

歌名 Dissipate
歌手 shrimpbro
专辑 Dissipate
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 我的鹰我的蛇
[00:17.195] Dear Dr. Bonnachoven.
[00:23.942] Oh, oh, sure. yes...well, eh,
[00:30.443] now you're fine, much better. Anything you want?
[00:36.687] So many things.
[00:43.189] Yes, well, tell the doctor. Tell the good doctor everything.
[00:50.448] Mmm, I dreamt tonight, dreamt...
[01:06.446] Yes, well, eh, what did you dream?
[01:34.438] I dreamt. I was asleep in the street. A young man came he was tall and strong. He was so mean to me.
[01:48.439] He was.
[01:53.186] Isn't it wonderful?
[00:17.195] 亲爱的波纳科文大夫。
[00:23.942] 噢,噢,肯定,是的……噢,嗯
[00:30.443] 现在你好了,好多了。你想要什么吗?
[00:36.687] 好多东西。
[00:43.189] 是的呢,告诉大夫,把一切都告诉好大夫。
[00:50.448] 我晚上做了一个梦,梦见……
[01:06.446] 你梦见什么了?
[01:34.438] 我梦见,我在大街上睡着了。一个年轻人向我走来,他高大健壮,他对我很不好。
[01:48.439] 他是那样。
[01:53.186] 这不是很美妙吗?