Proud to be a Brony

Proud to be a Brony

歌名 Proud to be a Brony
歌手 Black Gryph0n
专辑 Proud to be a Brony
[00:00.310] 歌曲:Proud to be a Brony
[00:09.050] 艺术家:BlackGryph0n
[00:14.789] 专辑:JPT
[00:30.000] I used to wonder what friendship could be.
[00:34.165] Until you all shared its magic with me.
[00:36.879] .
[00:36.889] A while ago if you would ask me
[00:39.260] what I watch in my spare time,
[00:41.323] No I probably wouldn't tell you
[00:43.318] what was really on my mind.
[00:45.476] But lately I've been thinking
[00:47.508] of a reason I should hide
[00:49.403] FiM as if to mention it where painful,
[00:51.691] when it feels so good inside!
[00:53.937] .
[00:53.947] Why can't I mention Fluttershy
[00:56.052] and her timid loving mind,
[00:57.779] How she can be herself near animals,
[01:00.042] but shies away from her own kind?
[01:02.123] Why can't I mention Pinkie Pie?
[01:04.344] And the way she kind of acts a bit like me sometimes?
[01:09.001] .
[01:09.011] You see I use to hate that I liked My Little Pony.
[01:17.298] Not any more...
[01:20.836] I'm proud to be a Brony!
[01:22.738] .
[01:22.748] ---Sound bytes from the show during bridge---
[01:22.758] "FOREVER!"
[01:24.158] "Can't hear ya, I'm asleep."
[01:25.598] "Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh OHMYGOSH!!"
[01:27.351] "Thiiis is whiiining!"
[01:28.542] "You rock! woohoo..."
[01:29.749] "Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." “
[01:31.141] "can you do that? Can you explode twice?" “
[01:32.778] "It needs to be about twenty percent cooler."
[01:34.152] "Oatmeal?! Are you crazy!?"
[01:35.742] "I don't wanna talk about it..."
[01:38.123] *grin*
[01:39.053] ---
[01:39.063] .
[01:39.073] Many try to make me feel embarrassed
[01:41.812] but their attempts have been in vain,
[01:43.614] For though they tell me I'm the one with problems,
[01:45.941] they're the ones who are insane!
[01:47.717] So for those watch but won't admit it;
[01:50.035] well you shouldn't be like that.
[01:52.007] Cause you could be twenty percent cooler
[01:54.720] in ten seconds flat!
[01:56.545] .
[01:56.555] Why don't you mention Rainbow Dash
[01:58.635] and her acrobatic skill,
[02:00.197] How she will try her hoof at anything
[02:02.598] just to get a little thrill?
[02:04.893] Why don't you mention Applejack,
[02:07.014] and talk about her honest southern style power of will?
[02:11.672] See you don't have to fake that you hate My Little Pony.
[02:19.981] Shout it out!
[02:23.750] "I'm proud to be a brony!"
[02:27.783] "I'm proud to be a brony!"
[02:33.237] .
[02:33.247] ---Musical Interlude---
[02:33.257] <My Little Pony Theme Song>
[02:33.267] My Little Pony
[02:35.356] I used to wonder what friendship could be.
[02:37.428] My Little Pony
[02:39.327] Until you all shared its magic with me.
[02:41.608] .
[02:41.618] <Winter Wrap Up>,<Art of the Dress>,<Cupcake Song>
[02:41.628] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
[02:43.722] .
[02:43.732] Let's finish our holiday cheer
[02:45.793] .
[02:45.803] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
[02:47.910] >Making sure the fabric folds nicely
[02:47.920] .
[02:47.930] Cause tomorrow spring is here!
[02:49.961] >It's the perfect color and so hip
[02:49.971] .
[02:49.981] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
[02:52.117] >Making sure the fabric folds nicely
[02:52.127] .
[02:52.137] Let's finish our holiday cheer
[02:54.136] >It's the perfect color and so hip
[02:54.146] .
[02:54.156] Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
[02:56.194] >Making sure the fabric folds nicely
[02:56.204] >>Cupcakes-
[02:56.214] .
[02:56.224] Cause tomorrow spring is here!
[02:59.199] >It's the perfect color and so hip
[02:59.209] >>-cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!
[02:59.219] ---
[02:59.229] .
[02:59.239] So I'm gonna mention Rarity
[03:01.164] and how she's oh so lady like,
[03:02.907] But even though she's prim and proper,
[03:04.908] she could make it in a fight!
