

歌名 Tomorrow
歌手 Luca Schreiner
歌手 Adam Turley
专辑 Tomorrow
[00:00.000] 作词 : Adam Turley
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Luca Schreiner/Adam Turley/Jon Ørom/Billy Crabtree/Thomas Stengaard
[00:02.547] Don't wake me
[00:04.944] I'm dreaming
[00:07.432] My dreams are big so don't drag me out
[00:12.564] It's not lazy
[00:15.349] I'm ambitious
[00:17.910] But it's not easy when your head's in the clouds
[00:23.334] I'm driving
[00:25.833] I'm risky
[00:28.370] So just walk by, don't try and bring me down
[00:33.569] I get nervous
[00:36.267] And obsessive
[00:38.769] Every thought I have it just drains me out
[00:43.034] I'll do it tomorrow
[00:45.628] Just not today
[00:48.407] 'Cause the blinds are down while I just dream away
[00:53.509] I'll do it tomorrow
[00:56.076] Just not today
[00:59.283] I'm holding back the time
[01:01.833] Of real life, I'll do it tomorrow
[01:07.972] Tracking me
[01:10.281] You won't reach me
[01:12.756] My service is down and I'm offline
[01:17.921] Don't tell me
[01:20.623] 'Cause I'll leave this
[01:22.972] I'll turn my back and leave it all behind
[01:27.271] I'll do it tomorrow
[01:29.967] Just not today
[01:32.431] Oh
[01:33.570] The blinds are down while I just dream away
[01:38.106] I'll do it tomorrow
[01:40.426] Just not today
[01:43.380] I'm holding back the time
[01:46.049] Of real life, I'll do it tomorrow
[01:49.456] (I'll do it tomorrow, just not today)
[01:53.024] I'll do it tomorrow
[01:55.303] (I'll do it tomorrow, just not today)
[01:58.766] I'll do it tomorrow
[02:00.408] (I'll do it tomorrow, just not today)
[02:04.223] I'll do it tomorrow
[02:07.205] (I'll do it tomorrow)
[02:09.719] Wait now
[02:12.362] Just wait now
[02:15.113] Save it for another day
[02:20.198] Wait now
[02:22.690] Just wait now
[02:25.664] Save it for another day
[02:32.674] I'll do it tomorrow
[02:35.165] Just not today
[02:37.926] I'll do it tomorrow
[02:40.387] Just not today
[02:43.088] I'll do it tomorrow
[02:45.663] Just not today
[02:48.728] I'm holding back the time
[02:51.429] Of real life, I'll do it tomorrow
[00:02.547] 请不要将我唤醒
[00:04.944] 我正沉睡在梦中
[00:07.432] 我的梦想很远大 所以请不要试图将我抽离而出
[00:12.564] 这并不是懈怠就能实现的
[00:15.349] 我满胸膛的雄心壮志
[00:17.910] 但倘若你满脑子都是不切实际的想法也不易实现梦想
[00:23.334] 我勇往直前
[00:25.833] 我铤而走险
[00:28.370] 若你想要阻止我前行的脚步 倒不如悄然从我身边走过便好
[00:33.569] 我紧张兮兮
[00:36.267] 我难以释怀
[00:38.769] 我的翩飞思绪让我劳心费神
[00:43.034] 即便如今不能完成
[00:45.628] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[00:48.407] 当我乘梦之时 百叶窗遮拦而下抵住光线
[00:53.509] 即便如今不能完成
[00:56.076] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[00:59.283] 我试图挽回属于自我真实生活的时间
[01:01.833] 我将实现所怀揣的理想
[01:07.972] 即便你追溯我来时的步履
[01:10.281] 你也无法触及我一丝一毫
[01:12.756] 我无法再给你提供任何关于我的讯息
[01:17.921] 请不要试图告诉我
[01:20.623] 因为我将离开
[01:22.972] 转身将你们与烦恼糟心一起甩在脑后
[01:27.271] 即便如今不能完成
[01:29.967] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[01:33.570] 当我乘梦之时 百叶窗遮拦而下抵住光线
[01:38.106] 即便如今不能完成
[01:40.426] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[01:43.380] 我试图挽回属于自我真实生活的时间
[01:46.049] 我将实现所怀揣的理想
[01:49.456] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[01:53.024] 即便如今不能完成
[01:55.303] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[01:58.766] 即便如今不能完成
[02:00.408] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[02:04.223] 即便如今不能完成
[02:07.205] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[02:09.719] 现在稍等
[02:12.362] 只需稍等片刻
[02:15.113] 为以后而做准备
[02:20.198] 现在稍等
[02:22.690] 只需稍等片刻
[02:25.664] 为以后而做准备
[02:32.674] 即便如今不能完成
[02:35.165] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[02:37.926] 即便如今不能完成
[02:40.387] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[02:43.088] 即便如今不能完成
[02:45.663] 未来终有一天我也能实现
[02:48.728] 我试图挽回属于自我真实生活的时间
[02:51.429] 我将实现所怀揣的理想