Prince Akeem

Prince Akeem

歌名 Prince Akeem
歌手 Mike Posner
歌手 Wiz Khalifa
专辑 Prince Akeem
[00:00.00] 作词 : Mike Posner/Billy Joel/Lavell W. Crump/Steve Thornton/Cameron Thomaz/Mike Shinoda/Adam Friedman/Cris Caswell
[00:00.04] 作曲 : Mike Posner/Billy Joel/Lavell W. Crump/Steve Thornton/Cameron Thomaz/Mike Shinoda/Adam Friedman/Cris Caswell
[00:00.09] David Banner, they
[00:04.99] Good mornin'
[00:06.88] This that alarm clock song
[00:09.72] I made it for you to wake up to
[00:11.80] Ah
[00:14.55] You know I came to rip the scene apart
[00:17.33] My whole life is a piece of art (Oh)
[00:20.72] And this is just a brush stroke (Oh)
[00:24.05] I made it in the biz they said was cutthroat (Oh)
[00:27.12] I'm gettin' where I wanna be, but honestly
[00:29.76] I can't even tell if that's really where I wanna be
[00:32.61] I'm not a commodity, I am on an Odyssey
[00:35.89] Used to be a wannabe, now I'm what I wanted to be, woo
[00:39.61] I'm an underdog, dog, I'm Ralph Naderin'
[00:42.27] Followin' my intuition now and that's a major win
[00:45.50] I'm Taylor Swift mixed with Ruth Bader Gins'
[00:48.84] Liberation is the flavor that I'm savorin', it's mmm
[00:52.60] Fake breasts and make-up, they don't turn me on
[00:55.37] Life is a game and, yes, the journey's long
[00:58.78] Growing my beard was just like me puttin' my jersey on
[01:01.68] Coach K saw the light in me early on
[01:04.96] Oh you don't believe?
[01:07.62] Mike Posner, boy, is he talented, I mean, he's so talented
[01:14.59] What up Nolan?
[01:16.10] John, go get 'em, woo
[01:18.14] We 'bout to take it to a new level
[01:21.16] Even when I'm sad, I give 'em hell, I'm a Blue Devil
[01:23.96] Her boyfriend wrote a book, I was unimpressed
[01:27.20] I don't care about her man if it wasn't Hesse (Oh)
[01:30.86] I might do Everest, you never know (Oh)
[01:34.19] It changes like a metronome (Oh)
[01:37.60] I never read The Untethered Soul (Oh)
[01:40.73] I already got an untethered soul (Oh)
[01:43.84] I wasted years tryna become better known (Oh)
[01:46.95] Right when I gave that up is when I became better known (Oh)
[01:49.93] Oh, this is that Michigan December flow
[01:52.87] I got two lifetimes worth of ideas in my Evernote (Oh)
[01:56.55] Bozo, Fender Rhodes (Oh)
[01:59.81] Complimented outwardly now from my inner glow (Oh)
[02:02.60] And since I've seen, I changed my look to see who really loves me
[02:07.60] I'm Prince Akeem
[02:09.05] See when I was comin' up
[02:12.84] I was always one of them ****** who did what the **** I want
[02:16.51] Smokin' **** on TV wasn't even cool
[02:21.48] Now that **** legal
[02:23.87] So back then, from causing trouble to right now
[02:30.61] I'm a ************' businessman
[02:32.53] Uh, too rich to ever fit in
[02:36.23] You wait the front, I get in
[02:37.73] You talk too much, I listen
[02:39.30] You blind, I got the vision
[02:40.88] The day I worked for myself, that was the best decision
[02:44.14] You livin' check to check, I check to see what checks I'm gettin'
[02:47.38] You get no respect until respect is given
[02:50.56] I live with no regret, you regret where you livin'
[02:53.67] Still got the yellow car, we in the house chillin'
[02:56.92] You think the air is on, I'm heir to the throne
[03:00.18] So many diamonds, people stare when I put 'em on
[03:03.30] But they don't walk up, my pockets thick like Ms. Parker
[03:06.98] And I got the Benz parked, sparkin' up
[03:09.69] And I got a '64 that's hard as ****
[03:13.08] But don't get in over your head
[03:15.95] Supposed to be stackin' instead of spendin' most your bread
[03:18.95] Don't get in over your head
[03:22.10] Supposed to be stackin' instead of spendin' most your bread
[00:04.99] 早晨!
