Days Of Dust

Days Of Dust

歌名 Days Of Dust
歌手 Molly Nilsson
专辑 2020
[00:26.475] If it's over now , maybe now i'm finally free
[00:32.718] If it's over now , maybe now it's letting me be
[00:39.092] Marie Curie don't believe in text book tragedy
[00:45.518] I stepped on the lawn of some forbidden dawn and declared myself so free
[00:50.769] In the days of dust , I'm falling
[00:54.504] just like it's all over now
[00:57.639] Days of dust , night calling
[01:00.878] just Iike it's all over now
[01:05.998] Nothings what l'd expect to be
[01:09.603] If l just wasted time
[01:12.268] At least while I had it
[01:13.365] Was mine
[01:16.917] If it's over now
[01:19.164] If it's over now
[01:23.213] If it's over now
[01:25.486] If it's over now
[01:29.482] If it's over now
[01:31.833] If it's over now
[01:35.752] If it's over now
[01:38.181] If it's over now
[01:43.980] 1 2 3 4
[01:46.096] You know the moment when you walk out the door :
[01:50.485] If you turn around( turn around !)
[01:52.575] and your prison ain't there anymore
[01:56.885] It felt like 20 years ago today
[02:00.725] still I can' t forget
[02:03.886] I packed all my things and I went away
[02:07.073] Iighter than a cigarette
[02:09.267] In the days of dust
[02:15.693] In the days of dust
[02:22.328] … and like I had just been saved
[02:24.209] from a burning building of desire
[02:28.989] I got back up and I ran right into the fire
[02:34.449] In the days of dust , it's over now
[02:40.640] In the days of dust , it's over now
[02:47.771] If it's over now
[02:50.096] If it's over now
[02:54.067] If it's over now
[02:56.522] If it's over now
[02:59.082] then maybe it was meant to be
[03:05.430] then maybe it was meant to be
[03:11.726] then maybe it was meant to be
[00:26.475] 假如现在结束 也许当下我终会自由
[00:32.718] 假如现在结束 也许当下我无拘无束
[00:39.092] 玛丽居里不相信书中的悲剧
[00:45.518] 破晓时分 我站在草地上释放天性
[00:50.769] 尘封的岁月里 我甘于堕落
[00:54.504] 就像如今都完蛋啦
[00:57.639] 尘封的岁月里 打夜间电话
[01:00.878] 就像如今都完蛋啦
[01:05.998] 我没有任何雄心壮志
[01:09.603] 若我只是浪费时间
[01:12.268] 至少归我所有
[01:13.365] 那是我的
[01:16.917] 假如现在结束
[01:19.164] 假如现在结束
[01:23.213] 假如现在结束
[01:25.486] 假如现在结束
[01:29.482] 假如现在结束
[01:31.833] 假如现在结束
[01:35.752] 假如现在结束
[01:38.181] 假如现在结束
[01:43.980] 1 2 3 4
[01:46.096] 你知道当你踏出门外那一刻
[01:50.485] 假若你转身(!)
[01:52.575] 你就不再困于牢笼了
[01:56.885] 感觉像20年前的今天
[02:00.725] 我仍然难以忘怀
[02:03.886] 我打包行李然后离开
[02:07.073] 几乎没什么东西
[02:09.267] 尘封的岁月里
[02:15.693] 尘封的岁月里
[02:22.328] 我仿佛得到救赎
[02:24.209] 从燃烧的欲壑之中
[02:28.989] 我获得支持 浴火重生
[02:34.449] 尘封的岁月告终啦
[02:40.640] 尘封的岁月告终啦
[02:47.771] 假如现在结束
[02:50.096] 假如现在结束
[02:54.067] 假如现在结束
[02:56.522] 假如现在结束
[02:59.082] 天意如此
[03:05.430] 命中注定
[03:11.726] 必须这样