[03:07.344] And I'm gonna mention Twilight,
[03:09.476] and though she's kinda nerdy, boasts a power tucked away, could take an Ursa any day!
[03:14.806] .
[03:14.816] So how about you?
[03:16.811] Would you do what I do,
[03:18.396] or be phony?
[03:22.456] I'm asking you now...
[03:29.990] .
[03:30.000] Are you proud to be a brony?!
[03:34.642] Are you proud to be a brony?...
[00:30.000] 曾经我好奇什么是友谊
[00:34.165] 直到你们与我分享魔力
[00:36.889] 你要是之前问我
[00:39.260] 平时有什么在看?
[00:41.323] 我才不会老实说
[00:43.318] 有什么在心里面
[00:45.476] 但最近思来想去
[00:47.508] 为啥要躲躲闪闪?
[00:49.403] 谈起小马好似尴尬
[00:51.691] 可心中多么愉快
[00:53.947] 我可以说说小蝶
[00:56.052] 她羞怯又有爱
[00:57.779] 与动物那么亲近
[01:00.042] 见到小马却要躲开
[01:02.123] 我能说说萍琪派
[01:04.344] 她做事有时就好像和我一般
[01:09.011] 你瞧我 曾经不想要喜欢《我的小马驹》
[01:17.298] 再也不会
[01:20.836] 我骄傲我是马迷!
[01:22.758] “永远!”
[01:24.158] “我听不见,我睡着了”
[01:25.598] “我的天 我的天 我的天 我的天 我的天!!”
[01:27.351] “这 才 是 牢 骚”
[01:28.542] “真棒,呜呼”
[01:29.749] 你忠实的学生,暮光闪闪”
[01:31.141] 你能行吗?你能爆炸两次吗?”
[01:32.778] “它还需要更酷20%”
[01:34.152] “燕麦片!你疯了吗!?”
[01:35.742] “我不想谈论它…… ”
[01:39.073] 许多人要我难看
[01:41.812] 但他们力气白费
[01:43.614] 都说是我有毛病
[01:45.941] 他们才脑筋不对!
[01:47.717] 你们边看却边说不看
[01:50.035] 何必又藏又掖?
[01:52.007] 你想更酷百分之二十
[01:54.720] 只要十秒功夫!
[01:56.555] 你怎么不说说云宝
[01:58.635] 她那厉害的招式
[02:00.197] 总想寻求刺激
[02:02.598] 什么都敢一番尝试
[02:04.893] 你怎么不说说阿杰
[02:07.014] 她南方式的坚定的诚实
[02:11.672] 其实你 没必要 装作讨厌《我的小马驹》
[02:19.981] 喊出来:
[02:23.750] “我骄傲我是马迷!”
[02:27.783] “我骄傲我是马迷!”
[02:33.267] 我的小马驹
[02:35.356] 曾经我好奇什么是友谊
[02:37.428] 我的小马驹
[02:39.327] 直到你们与我分享魔力
[02:41.628] 冬天清扫,冬天清扫
[02:43.732] 整个假期充满欢笑
[02:45.803] 冬天清扫,冬天清扫
[02:47.910] 面料褶皱要自然
[02:47.930] 因为明天春来到
[02:49.961] 色泽纹理需耐看
[02:49.981] 冬天清扫,冬天清扫
[02:52.117] 面料褶皱要自然
[02:52.137] 整个假期充满欢笑
[02:54.136] 色泽纹理需耐看
[02:54.156] 冬天清扫,冬天清扫
[02:56.194] 面料褶皱要自然
[02:56.204] 蛋糕-
[02:56.224] 因为明天春来到
[02:59.199] 色泽纹理需耐看
[02:59.209] -细琢精雕,蛋糕,细琢精雕
[02:59.239] 我还要说说瑞瑞
[03:01.164] 她那淑女的风范
[03:02.907] 别看她端庄美丽
[03:04.908] 她却也不惜一战
[03:07.344] 我还要说说暮暮
[03:09.476] 有点呆 却有能耐 对付星座熊小菜一碟
[03:14.816] 那你呢?
[03:16.811] 你是要学我
[03:18.396] 还是装下去?
[03:22.456] 回答我……
[03:30.000] 你骄傲当马迷吗?
[03:34.642] 你骄傲当马迷吗……