Days of My Past

Days of My Past

歌名 Days of My Past
歌手 贵族乐团
专辑 唱流行歌学英语(台湾70~90年代畅销精选)3
[00:00.95] Written by:罗大佑
[00:11.68] I recall when I was young oh
[00:15.00] I will play and always having fun
[00:19.65] With the neighbor next to me
[00:22.15] And we'll play until the setting sun
[00:26.83] Try to be the best among the others
[00:30.13] In a game call the spider battle
[00:34.83] It doesn't matter who is the best now
[00:38.57] Those were the days of my past
[00:45.05] Few years later when I got to school
[00:47.71] And was late for lesson all the time
[00:52.70] Always day dreaming in the class till
[00:55.78] I don't even know the lesson's done
[01:00.20] Then my teacher always tell
[01:02.32] Me never ever be lazy again
[01:08.02] What can I do now
[01:09.84] What can I say now
[01:11.83] Those the days of my past
[01:18.56] As the days go on and on
[01:20.98] I grew up and had my first love
[01:26.06] Candle light and sandy beach
[01:28.84] Finally give away my first kiss
[01:33.54] Mother said I was too young to
[01:36.15] Fall in love and then I will one day regret
[01:41.26] So love was over but I do miss her
[01:45.17] Those were the days of my past
[02:25.16] Just when I left my high school and
[02:27.75] Got my first job in a salesman
[02:32.71] Working hard all day and night
[02:35.53] No one there to lend a helping hand
[02:40.16] Daddy told me not to worry
[02:42.90] And said that I should go on step by step
[02:48.06] What can I say now what can
[02:50.56] I do now those were the days of my past
[02:58.33] Then once day I settled down
[03:01.29] With the only one I really love
[03:06.19] Got a small family with two kids
[03:09.10] That is what I'm always hoping for
[03:13.39] But I still remember having fun with all my friends
[03:17.82] When I was young
[03:21.24] I miss my home town
[03:23.12] I miss my old friends
[03:25.13] Those were the days of my past
[03:28.53] Oh I miss my home town
[03:30.99] I miss my old friends
[03:33.02] When will I see them again
[00:00.95] 原唱:罗大佑
[00:11.68] 我想起我小的时候,哦
[00:15.00] 那时,我玩的总是很开心
[00:19.65] 和我的邻居一起
[00:22.15] 我们一直玩到夕阳西下
[00:26.83] 尝试成为我们中最棒的那个
[00:30.13] 在蜘蛛大战的游戏里
[00:34.83] 现在,谁是最好的已经无关紧要
[00:38.57] 这些都是我的童年
[00:45.05] 几年后,当我去上学时
[00:47.71] 我总是迟到
[00:52.70] 成天上课睡觉
[00:55.78] 甚至都不知道已经下课了
[01:00.20] 那时候老师总是告诉我
[01:02.32] 不要再懒惰了
[01:08.02] 如今,我该怎么办呢?
[01:09.84] 我又能说些什么呢?
[01:11.83] 这些都是我的童年
[01:18.56] 随着日子一天天的过去
[01:20.98] 我长大了并且拥有了初恋
[01:26.06] 烛光下沙滩旁
[01:28.84] 终于把初吻献上
[01:33.54] 妈妈说我还太年轻
[01:36.15] 坠入爱河然后迟早有一天会后悔
[01:41.26] 所以爱情结束了但我仍思念她
[01:45.17] 这都是我逝去的时光
[02:25.16] 当我高中毕业了
[02:27.75] 拿到了第一份销售员的工作
[02:32.71] 日日夜夜地努力工作
[02:35.53] 那里没有一个人能给我帮助
[02:40.16] 爸爸告诉我不要担心
[02:42.90] 应该一步一步来
[02:48.06] 如今,我能说什么又能做什么呢
[02:50.56] 那些都是我逝去的时光
[02:58.33] 直到有一天我定居下来了
[03:01.29] 和我唯一的真爱生活在一起
[03:06.19] 拥有了一个小家庭和两个小孩
[03:09.10] 这正是我一直期盼的生活
[03:13.39] 但我依然记得与伙伴们的快乐时光
[03:17.82] 当我年轻的时候
[03:21.24] 我想念家乡
[03:23.12] 我思念旧友
[03:25.13] 这些都是我逝去的时光
[03:28.53] 哦~我想念家乡
[03:30.99] 我思念旧友
[03:33.02] 我什么时候才能再见他们