Waking Divinity

Waking Divinity

歌名 Waking Divinity
歌手 Equipoise
专辑 Demiurgus
[00:16.95] Welcome to the halls of this, my unhallowed bastion
[00:20.80] Sequestered deep beneath the stirring city streets
[00:25.42] Sovereign sacrifices seized by my sickening silhouettes
[00:29.19] Each bare a burden of sin, steeped in hubris
[00:33.96] Impetuous alchemist
[00:35.62] You who dared to gaze upon the truth
[00:37.75] Hopelessly trapped in this web of mine
[00:39.78] For our fates are intertwined
[00:50.43] For centuries, I have waited, now soon it shall come to pass
[00:54.43] Fifty million Amestrian lives will put untold power in my grasp
[00:58.59] Closer now my offerings, for the moon has eclipsed the sun
[01:02.72] Through you my desires will finally come to fruition
[01:07.05] Solo: Sanjay Kumar
[02:05.53] The knowledge that Earth's collected since birth from iota to complex organism is now mine
[02:39.05] The knowledge that Earth's collected since birth from iota to complex organism is now mine
[02:47.10] Celestial waves wash over new graves as I ascend to the heavens
[02:55.55] Solo: Phil Tougas/Nick Padovani
[03:57.48] Tendrils reaching through the void bridging the realm betwixt gates of the eyes of the infinite cosmos
[04:09.29] I am he who swallowed God
[04:13.69] Omnipotence courses through me, no longer a philosopher's stone
[04:19.72] Waking divinity
[04:21.91] No longer bound by flask nor suit of flesh
[04:25.87] This planet, my throne
[04:27.97] This cosmos, my quest
[04:30.39] Impetuous alchemists
[04:32.26] You dare to defy your deity
[04:34.30] Your efforts are futile, your alchemy frugal
[04:36.57] But this I'll grant of thee
[04:46.91] Brother of mine, Von Hohenheim
[04:55.32] I'll grant you the chance to speak your mind for this eve you die
[00:16.95] 欢迎来到这里的大厅,这是我充满罪孽的堡垒
[00:20.80] 深深埋藏在动荡的城市街道之下
[00:25.42] 我那令人生畏的剪影(指Pride)已为我攫取了祭品“人柱”
[00:29.19] 每个人都背负着罪恶的重担,沉浸在狂妄之中
[00:33.96] 急躁的炼金术士
[00:35.62] 敢于凝视真相的你
[00:37.75] 被绝望地困于我的网中
[00:39.78] 因为我们的命运是交织在一起的
[00:50.43] 几百年来,我一直在等待,现在它很快就会实现
[00:54.43] 五千万亚美斯特利斯人的生命将使我掌握无尽的力量
[00:58.59] 靠近一点,我的祭品们,月亮已经要遮住太阳了
[01:02.72] 通过你们,我的夙愿终于要达成了
[01:07.05] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[02:05.53] 地球自诞生以来的一切知识,从不可见的微粒到复杂的生物体,现在都是我的了
[02:39.05] 地球自诞生以来的一切知识,从不可见的微粒到复杂的生物体,现在都是我的了
[02:47.10] 当我升入天堂时,天际的波浪冲刷着新生的坟墓
[02:55.55] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯/尼克.帕多瓦尼
[03:57.48] 伸向虚空的触角,连接着那个领域,那个在无线宇宙之眼的大门之间的领域
[04:09.29] 我是吞下神的人
[04:13.69] 全能的力量通过我的身躯,不再仅仅是一颗贤者之石
[04:19.72] 觉醒的神性
[04:21.91] 不再被烧瓶或是肉体所束缚
[04:25.87] 这个星球,就是我的王座
[04:27.97] 这个宇宙,就是我的追求
[04:30.39] 急躁的炼金术士们
[04:32.26] 你们竟敢违抗神灵
[04:34.30] 你们的努力是徒劳的,你们的炼金术是廉价的
[04:36.57] 但这是我对你的承诺
[04:46.91] 我的兄弟,冯.霍恩海姆
[04:55.32] 我给你一个机会,让你在这死亡前夕说出你的遗言