歌名 ACE
歌手 J0KER
专辑 J0KƎR
[00:00.000] 作词 : J0KER
[00:01.000] 作曲 : J0KER
[00:12.759] Di do da di do, I got something for ya
[00:15.765] Di do da di do, I have a gift for ya
[00:19.020] Di do da di do, I prepared something batsy
[00:22.273] Di do da di do, batsy I will make you happy
[00:25.279] Ladies and gentlemen, today welcome to my show
[00:27.897] We got Harley and some radom people sitting in a row
[00:31.156] Let’s do a Russian roulette to decide which one’s gonna blow
[00:34.409] It’s basically one eighth chance your head’s gonna explode
[00:37.915] So, let’s start it, batsy, you better be watching it
[00:40.921] Cuz we both are in the game, oh oh are we going to live?
[00:44.681] Click, boom, click, click, click, click, click, boom
[00:47.937] Tada, I lost, you won
[00:50.942] Ahhh, how can I let you win again?
[00:52.943] Click-clock, pull the trigger
[00:54.700] Something pop out from the barrel
[00:55.951] Aha, see? I made another record
[00:57.452] You and I will play together like two lovers, this will be forever
[01:00.460] I heard that you got a lover, but here I got my lever-
[01:03.964] Rage on you, I’ll spill fire on you
[01:05.469] Batsy how many times I ‘ve beaten you
[01:06.973] Same **** goes around and round
[01:08.474] It’s been years but there’s nothing new
[01:10.225] You are my liar you are my lover
[01:11.727] You are my cheater you are my hater
[01:13.483] You are my joke you are my killer
[01:14.986] You are my soulmate you are my mentor
[01:16.738] Di do da di do, I got something for ya
[01:19.742] Di do da di do, I have a gift for ya
[01:22.996] Di do da di do, I prepared something batsy
[01:26.258] Di do da di do, batsy I will make you happy
[01:29.763] (Boom)
[01:30.261] What was that?
[01:30.514] Nah, just a small explosion
[01:32.021] Oh, by the way, you prolly should go check out Clark and his girlfriend
[01:35.523] What did you do?
[01:36.523] Haha, just mixed up some gas and some chemicals
[01:38.530] There was a chain reaction and the result is BOOM
[01:42.039] Why are you doing this?
[01:42.788] Haha, I thought it’s getting boring every time I let you beat me
[01:45.542] So this time I tried something different, we found Lois
[01:48.551] You will get it, take your time, you will know why am I doing this
[01:51.309] This time you are way over the limit, you took millions of lives
[01:55.060] Lives, oh that don’t really matter, take it as a lie
[01:57.812] I know you must still be wondering about why
[02:00.067] You need to find out by yourself, we two are so much alike
[02:04.321] Ahh, this handcuff are so tight, someone please loose it and give me a high-five
