

歌名 light4u
歌手 陈宇龙
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Ride 2
[00:00.000] 作词 : Damien. Xu/陈宇龙
[00:01.000] 作曲 : DJ Berthiot/Goodbye Honey Girl
[00:03.202] Now, please go.
[00:03.944] Don't do this, Please, talk to me.
[00:05.452] I am talking ……off.
[00:07.449] I'm sorry. You misunderstand! I didn't mean to.
[00:09.446] Yes you did.
[00:10.943] I love you!
[00:11.700] Where?
[00:12.441] What?
[00:13.197] Show me
[00:14.949] Where is this love?
[00:15.693] I... I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it.
[00:26.941] We talk, the sweet voice from you just make my adrenaline rush
[00:30.446] We touch, your warm hug is what I can never get enough
[00:33.694] Nobody has to know, they only believe what they’re told
[00:37.189] It’s always been you and I, until one day I got bored
[00:40.695] I loved you dangerously, whole-hearted faithfully
[00:43.690] This ain’t the childish love that I could give you carelessly
[00:47.195] I put you in the first, put all my love in these verses
[00:50.190] Thought I could protect you, but that only made you hurt
[00:53.197] Can’t say “I’m sorry” enough just to fix all damage I’ve done
[00:56.437] I know I broke your heart, I failed your trust and left you alone
[00:59.686] Called you “baby” but couldn’t lift both of us up
[01:03.192] Here we going separate ways, and all I can say is
[01:06.686] Babe
[01:08.441] Sorry I can’t be your favorite person
[01:11.436] Try my best but not to be your Chosen
[01:14.942] Well we both Grown, get new
[01:16.692] I’ll be the light for you, for you
[01:19.933] Remember the days when I would tie your shoelaces
[01:22.940] When I would take you home on the subway
[01:26.189] Those days are far away, but I reminisce
[01:29.183] That I could go back to the time when I hadn’t changed
[01:32.689] Now I’m, whipping a foreign, hoping that all my feelings would abort
[01:35.430] Riding a Porsche, wanna stay flawless, but I just keep making them faults
[01:38.691] Treat you so bad, down to your core, you went away but I’m asking for more
[01:41.686] Going abroad, different road, finally I realized what I’ve lost
[01:45.181] It’s a young, kind heart that kept giving though it’s hurt
[01:48.187] It’s those warm hugs and kisses that could never be reversed
[01:51.440] Don’t think anyone could ever care like all the things you did
[01:54.688] I’ve been stressing but I don’t think you know what you mean to me
[01:58.435] Babe
[02:00.178] Sorry I can’t be your favorite person
[02:03.185] Try my best but not to be your Chosen
[02:06.180] Well we both Grown, get new
[02:08.430] I’ll be the light for you, for you
[02:10.926] Light another cigarette and pour another drink
[02:13.933] Taking these **** to the head until I started seeing things
[02:17.185] Double cup of dirty sprite but one’s enough get me drunk
[02:20.433] I don’t wanna spend no other time on being so damn dumb
[02:23.685] So I numb, smoking ‘til the end is burning near my mouth
[02:26.681] Scorching hot, ashes cooling down when they land on my thumb
[02:29.930] And another one to come through and another to love
[02:33.181] Days are getting darker while I think the nights are filled with songs
[02:36.430] I want you know that I wished you all good intention
[02:39.683] Would do anything and everything if you give your permission
[02:43.177] No suspicion should you ever felt ‘cuz they’d be all wiped-out
[02:46.114] Seemed that we could’ve sorted out but now, it’s all over now ---
[02:49.360] It’s over now, say you wanna be friends? Okay, tell me how?
[02:52.367] When I looked in your eyes, all I can think is how we could worked it out
[02:55.861] So pour it out, all the regret that I’ve lied about
[02:59.113] Claiming that I’m fine, damn, but how could I ever gon’
[03:02.607] Get used to a life without having you all around
[03:05.357] Say I wish you all the best but don’t think there’s a better one
[03:08.605] If I could just go back in time, but know damn well I won’t
[03:11.857] I would right all my wrongs, and love you with all I got
[03:18.315] Dumm.....
[03:24.063] Hello?
[03:25.062] Hey, Hello.
[03:27.557] I...I wrote a song for you...
[00:03.202] 哪里舒服滚哪里吧!
[00:03.944] 你别这样!你难道不能好好说话吗?
[00:05.452] 我说叫你滚!
