Three Bastards

Three Bastards

歌名 Three Bastards
歌手 Infant Annihilator
专辑 Three Bastards
[00:00.00] 作词 : Richard Allen/Aaron Kitcher/Edward Pickard
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Richard Allen/Aaron Kitcher/Edward Pickard
[00:19.16] Beneath the hallowed golden halls, wails of death hum from the walls;
[00:23.37] the floorboards echo with the stains of rape
[00:28.22] and weeping infant's calls.
[00:32.65] Shadows of the ancient doctrines grip the Kingdom by the thighs
[00:36.16] A penitentiary of royal mother****ers;
[00:39.28] Fetal enslavement;
[00:41.19] pre****scent prisoners held inside.
[00:44.44] The ways of The Galèriarch endure.
[00:52.77] Though centuries passed,
[00:54.66] generations expired,
[00:56.85] the ways of The Galèriarch endure.
[01:00.37] Hollow dwellings now frame the citadel,
[01:03.77] littered with carcasses and festering rat
[01:07.18] - withered remnants of a long-ruined realm: the hopeless souls of a forgotten God.
[01:19.19] Forced to feast on the fat of the damned;
[01:22.10] shamefully savouring the shafts of their siblings.
[01:25.74] Befiled peasants matured and psychotic;
[01:29.41] sadistic and necrotic; gaped and sadomasochistic.
[01:33.06] From the depths crawled The First - Scavenger of battlefields, seeking jewel covered carnality.
[01:38.74] Leader of Grief,
[01:39.90] hungry for divinity through meat and eating royalty,
[01:43.99] he was The Second.
[01:45.91] The Last, emerging from the void, unearthed unholy wisdom through systematic sodomy.
[01:53.58] Three Bastards united only by their cruelty, malice and absolute revulsion of all life.
[02:14.09] The Royal Sanctum,
[02:17.52] their underlying desire,
[02:21.00] a mere echo of a thought as they engulf the world in fire.
[02:38.67] Ere the solemn shadows close,
[02:45.04] the Warlords gather to pledge their oath.
[02:52.30] Ere the well-known landscapes fade,
[02:58.61] the call to battle shall be obeyed.
[03:17.95] IRRRRRRRR YAH!
[03:19.61] Slithering, slurping ****s eager for a taste;
[03:22.34] blood and spit drip down from their face
[03:25.31] as they draw their gaze to the cunts they've slain.
[03:29.15] Cloaked in the innocent, the Warlords bathe;
[03:32.58] doused in viremia. Deviant disciples fist-deep in the ****-horde
[03:38.96] Municipal bastards, medieval masturbators, seduced by the scripture of God.
[03:46.31] Shadows of the ancient doctrines grip the Kingdom by the thighs
[03:49.96] A penitentiary of royal mother****ers;
[03:53.16] fetal enslavement;
[03:54.86] pre****scent prisoners held inside.
[03:58.16] The ways of The Galèriarch endure.
[03:59.91] From the degraded and hopeless creatures of the plague arose three cannibalistic Warlords.
[04:07.14] They will lay the Kingdom to unholy ruin.
[00:04.67] Errrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa
[00:19.16] 在那神圣的金色殿堂之下 自墙中传出奄奄一息毫无生气的嗡鸣哀号
[00:23.37] 地板上残留着肆意后留下的的污渍
[00:28.22] 与婴儿的啼哭
[00:32.65] 来自远古的神秘主义的阴影笼罩、控制着整个王国
[00:36.16] 这是神圣洞察力之牢笼
[00:39.28] 自婴孩时期起的奴役
[00:41.19] 直至青春期前都被死死束缚无法逃脱
[00:44.44] 经受这一切 加里西亚人仍咬牙强忍、任人
[00:52.77] 经年累月
[00:54.66] 世代交替
[00:56.85] 加里西亚人仍忍受这一切
[01:00.37] 现在 穴居生民正包围了这城堡
[01:03.77] 城外的战场上横陈着尸体与早已溃烂化脓的鼠类
[01:07.18] ——都是这早已被毁灭的国度行将湮灭的残渣 被遗忘之神无望的冤魂
[01:19.19] 被迫宴享受诅咒之人的肉糜
[01:22.10] 心怀耻辱地将调味剂洒在那些人同胞的肢干之上
[01:25.74] 成熟而精神狂乱的村民汇聚在一起
[01:29.41] 他们施虐受虐成性,腐坏开裂
[01:33.06] 第一只巨兽自无尽深渊中匍匐前行——他是战场上噬食腐尸烂肉的野兽 狂热追寻着珍宝首饰以掩饰自身之淫 欲
[01:38.74] 第二只巨兽
[01:39.90] 吞食王室成员以获得神性
[01:43.99] 他是悲痛之主
[01:45.91] 最后一只在虚空中逐渐显形,预谋肛x以发掘不洁之智慧
[01:53.58] 三只巨兽因其残忍、恶意及对所有生灵的绝对反感而团结一致
[02:14.09] 皇家圣所
[02:17.52] 是他们压抑着的欲念
[02:21.00] 在他们让火海吞没世界之时 这欲念只留下思想的回声
[02:38.67] 在那庄严而庞大的黑暗降临之前
[02:45.04] 军阀们齐聚 结下血誓
[02:52.30] “在这面前的残景褪去余色之前”
[02:58.61] “的每一声前进号角都誓死遵循”
[03:17.95] Rrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuaaaa
[03:19.61] 巨兽蛇行前进 渴求品尝xx
[03:22.34] 血液唾液混杂在一起从他们脸上滴落
[03:25.31] 当他们将目光转向他们过的xx身上.
[03:29.15] 军阀们身披纯洁无辜的外衣
[03:32.58] 在病毒血之中沉沦. 变态阴郁的信徒们将整个拳头伸进的xx之中
[03:38.96] 里的怪物 中世纪的手冲者 被圣经里的上帝所引诱
[03:46.31] 来自远古的神秘主义的阴影笼罩、控制着整个王国
[03:49.96] 这是神圣洞察力之牢笼
[03:53.16] 自婴孩时期起的奴役
[03:54.86] 直至青春期前都被死死束缚无法逃脱
[03:58.16] 经受这一切 加里西亚人仍咬牙强忍、任人
[03:59.91] 这些瘟疫之后存活下来的退化而无用的生物之中 诞生了三只自相残杀的巨兽
[04:07.14] 它们会将这个王国夷为不洁的废土