[02:07.895] Haha, I heard him, he’s coming
[02:11.147] The devil is coming, there’s nowhere for hiding
[02:14.406] Haha, the devil is coming
[02:17.163] He is angry and crying, he’s shouting and yelling
[02:20.666] Di do da di do, I got something for ya
[02:23.919] Di do da di do, I have a gift for ya
[02:27.177] Di do da di do, I prepared something batsy
[02:30.430] Di do da di do, batsy I will make you happy
[02:33.689] Oh here he comes, with all of his rage and power
[02:35.693] He lost, however anger will never be enough
[02:39.452] Killing can make you feel better, like a lot
[02:42.956] You can kill me now and leave my body till it rot
[02:46.214] You can’t stop it, Clark. Oh it’s not your fault
[02:48.969] You will become something different, a hero will fall
[02:52.476] You can’t stop him, batsy, he’s gonna be crazy
[02:55.730] He will let this planet fear him, he’s gonna be ****
[00:12.759] 滴咚嗒滴咚,我有个东西要给
[00:15.765] 滴咚嗒滴咚,我有个礼物给你
[00:19.020] 滴咚嗒滴咚,batsy我给你准备了个礼物
[00:22.273] 滴咚嗒滴咚,batsy我会让你高兴的
[00:25.279] 女士们先生们,欢迎来到我的表演
[00:27.897] 有请Harley和一些人坐成一排
[00:31.156] 我们来玩个俄罗斯du博,来决定谁会走
[00:34.409] 简单来说就是八分之一的几率你会死
[00:37.915] 所以让我们开始吧batsy,你最好看着
[00:40.921] 因为我们俩都在游戏里面,啊,我们能活着出来吗
[00:44.681] 咔哒,昸,咔哒,咔哒,咔哒,咔哒,咔哒,咚
[00:47.937] 嗒嗒,我输了,你赢了
[00:50.942] 啊我怎么又让你赢了呢
[00:52.943] 咔嚓,扣动
[00:54.700] 有个东西从管子里出来
[00:55.951] 啊,看来我又创造了一项
[00:57.452] 你和我会一辈子这样玩下去,就像情人一样,这样一辈子
[01:00.460] 我听说你有小情人了?但我有你的
[01:03.964] 把柄,我会在你身上喷火
[01:05.469] Batsy我击败了你多少次
[01:06.973] 同样的事情一直重复着
[01:08.474] 都几年了一点变化都没有
[01:10.225] 你是我的骗子,你是我的爱人
[01:11.727] 你是我的小情人,你是我恨的人
[01:13.483] 你是我的笑话,你是我的杀手
[01:14.986] 你是我的灵魂伴侣,你是我的导师
[01:16.738] 滴咚嗒滴咚,我有个东西要给
[01:19.742] 滴咚嗒滴咚,我有个礼物给你
[01:22.996] 滴咚嗒滴咚,batsy我给你准备了个礼物
[01:26.258] 滴咚嗒滴咚,batsy我会让你高兴的
[01:29.763] (爆炸声)
[01:30.261] Bat:那是什么声音?
[01:30.514] J:啊,只是个小爆炸
[01:32.021] 噢,顺便说一下,你最好去看一下Clark和他的女友
[01:35.523] Bat:你做了什么?
[01:36.523] J:哈哈,就把一些气体和化学物品混合了一下
[01:38.530] 有一个连锁反应,结果就是BOOM
[01:42.039] Bat:你为什么这样做
[01:42.788] J:啊,我觉得每次都让你打败我有点无聊
[01:45.542] 这次我做了点不一样的,我找到了Lois
[01:48.551] 你会懂的,慢慢来嘛,你会懂我为什么要这样做的
[01:51.309] Bat:这次你做过头了,你害死了百万生命
[01:55.060] J:啊,生命啊,没啥事,当作谎言吧
[01:57.812] 我知道你一定还在想为什么
[02:00.067] 这次你要自己找到原因,我们实在太像了
[02:04.321] 啊啊,这手铐太近了,谁帮我弄松点我跟他击个掌
[02:07.895] 哈哈,我听到他了,他来了
[02:11.147] 恶魔要来了,无处可躲
[02:14.406] 哈哈,恶魔要来了
[02:17.163] 他又愤怒又哭泣着,他痛苦地大叫着
[02:20.666] 滴咚嗒滴咚,我有个东西要给
[02:23.919] 滴咚嗒滴咚,我有个礼物给你
[02:27.177] 滴咚嗒滴咚,batsy我给你准备了个礼物
[02:30.430] 滴咚嗒滴咚,batsy我会让你高兴的
[02:33.689] 啊他来了,带着他所有的怒气和力量
[02:35.693] 他输了,然而愤怒不够发泄
[02:39.452] 可以让你感觉好很多,真的,好很多
[02:42.956] 你可以杀了我,任我的尸体腐烂
[02:46.214] 你阻止不了这一切,Clark,噢这不是你的错
[02:48.969] 你会成为另一种东西,一个英雄会陨落
[02:52.476] 你阻止不了他的,batsy,他会疯掉的
[02:55.730] 他会让这个星球恐惧他,他会变成