

歌名 Run
歌手 Favours!
专辑 Everything Comes Full Circle
[00:00.00] 作词 : Favours!
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Favours!
[00:29.60] I can't stand conceit
[00:31.11] But I find you talking shits
[00:32.93] People often tell you what is right
[00:35.20] Before they think about
[00:36.88] I live in this city
[00:38.51] But the city dislike me
[00:40.61] They always judge you with affairs
[00:42.38] Even you can barely tell
[00:44.27] We often dream too much
[00:46.17] Instead of figuring out
[00:47.97] Procrastination kills you slow
[00:49.80] Better lace up the shoes and go
[00:51.66] I run away from the crowd
[00:53.52] I run for what I want
[00:55.33] I keep running fast so that
[00:57.34] I can be more strong
[00:59.60] I can't stand the loneliness
[01:00.93] Sometimes you need to feel
[01:02.75] It doesn't mean retreatism
[01:04.57] Cause you'll return in triumph
[01:06.50] I run away from the crowd
[01:08.31] I run for what I want
[01:10.18] I keep running fast so that
[01:12.15] I can be more strong
[02:12.92] I can't stand conceit
[02:14.49] But I find you talking shits
[02:16.28] People often tell you what is right
[02:18.40] Before they think about
[02:20.19] I live in this city
[02:21.90] But the city dislike me
[02:23.92] They always judge you with affairs
[02:25.77] Even you can barely tell
[02:27.64] We often dream too much
[02:29.51] Instead of figuring out
[02:31.36] Procrastination kills you slow
[02:33.13] Better lace up the shoes and go
[02:35.60] I run away from the crowd
[02:36.86] I run for what I want
[02:38.73] I keep running fast so that
[02:40.72] I can be more strong
[02:41.64] Try my way, my way
[02:48.44] Try my way, my way
[02:56.44] Try my way, my way
[03:02.98] Try my way, my way
[03:11.96] I can't stand conceit
[03:13.55] But I find you talking shits
[03:15.40] People often tell you what is right
[03:17.51] Before they think about
[03:19.36] I live in this city
[03:20.91] But the city dislike me
[03:23.20] They always judge you with affairs
[03:24.82] Even you can barely tell
[03:26.70] We often dream too much
[03:28.55] Instead of figuring out
[03:30.37] Procrastination kills you slow
[03:32.29] Better lace up the shoes and go
[03:34.10] I run away from the crowd
[03:35.99] I run for what I want
[03:37.81] I keep running fast so that
[03:39.82] I can be more strong
[03:40.79] Try my way, my way
[03:47.15] Try my way, my way
[03:56.37] I can't stand the loneliness
[03:58.18] Sometimes you need to feel
[04:00.20] It doesn't mean retreatism
[04:01.79] Cause you'll return in triumph
[04:03.70] I run away from the crowd
[04:05.53] I run for what I want
[04:07.34] I keep running fast so that
[04:09.37] I can be more strong
[00:29.60][02:12.92][03:11.96] (我受不了自命不凡的人)
[00:31.11][02:14.49][03:13.55] (但我发现你就是)
[00:32.93][02:16.28][03:15.40] (人们总是告诉你什么是对错)
[00:35.20][02:18.40][03:17.51] (然而这是他们的信口开河)
[00:36.88][02:20.19][03:19.36] (我生活在这座城市)
[00:38.51][02:21.90][03:20.91] (但这里并不欢迎我)
[00:40.61][02:23.92][03:23.20] (人们总是窥探你的部分私事以此来评判你的为人)
[00:42.38][02:25.77][03:24.82] (以至于众口铄金)
[00:44.27][02:27.64][03:26.70] (我们总是幻想太多)
[00:46.17][02:29.51][03:28.55] (却不去付诸实际)
[00:47.97][02:31.36][03:30.37] (拖延症将毁掉你)
[00:49.80][02:33.13][03:32.29] (最好赶紧整装待发)
[00:51.66][02:35.60][03:34.10][04:03.70] (我跑开人群)
[00:53.52][02:36.86][03:35.99][04:05.53] (去往心之所想)
[00:55.33][02:38.73][03:37.81][04:07.34] (我快速地奔跑)
[00:57.34][02:40.72][03:39.82][04:09.37] (这样我能更加坚强)
[00:59.60][03:56.37] (我受不了孤独)
[01:00.93][03:58.18] (但有时候你需要去感受它)
[01:02.75][04:00.20] (这并不是逃避主义)
[01:04.57][04:01.79] (因为你会凯旋归来)
[01:06.50] (我跑开人群)
[01:08.31] (去往心之所想)
[01:10.18] (我快速地奔跑)
[01:12.15] (这样我能更加坚强)