Running to the Hills

Running to the Hills

歌名 Running to the Hills
歌手 Dan Owen
专辑 Running to the Hills
[00:06.668] Breaking out of this forwards
[00:10.012] Where do I begin
[00:13.093] I'm breaking out I'm tryna make it in
[00:20.063] I just want the wind and rain
[00:23.162] Time to waste with you
[00:25.494] Let' get out of here
[00:29.633] Get to some clear blue
[00:32.995] Baby keep on running
[00:36.098] Running to the hills
[00:38.674] Let's find ourselves some quiet
[00:42.534] Let's find ourselves some still
[00:46.144] Baby keep on running
[00:49.228] Running to the hills
[00:52.598] I don't wanna think no more
[00:55.957] I just wanna feel
[00:59.044] Baby keep on running
[01:02.386] Running to the hills
[01:08.854] I'm drowning in a concrete dream
[01:12.208] My knee on skin and bone
[01:15.078] So I'm swapping this rear bricks for sand and stone
[01:22.051] This place ain't been bad to us
[01:25.143] But we don't call it home
[01:27.718] Let’s get out of here
[01:31.588] Go someplace we know
[01:34.953] Baby keep on running
[01:38.292] Running to the hills
[01:41.170] Let's find ourselves some quiet
[01:44.771] Let's find ourselves some still
[01:48.118] Baby keep on running
[01:51.211] Running to the hills
[01:54.566] I don't wanna think no more
[01:57.672] I just wanna feel
[02:01.022] Baby keep on running
[02:04.415] Running to the hills
[02:10.612] On we go,on we go,on we go,on we go
[02:16.829] On we go,on we go,on we go,on we go
[02:27.393] Baby keep on running
[02:30.482] Running to the hills
[02:33.561] Let's find ourselves some quiet
[02:39.997] Wanna frown my arms around you
[02:43.370] The wind can pay the bills
[02:46.981] I don’t wanna think no more
[02:50.099] I just wanna feel
[02:53.468] Baby keep on running
[02:56.559] Running to the hill
[00:06.668] 打破这桎梏
[00:10.012] 该从何处开始
[00:13.093] 努力使愿景成真
[00:20.063] 我只爱风和雨里的日子里
[00:23.162] 与你度过的闲暇时光
[00:25.494] 让我们离开这阴暗之处
[00:29.633] 去往蓝天晴空下
[00:32.995] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[00:36.098] 跑向那山中
[00:38.674] 在风雨中找寻宁静
[00:42.534] 找寻片刻的停歇
[00:46.144] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[00:49.228] 向山中狂奔
[00:52.598] 我不想再冷静理性
[00:55.957] 此刻我只想感受你所感受
[00:59.044] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[01:02.386] 我们一起进入那山中
[01:08.854] 执着于虚幻的梦想
[01:12.208] 我已无法自拔
[01:15.078] 将那砖瓦化为砾石
[01:22.051] 停留此处无益
[01:25.143] 这里已不是家
[01:27.718] 离开这里吧
[01:31.588] 去往我们熟知的地方
[01:34.953] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[01:38.292] 跑向那山中吧
[01:41.170] 在喧嚣中寻求隐逸
[01:44.771] 寻求心灵的沉静
[01:48.118] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[01:51.211] 向山中狂奔吧
[01:54.566] 我不想再顾及尘世俗务
[01:57.672] 此刻我只想感受热烈的爱
[02:01.022] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[02:04.415] 执手奔向那山中
[02:10.612] 无拘无束,说走就走
[02:16.829] 一旦启程,不再回头
[02:27.393] 不要停下向爱进发
[02:30.482] 我的心正向你敞开
[02:33.561] 在这无言的寂静中
[02:39.997] 依偎在我的臂膀吧
[02:43.370] 山间清风就是我们的财富
[02:46.981] 我不会再犹豫踌躇
[02:50.099] 我只想沉溺在爱河之中
[02:53.468] 宝贝不要止住脚步
[02:56.559] 去往那温柔乡