Dualis Flamel

Dualis Flamel

歌名 Dualis Flamel
歌手 Equipoise
专辑 Demiurgus
[00:34.34] We are the creeping tendrils of our Father
[00:38.22] Wolves among sheep, herding the meek
[00:42.27] Spreading the reach of his web of deceit
[00:46.27] As he wills it, so shall it be
[00:49.25] Manifestation of destiny
[00:50.84] Solo - Sanjay Kumar
[01:06.88] Malleable flesh- my guise that which I despise
[01:09.69] An Imposter- lurking Marionettes- unaware of their strings
[01:18.36] Our agenda- triggering tragedy
[01:30.37] Veiled in the suit of a soldier, complete with gun in hand
[01:34.19] I’ll return this child to your precious holy land
[01:38.26] With but one life, I pluck upon the heartstrings of man
[01:46.14] Tension turns the tide- calculating genocide
[01:54.26] Predictable- the sheepish acts of mortal men
[02:00.01] Cycles of bloodshed that never end
[02:04.24] Instill disorder, a task for we
[02:08.07] Soulless servants of the Shadow King
[02:13.27] Solo - Jimmy Pitts
[02:28.64] Solo - Malcolm Pugh
[02:37.35] Solo - Colin Butler
[02:44.40] Solo - Nick Padovani
[02:52.77] Solo - Phil Tougas
[03:00.68] Solo - Sanjay Kumar
[03:08.40] Solo - Malcolm Pugh
[03:16.07] Solo - Colin Butler
[03:24.25] Solo - Nick Padovani
[03:32.78] Solo - Hugo Doyon-Karout
[03:47.94] Solo - Jimmy Pitts
[04:04.43] Solo - Phil Tougas
[04:17.09] Solo - Malcolm Pugh
[04:21.31] Solo - Colin Butler
[04:28.36] Solo - Nick Padovani
[04:36.37] Solo - Sanjay Kumar
[04:44.59] Solo - Phil Tougas
[04:52.56] Solo - Malcolm Pugh
[05:00.53] Solo - Colin Butler
[05:15.29] These eyes have witnessed the death of a nation
[05:19.16] They have seen the horrors of war
[05:23.08] These hands have cast innocence to the abyss
[05:27.21] I have felt life turn to ash
[05:31.25] Alchemic soldiers carrying out grievous orders
[05:35.14] Progressing esoteric agenda
[05:39.18] I’ll expose corruption of the senior staff
[05:43.17] To do so, I must go deeper
[05:57.35] My only chance at a semblance of redemption is to root out the evil within
[06:05.31] Solo - Phil Tougas
[06:22.27] Honorable- though my intentions may be
[06:25.16] My actions are treasonous
[06:29.16] Behind the scenes- there lurk inhuman beings
[06:33.11] Homunculi- the likes of which cannot die
[06:45.37] For too long I’ve been a puppet
[06:47.36] Now I see my true ambitions
[06:49.22] Incinerate these miasmic fiends
[06:51.13] Bring order to a nation
[06:53.60] For every life stolen from my fellow man
[07:00.97] Flames are on the rise
[07:05.19] Cremating evil before my eyes
[07:09.35] Homunculus- witch who ensnares the minds of men
[07:15.07] This eve your heart shall burn in my hand
[07:19.12] Cinder and ash once flesh and cell
[07:23.08] Dualis Flamel
[07:27.46] Homunculus- witch who ensnares the minds of men
[07:31.30] This eve your heart shall burn in my hand
[07:35.05] Cinder and ash once flesh and cell
[07:39.04] Dualis Flamel
[07:41.78] Solo - Jimmy Pitts
[07:55.31] Dualis Flamel
[07:57.69] Solo - Hugo Doyon-Karout
[08:11.39] Dualis Flamel
[00:34.34] 我们是父亲大人蠕动的卷须
[00:38.22] 羊群中的恶狼,驯养着温柔的绵羊
[00:42.27] 将他的欺骗之网扩展开来
[00:46.27] 如他所愿
[00:49.25] 这正是命运的展现
[00:50.84] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[01:06.88] 脆弱的肉体,我需要我所鄙视的人(玛丽亚)来作伪装
[01:09.69] 冒牌货,潜藏的牵线木偶,他们丝毫没注意头上的线
[01:18.36] 我们的进程,引发悲剧
[01:30.37] 穿着士兵的军服,手中拿着枪
[01:34.19] 我会把这孩子(休斯)送到你那宝贵的圣地中
[01:38.26] 我只用一条命,就能拨动人的心弦
[01:46.14] 精确计算着杀戮的数量
[01:54.26] 凡人的怯懦行为是可以预见的
[02:00.01] 永无止境的流血循环
[02:04.24] 灌输无序,是我们的任务
[02:08.07] 影子国王的无魂之仆
[02:13.27] 键盘独奏by吉米.皮茨
[02:28.64] 吉他独奏by马尔科姆.皮尤
[02:37.35] 吉他独奏by柯林.巴特勒
[02:44.40] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[02:52.77] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[03:00.68] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[03:08.40] 吉他独奏by马尔科姆.皮尤
[03:16.07] 吉他独奏by柯林.巴特勒
[03:24.25] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[03:32.78] 贝斯独奏by雨果.多扬-卡洛特
[03:47.94] 键盘独奏by吉米.皮茨
[04:04.43] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[04:17.09] 吉他独奏by马尔科姆.皮尤
[04:21.31] 吉他独奏by柯林.巴特勒
[04:28.36] 吉他独奏by尼克.帕多瓦尼
[04:36.37] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[04:44.59] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[04:52.56] 吉他独奏by马尔科姆.皮尤
[05:00.53] 吉他独奏by柯林.巴特勒
[05:15.29] 这双眼曾见证了一个国家的灭亡
[05:19.16] 见证了无数战争的恐怖
[05:23.08] 这双手将无辜的人抛向了深渊
[05:27.21] 我曾感受过,将生命化作灰烬的感觉
[05:31.25] 战场上的炼金术士,执行着令人痛苦的任务
[05:35.14] 推进这艰深的仪式
[05:39.18] 我要揭发军部上层的贪腐
[05:43.17] 要做到这一点,我必须深入其中
[05:57.35] 我唯一的救赎机会就是根除内心的邪恶
[06:05.31] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯
[06:22.27] 尽管我的目的是崇高的
[06:25.16] 我的行为仍是叛国之罪
[06:29.16] 在幕后潜伏着非人类的存在
[06:33.11] 不会死亡的人造人
[06:45.37] 我已经做了太长时间的傀儡
[06:47.36] 现在我看到了我真正的目标
[06:49.22] 将这些冒着毒气的恶魔焚为灰烬
[06:51.13] 给国家带回秩序
[06:53.60] 为了每一个被你们夺走生命的同伴
[07:00.97] 烈焰在我手中升腾
[07:05.19] 将眼前的恶魔焚灭
[07:09.35] 人造人,蛊惑人心的女妖
[07:15.07] 今夜你的心脏将在我手中燃烧
[07:19.12] 曾经的血肉与细胞,现在已化作碎渣和灰烬
[07:23.08] 双重烈焰
[07:27.46] 人造人,蛊惑人心的女妖
[07:31.30] 今夜你的心脏将在我手中燃烧
[07:35.05] 曾经的血肉与细胞,现在已化作碎渣和灰烬
[07:39.04] 双重烈焰
[07:41.78] 键盘独奏by吉米.皮茨
[07:55.31] 双重烈焰
[07:57.69] 贝斯独奏by雨果.多扬-卡洛特
[08:11.39] 双重烈焰