

歌名 为难什么
歌手 Shark
专辑 在失落中幻想 在沉睡中交谈
[00:00.000] 作词 : Shark
[00:00.345] 作曲 : Shark
[00:00.690] I would have loved you ---- forever
[00:01.190] Now, please go.
[00:01.690] Don't do this, Alice. Please, talk to me.
[00:01.690] I am talking. off.
[00:02.441] I'm sorry. You misunderstand! I didn't mean to.
[00:02.441] Yes you did.
[00:02.441] I love you!
[00:03.931] Where?
[00:04.441] What?
[00:04.930] Show me! Where is this love?
[00:05.958] I... I can't see it, I can't touch it.
[00:08.953] I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words,
[00:12.941] But I can't do anything with your easy words.
[00:15.438] Whatever you say is too late.
[00:17.433] Please, don't do this!
[00:18.450] Done.
[00:19.938] Now, please go,
[00:22.455] 还没发现你已走远
[00:26.302] 泛红带着血丝双眼
[00:32.607] 不敢讲话却又冒险
[00:37.832] 像艘小船湖面搁浅
[00:43.118] 太阳光线聚射焦点
[00:48.113] 月光皎洁变得耀眼
[00:53.869] 花的颜色任你挑选
[00:59.121] 原来我是你的消遣
[00:00.690] 我会爱你到永远
[00:01.190] 现在 求你快走
[00:01.690] 我在说 快点滚
[00:01.690] 我在说 快点滚
[00:02.441] 我爱你
[00:02.441] 我爱你
[00:02.441] 我爱你
[00:03.931] 在哪儿?
[00:04.441] 什么?
[00:04.930] 给我看 你的爱在哪儿?
[00:05.958] 我 我看不见 我摸不着 我也感受不到
[00:08.953] 我感受不到 我可以听 听到你说的一些话
[00:12.941] 但是我对你那些轻易许下的诺言 又能做些什么
[00:15.438] 不管你说什么 都太晚了
[00:17.433] 求你 别这样
[00:18.450] 我们结束了
[00:19.938] 现在请离开