[00:07.449] 不是这样,你误解我了!
[00:09.446] 你就是那么想的!
[00:10.943] 我真的爱你的!
[00:11.700] 哪?
[00:12.441] 什么?
[00:13.197] 哪里爱了?哪怕一丁点!
[00:14.949] 根本看不见,感受不到!
[00:15.693] 一丁点都没有过!
[00:26.941] 每次与你的交谈都使我兴奋不已
[00:30.446] 每个温暖的拥抱都使我深陷不已
[00:33.694] 没人知道我们之间到底发生了什么,旁人只会相信流言蜚语
[00:37.189] 一直以来都是甜蜜的二人世界,最后却被我打破
[00:40.695] 我曾经不顾一切地爱着你,忠心耿耿地全心全意
[00:43.690] 这并不是我会草率处理的一段感情
[00:47.195] 你永远是第一位,对你的爱都体现在字里行间
[00:50.190] 总以为这是对你的保护,可最后我们却支离破碎
[00:53.197] 对于我的过失怎样弥补都是徒劳无功
[00:56.437] 我背弃了彼此的感情和信任,留下你孑然一人
[00:59.686] 对你无限亲昵却没有足够能力支撑起我们二人
[01:03.192] 如今笑容不见,落寞万千,我只想对你说:
[01:06.686] 宝贝
[01:08.441] 对不起没有陪你走到最后
[01:11.436] 我真的已经尽全力来爱你了
[01:14.942] 最后我们都成长了,都走上新的旅程
[01:16.692] 但是我永远会为你在路上点亮灯光
[01:19.933] 还记得以前我会帮你系紧松掉的鞋带
[01:22.940] 总会每天乘坐地铁送你回家
[01:26.189] 这些记忆看似遥远,但我还在怀念
[01:29.183] 希望自己能变回那个未改初心的少年
[01:32.689] 可现在我却日行千里,试图忘记这一切
[01:35.430] 让自己看起来更光鲜,以为这样就能完美,却还在不停犯错
[01:38.691] 曾令你泣不成声,如今你早已忘却可我却无法翻篇
[01:41.686] 远行他国,千里相隔,失去的那些我最后才懂得
[01:45.181] 那是一颗即便受伤也在一直付出的赤忱之心
[01:48.187] 那是所有不能重来的拥抱和浅吻
[01:51.440] 并不觉得以后有人能比你更加关心我
[01:54.688] 即使我一直在强调,但并不觉得你能理解你到底对我有多重要
[01:58.435] 宝贝
[02:00.178] 对不起没有陪你走到最后
[02:03.185] 我真的已经尽全力来爱你了
[02:06.180] 最后我们都成长了,都走上新的旅程
[02:08.430] 但是我永远会为你在路上点亮灯光
[02:10.926] 燃尽所有思绪,浇灭所有愁情
[02:13.933] 无限沉沦自己直到所见一切都是浮云
[02:17.185] 说着借酒消愁,但仅仅一杯却就倒地不起
[02:20.433] 我再也不想让自己过得愚昧无知
[02:23.685] 只好麻痹自己,看着一切燃烧殆尽
[02:26.681] 灼热的往事已成灰烬,四处飘散逐渐冷却
[02:29.930] 盲目地寻找下一个能带给我同样感受的人
[02:33.181] 在夜晚里我思绪万千,过得逐渐憔悴,
[02:36.430] 希望你知道我所做的一切都是好心好意
[02:39.683] 只要你一声令下我也会赴汤蹈火,无所不能
[02:43.177] 我会为你排忧解难,赶走一切不快
[02:46.114] 这样看似完美,可一切都结束了---
[02:49.360] 如今一切都结束了,请教教我如何做朋友?
[02:52.367] 每当我注视着你的眼睛,我都只会后悔当初为何要放手
[02:55.861] 所以我要将心中所有的悔恨都说出来
[02:59.113] 口口声声承诺着“我没事”,可我又怎能,
[03:02.607] 怎能逐渐熟悉没有你的生活
[03:05.357] 祝愿着“你能找到更好的”但坚信我是最好的那个
[03:08.605] “如果我能回到过去”,虽然我们都心知肚明这样也无用
[03:11.857] 但我还是会改正自己所有的错误,倾尽所有地去爱你
[03:18.315] (电话音)嘟……
[03:24.063] 干嘛?
[03:25.062] 嗨,嗯……
[03:27.557] 我给你写了一首歌……