[00:06.88] 这是首闹铃之歌
[00:09.72] 我写出它是为了让你清醒过来
[00:14.55] 你清楚我是来砸场子的
[00:17.33] 我的一生都是一件完美的艺术品
[00:20.72] 而这是一只笔刷
[00:24.05] 我在他们说的残酷的娱乐圈中成功了
[00:27.12] 我己经到达了这想去的地方,但讲实话
[00:29.76] 我甚至不知道那是否真的是我想去的地方
[00:32.61] 我不是一个供人笑言的商品,我只是为了自己艰苦地跋涉
[00:35.89] 曾经我总想着成为我所谓的成功之人
[00:39.61] 我只是个弱者,丧家之犬,我是Ralph Nader(一个美国老光棍,总统大选多次落选)
[00:42.27] 但现在我学会了跟随着我的直觉,这是脱变式的胜利
[00:45.50] 我是Taylor Swift与Ruth Bader Gins(美国联邦最高法院大法官)的混合体
[00:48.84] 我正“品味”着内心释放的快乐
[00:52.60] 硅胶乳与胭脂俗粉的精致并不能使我性奋
[00:55.37] 人生如戏,yes,人生之旅还很漫长
[00:58.78] 旅途中积攒的胡须就像人穿运动衫一样平常
[01:01.68] K教练老早就预想我能成功的光芒
[01:04.96] 难道你不相信吗?
[01:07.62] Mike Posner 一个有天赋男孩,我意思是他才华横溢
[01:14.59] 怎么了Nolan?
[01:16.10] John,去找他们,哇!
[01:18.14] 让我们来把它再提高到一个新的境界
[01:21.16] 每当我伤心时我要让他们下地狱,我要当索魂的恶鬼
[01:23.96] 她的男友出版过一本书(似乎很出名),我可不感兴趣
[01:27.20] 我只想抢走她,我才不在乎她男人的感受,除非那人是Hesse(赫尔曼·黑塞 德国作家
[01:30.86] 我想成为珠穆朗玛峰(成为那顶尖之人),你或许永远也不知道
[01:34.19] 它就像节拍器一样摇摆
[01:37.60] 我可从未看过那本《不羁的灵魂》
[01:40.73] 可我早就有了一个无拘无束的灵魂
[01:43.84] 我曾浪费多年时间去想尽一切办法让我自己更加出名
[01:46.95] 可就在我要放弃之时,我却更加出名
[01:49.93] 哦!这是我12月在密歇根的流水
[01:52.87] 我在印象笔记(APP)中又记下了两个新的人生想法
[01:59.81] 我内心的光芒已然绽放,快来赞美我吧
[02:02.60] 自从我见过那希望之光后,我改变了看法,还想看看谁还爱我
[02:07.60] 我是Akeem王子
[02:09.05] 看着我什么时候到来
[02:12.84] 我将是那些中的一只,就做我想做的事
[02:16.51] 在TV采访上抽烟并不是很酷
[02:21.48] 现在那该死的法律
[02:23.87] 所以回到最初吧,从麻烦制造到现在
[02:30.61] 我竟成了我不想成为的商人
[02:32.53] 啊!真是太有钱了!我不在乎钱(M Y)
[02:36.23] 你在前面等下,我先进去
[02:37.73] 你屁话真多,可我听着
[02:39.30] 哦你瞎了,我有了个新想法
[02:40.88] 从我开始为自己工作的那一天,这便最好的决定。
[02:44.14] 你收入微薄,却整天去检查检查看看是不是丢了钱,而我却是去检查看看我又获得了什么
[02:47.38] 在你给予别人尊重之前,可别想从别人那得到尊重
[02:50.56] 我从未有遗憾地活着,而你却老在抱怨你住的地方
[02:53.67] 即使房子破烂寒冷,可想想我还有那辆小黄车
[02:56.92] 你还在想着空气是否清新,而我早成为了王座的继承人
[03:00.18] 我戴着满身的钻石,人们个个眼红视我
[03:03.30] 但他们并不想走,我的口袋涨得像Parker女士一样胖(他们想我施舍点)
[03:06.98] 然后我停下了我的奔驰,现场震惊了
[03:09.69] 啊 我只考了64分,真难
[03:13.08] 别太过头了
[03:15.95] 别把你的那些面包浪费掉,把它们堆起来,堆积如山(或许这样你就是有钱人了)
[03:18.95] 别太过头了
[03:22.10] 别把你的那些面包浪费掉,把它们堆起来