 我喜欢美好的事物
[01:40.20] 但你不能把你的人类价值建立在他们的基础上
[01:42.93] 因为在一天结束的时候,他们没有任何意义
[01:45.72] 如果我不高兴,我就是一个在美好中的一个悲伤的人
[01:49.18] 如果我没有真正的朋友或者家人
[01:52.66] 我只是一个在大家庭里孤独的人