Sigil Insidious

Sigil Insidious

歌名 Sigil Insidious
歌手 Equipoise
专辑 Demiurgus
[00:17.38] Shrouded in sinister secrecy
[00:21.27] Arcane alchemy births pieces of me
[00:25.19] Willing my children into existence, a force from which there is no resistance
[00:41.37] Birthing homunculi- embodiment of sin
[00:45.05] As I cast out these imperfections, my ultimate scheme begins
[00:49.35] Using my seven deadly children and desires of man
[00:53.00] I string and harness the military of this chaotic land
[00:57.17] Pushing its borders beyond boundaries once perceived
[01:01.30] Alchemic atrocities, these puppets have been deceived
[01:21.24] Wrath, Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Envy, Sloth and Greed
[01:25.27] Our goal is strangulation
[01:29.16] For each task will be assigned, children, we will reap the souls of this nation
[01:37.57] Populating propaganda a constant state of war
[01:41.04] Blinded soldiers commit deeds of which they will abhor
[01:45.03] Orchestrating ominous onslaughts the shadow king unsoiled
[01:49.04] Our territories- stained by scarlet soil
[01:53.83] Solo- Nick Padovani
[02:09.50] Solo- Christian Muenzner
[02:25.52] Beneath the surface- Sigil Insidious
[02:33.03] Transmutation circle- unparalleled
[02:49.37] Guiding the flow of this nation
[02:53.25] The Shadow King- Homunculus
[02:59.28] And artificial children fit to do his bidding
[03:07.53] Terrifying powers gifted by their crimson core
[03:15.91] Indispensable tools of war
[03:43.87] Solo- Christian Muenzner
[04:00.82] Wrath, Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Envy, Sloth and Greed
[04:04.70] Our goal is strangulation
[04:08.63] For each task will be assigned, children, we will reap the souls of this nation
[04:17.12] Seeking sovereign sacrifices who’ve been beyond the gate
[04:20.40] Human transmutation has forever changed their fates
[04:24.37] Perilous preparations the promised day is near
[04:28.33] The birth of a new God all the Cosmos will revere
[04:48.67] Limits of my abilities are unknown, and the depths of my schemes will haunt your very dreams
[04:52.53] Perilous preparations the promised day is near
[04:54.60] The birth of a new God all the Cosmos will revere
[04:56.75] Limits of my abilities are unknown, and the depths of my schemes will haunt your very dreams
[05:00.59] Perilous preparations the promised day is near
[05:02.42] The birth of a new God all the Cosmos will revere
[00:17.38] 被包裹在罪恶中的秘密
[00:21.27] 我的一部分自玄妙的炼金术中诞生
[00:25.19] 我愿将我的欲望分作七个孩子,无人可挡的力量
[00:41.37] 创造人造人,罪孽的化身
[00:45.05] 当我抛开这些七情六欲的缺陷后,我的终极计划就要开始了
[00:49.35] 利用我那七个致命的孩子,还有人类的欲望
[00:53.00] 我在这片混乱的土地上聚集起千军万马
[00:57.17] 将国界推进到曾经设想的以外(国土炼成阵)
[01:01.30] 由炼金术制造的暴行,这些傀儡被骗得团团转
[01:21.24] 愤怒、傲慢、暴食、色欲、嫉妒、怠惰和贪婪
[01:25.27] 我们的目标是扼杀他们
[01:29.16] 每一个任务都将被分派下去,孩子们,我们将收获这个国家的灵魂
[01:37.57] 将常态化的战争作为一种宣传手段
[01:41.04] 盲目的士兵犯下他们自己所憎恶的罪孽
[01:45.03] 策划着不祥的攻击,影子国王毫发无损
[01:49.04] 我们的土地,被血红色玷污
[01:53.83] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[02:09.50] 吉他独奏by克里斯蒂安.穆恩兹纳
[02:25.52] 在地表之下,是潜藏的魔咒
[02:33.03] 转化万物的圆圈,无与伦比的法阵
[02:49.37] 控制着整个国家的转变
[02:53.25] 影子国王,瓶中小人(霍蒙克鲁斯)
[02:59.28] 还有他的七个人造人之子听从他的命令
[03:07.53] 他们猩红色的核心(贤者之石)赋予了他们可怕的力量
[03:15.91] 都是不可或缺的战争工具
[03:43.87] 吉他独奏by克里斯蒂安.穆恩兹纳
[04:00.82] 愤怒、傲慢、暴食、色欲、嫉妒、怠惰和贪婪
[04:04.70] 我们的目标是扼杀他们
[04:08.63] 每一个任务都将被分派下去,孩子们,我们将收获这个国家的灵魂
[04:17.12] 寻找曾到达过真理之门的人来作“人柱”
[04:20.40] 炼成人体的代价(被带走相应器官)永远地改变了他们的命运
[04:24.37] 约定之日就要到来,继续着危险的准备工作
[04:28.33] 一个新神会就此诞生,全宇宙都会将其敬仰
[04:48.67] 我的能力无人能知,我的计划深不可测,令你梦寐以求
[04:52.53] 约定之日就要到来,继续着危险的准备工作
[04:54.60] 一个新神会就此诞生,全宇宙都会将其敬仰
[04:56.75] 我的能力无人能知,我的计划深不可测,令你梦寐以求
[05:00.59] 约定之日就要到来,继续着危险的准备工作
[05:02.42] 一个新神会就此诞生,全宇宙都会将其敬仰