Cast into Exile

Cast into Exile

歌名 Cast into Exile
歌手 Equipoise
专辑 Demiurgus
[00:21.22] Oh, this fate was unforeseen calamity
[00:25.52] Dethroned by fleshborn treachery
[00:28.91] From a gaping hole in my chest- emissaries outstretch
[00:34.18] Pull me back to the void
[00:35.82] Back to my genesis
[00:38.43] Solo- Jimmy Pitts
[00:54.90] Shrouded silhouettes reach forth, penumbra tearing me particle from particle
[01:03.15] Beckoned by the ageless entity to palaver- the failure of my deeds
[01:07.32] Why, God, why would you refuse to become one with me
[01:19.14] Back to the void
[01:23.84] Back to the Truth
[01:29.98] Cast into exile
[01:36.05] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[01:42.41] Solo- Phil Tougas
[01:48.64] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[01:54.86] Solo- Phil Tougas
[02:03.15] Many names have I- the One, the All, the Truth
[02:06.69] They call me God, the World, the Universe, and Atom
[02:11.07] For this Eve I’ve summoned thee- you who so desperately wanted the all
[02:14.96] The plot you sought- the onslaught
[02:16.97] Defeated by humanoid squall
[02:20.39] Why was my pursuit of the arcane a taboo
[02:24.19] I merely sought to know the all to attain the Truth
[02:36.92] Dwarf you have not grown beyond your days in the flask
[02:39.67] Merely expelled desires and acquired a flesh mask
[02:42.91] The power in which you possess was stolen from those you detest
[02:45.84] All of that so called knowledge, such arrogance must be repressed
[02:49.23] For those who leave me besotted a special hell there is allotted
[02:52.25] A fate truly tailored for your sins- symbolic retribution
[03:05.84] Solo- Nick Padovani
[03:14.57] Solo- Phil Tougas
[03:22.45] Solo- Nick Padovani
[03:30.66] Solo- Phil Tougas
[03:38.74] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[03:47.23] Solo- Phil Tougas
[03:55.30] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[03:59.52] Solo- Phil Tougas
[04:03.10] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[04:11.93] Solo- Phil Tougas
[04:20.18] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[04:28.34] Solo- Nick Padovani
[04:38.40] Solo- Hugo Doyon-Karout
[04:45.01] Solo- Nick Padovani
[04:53.22] Solo- Phil Tougas
[05:22.09] Oh, you who have failed to see enlightenment
[05:26.25] Out done by fleshborn quintessence
[05:29.84] Behold your barren portal of Truth- bleak with rancor
[05:34.33] Once your genesis, now your terminus
[05:38.80] Tell me what it was that I was supposed to do
[05:42.48] Before I’m bound once more, I’m begging for the Truth
[05:55.14] Dwarf you have not grown beyond your days in the flask
[05:57.88] Merely expelled desires and acquired a flesh mask
[06:01.02] The door to your destiny is open wide
[06:04.20] Do you dare take a look inside
[06:07.53] Listen closely for the words on my breath sentence you to a fate worse than death
[06:13.52] You who sought to have it all, condemned to a fate infinitesimal
[06:20.80] Banished is your free will, now you shall be a nameless iota that dwells within me
[06:40.01] Dwarf you have not grown beyond your days in the flask
[06:42.77] Merely expelled desires and acquired a flesh mask
[06:45.92] Listen closely for the words on my breath sentence you to a fate worse than death
[06:52.07] You who sought to have it all, condemned to a fate infinitesimal
[06:58.26] Banished is your free will, now you shall be a nameless iota that dwells within me
[00:21.22] 命运真是场不可预知的灾难
[00:25.52] 我因肉身的背叛而被推翻
[00:28.91] 我的胸膛展开一道缝隙,真理的使者从中伸出黑手
[00:34.18] 将我拉回虚空之中
[00:35.82] 回到我出生之地
[00:38.43] 键盘独奏by吉米.皮茨
[00:54.90] 黑色轮廓直冲向前笼罩一切,暗影将我撕做粉碎
[01:03.15] 被那不朽的实体拉回真理之门内,我的计划就此失败
[01:07.32] 为什么,神啊,为什么你拒绝与我融为一体
[01:19.14] 回到虚空
[01:23.84] 回到真理面前
[01:29.98] 被永远地放逐
[01:36.05] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[01:42.41] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[01:48.64] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[01:54.86] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[02:03.15] 我有许多名字,一既全,全既一,我就是真理
[02:06.69] 他们称我为神,称我为世界,称我为宇宙,称我为原子
[02:11.07] 为了这一晚,我召唤了你,你是如此迫切地想要得到所有的东西
[02:14.96] 你所策划的阴谋
[02:16.97] 一切猛烈的攻击,都败在贤者之石的灵魂漩涡上
[02:20.39] 为什么对真理尽头的追求是一个禁忌?
[02:24.19] 我只是想知道一切,我只想到达真理之中
[02:36.92] 小东西,你还没有从你身在烧瓶的岁月中成长起来
[02:39.67] 你仅仅是分离了自己的欲望,获得了一个名为肉体的面具
[02:42.91] 你所拥有的力量是从你所厌恶的人身上偷来的
[02:45.84] 还有那些所谓的知识,这样的傲慢一定要被压制下去
[02:49.23] 对于那些离开我的人来说,我给他们分配了一个特别的地狱
[02:52.25] 为你的罪孽量身定做的命运,象征的惩罚
[03:05.84] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[03:14.57] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[03:22.45] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[03:30.66] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[03:38.74] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[03:47.23] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[03:55.30] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[03:59.52] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[04:03.10] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[04:11.93] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[04:20.18] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[04:28.34] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[04:38.40] 贝斯独奏by雨果.多扬-卡洛特
[04:45.01] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[04:53.22] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[05:22.09] 你这看不到真理的生物啊
[05:26.25] 反被肉身的精华所战胜
[05:29.84] 看啊,你那光秃秃的真理之门,黯淡无光,充满怨恨
[05:34.33] 那曾经是你的出生之地,现在是你命运的终点站
[05:38.80] 告诉我,我应该做什么?
[05:42.48] 在我再度被束缚之前,我在乞求真理
[05:55.14] 小东西,你还没有从你身在烧瓶的岁月中成长起来
[05:57.88] 你仅仅是分离了自己的欲望,获得了一个名为肉体的面具
[06:01.02] 你的命运之门已然打开
[06:04.20] 敢不敢进去看一看
[06:07.53] 仔细听我说的话:判你的命运生不如死
[06:13.52] 你既然想拥有一切,那么就注定要承受化作灰尘的命运
[06:20.80] 你的自由意志已被驱逐,现在你将成为我体内的一粒无名之灰
[06:40.01] 小东西,你还没有从你身在烧瓶的岁月中成长起来
[06:42.77] 你仅仅是分离了自己的欲望,获得了一个名为肉体的面具
[06:45.92] 仔细听我说的话:判你的命运生不如死
[06:52.07] 你既然想拥有一切,那么就注定要承受化作灰尘的命运
[06:58.26] 你的自由意志已被驱逐,现在你将成为我体内的一粒无名之灰