专辑 Life Before Sunrise
[00:00.000] 作词 : TozziyTheHellBoy
[00:01.000] 作曲 : TozziyTheHellBoy
[00:38.192] Well I'm such a sad song Repeat every day
[00:42.191] Just listen to me with nothing to say
[00:45.192] You better ready to take off Ima show you a thing
[00:48.443] People love to break heart but never know how to fix
[00:51.690] So I call them all EMOBOI
[00:54.690] Wherever they pull up no one by them side
[00:58.193] Just drowning in the tear every night
[01:01.443] I’m also one of them but never cry
[01:04.440] Stop tryna teach me with da bullshxt
[01:06.939] I really don’t need that
[01:08.691] My mind is like on a jet With window all black
[01:11.942] No one says a goddamn Word that I can understand
[01:15.192] Don’t know where I at Don’t know when will be back
[01:19.689] God do I have to wake up?
[01:22.693] i love the place where is so dark
[01:25.943] How much faith is left I forgot
[01:29.689] But I know in god I trust
[00:38.192] (我就是一首每天循环的悲伤的歌)
[00:42.191] (好好听我唱什么也别说)
[00:45.192] (你最好准备好起飞我要给你看样东西)
[00:48.443] (人们喜欢心碎但从不知道怎么去修复)
[00:51.690] (所以我称他们为Emo boy)
[00:54.690] (不管他们在哪出现都是一个人)
[00:58.193] (每晚都被淹没在眼泪里)
[01:01.443] (我也是他们中的一员,但我从来不哭)
[01:04.440] (不要再想用你的废话来教我)
[01:06.939] (我根本不需要)
[01:08.691] (我的思维像是在一架玻璃全黑的飞机上)
[01:11.942] (他们说的话我一个字都听不懂)
[01:15.192] (不知道我在哪也不知道什么时候能回来)
[01:19.689] (God, 我一定要醒来吗?)
[01:22.693] (我喜欢很黑的地方)
[01:25.943] (已经不记得还有多少信念残留)
[01:29.689] (但我知道我相信god)