Squall of Souls

Squall of Souls

歌名 Squall of Souls
歌手 Equipoise
专辑 Demiurgus
[00:54.84] With each year’s passing
[00:56.91] Centuries seemingly everlasting
[00:59.21] I walk amongst man, for they know not what I am
[01:03.50] Born of fabled atrocity
[01:13.51] Entombed within me are the lives of the lost
[01:17.14] Tormented whispers and wails echo a great many tales
[01:21.89] I carry with me the burden of your sin
[01:26.23] Hundreds of thousands buried just beneath my skin
[01:30.80] Solo- Sanjay Kumar
[01:48.93] Solo- Jimmy Pitts
[02:07.46] Those who reside inside have aided me in this plot
[02:16.30] Centuries of strife
[02:20.20] Your sins shall be for naught
[02:40.42] Together this army of lost should stand to counteract your atrocities
[02:49.34] This is the fall of the Demiurge
[02:55.54] The death of a deity
[03:07.05] A squall of souls coalesce in sky
[03:11.02] Crimson clouds rain back departed lives
[04:11.58] Solo- Phil Tougas/Nick Padovani
[00:54.84] 岁月一年年的过去
[00:56.91] 我似乎永生不灭地存活了几个世纪
[00:59.21] 我走在人类中间,他们不知道我究竟是什么
[01:03.50] 我诞生于那传说中的暴行
[01:13.51] 那些逝去的生命埋在我体内
[01:17.14] 痛苦的低语和哀嚎回荡着无数的故事
[01:21.89] 我背负着你的罪孽
[01:26.23] 几十万人的灵魂埋在我的皮肤之下
[01:30.80] 吉他独奏by桑杰.库马尔
[01:48.93] 键盘独奏by吉米.皮茨
[02:07.46] 那些住在我体内的人已经帮助我完成了这个暗中的布局
[02:16.30] 几百年的纷争
[02:20.20] 你们的罪孽将化作乌有
[02:40.42] 这支迷失的军团会共同抵御你的暴行
[02:49.34] 这就是造物主的陨落
[02:55.54] 这就是神明的死亡
[03:07.05] 灵魂的漩涡,在天空凝聚
[03:11.02] 绯红的云彩,将逝去的生命送回原点
[04:11.58] 吉他独奏by菲尔.图加斯/尼克.帕多瓦尼