没有爱的城市¹‹With Sunshine.›

没有爱的城市¹‹With Sunshine.›

歌名 没有爱的城市¹‹With Sunshine.›
歌手 YoungStar
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 没有爱的城市¹‹With Sunshine.›
[00:00.000] 作词 : HELLTIO
[00:00.902] 作曲 : HELLTIO
[00:01.804] 编曲 : HELLTIO
[00:02.707] Rise and shine
[00:07.929] 如果我忘记了你 你会怎么办
[00:10.680] 感觉生活在一个没有爱的城市
[00:13.921] 也正在过着没有Tati的日子
[00:20.920] 【嘿!哥哥!】
[00:22.430] 在这个城市
[00:25.179] 总有人安抚着受伤的后辈
[00:27.422] 黑吃黑中被背弃的傀鬼
[00:28.422] 还做心中有数
[00:30.671] 其实任由别人的心带着飞
[00:34.179] 心里急着催 嘴上不停地吹 背地又买醉
[00:40.924] 不要小看别人心里的水 好比深似大海 没有壁垒
[00:43.176] 嘴里说出的话不会很纯粹
[00:44.931] 就像恋爱谈多了也会很醉
[00:46.671] 没有可预见的眼泪
[00:48.679] 眼泪不会像快乐那么碎
[00:51.174] 有时既不让走 也不被留
[00:52.173] 那次
[00:52.930] 一张驾驶证
[00:53.670] 两张单人床
[00:54.428] 稍感惭愧
[00:55.425] 副驾全程陪
[00:56.423] 没能分担疲惫
[00:57.423] 简直羞愧
[01:00.173] 愧疚感再次袭来 让我没有防备
[01:01.670] 你又何须预备
[01:03.678] 陪着你 粘着你 照顾你
[01:05.423] 就只能静静地看着
[01:07.673] 心爱的人在身边睡着
[01:09.427] 旁边歌曲在唱着
[01:11.178] 看你一步一步一步一步退着
[01:13.420] 两人的手 虽牵着在走
[01:15.429] 谁人又知 我的心却在抖
[01:16.669] 转了无数的店
[01:18.426] 我怎就越来越不懂你手
[01:21.420] 一个没有爱的城市 只有独无偶
[01:22.418] The sunshine
[01:22.929] Waiting sea wave
[01:25.169] I am surfing all day
[01:26.179] I am missing
[01:27.180] I am thinking
[01:29.419] I enjoyed the good day
[01:30.671] The bath towels
[01:31.927] Two bags
[01:33.924] You lied down on the beach
[01:34.922] You weren't lying
[01:36.174] Your injury
[01:37.931] was stang by seawater
[01:40.925] I am so sorry
[01:42.423] Slam my feeling
[01:44.673] It's a bad day, it's not bad life.
[01:45.430] Since a night
[01:47.668] Should light a Night light on the night
[01:49.924] Even it's a part of my life
[01:51.174] Maybe we were right
[01:54.170] In love and life need to be bright
[01:56.923] light my road or give me part of sunshine.
[01:58.676] I am Snippy always sleepy
[02:01.172] Snoopy s on the side of bed seeing lots of sad
[02:03.425] I am hip-hop rookie not ASAP Rocky
[02:06.921] I am also rookie in love that why I missed a lot
[02:09.170] I missed you lost you my TATI lady
[02:10.170] You can be happy
[02:11.425] Please don't be so high
[02:12.677] You are a adult
[02:14.419] You always care of your mom
[02:16.172] Don't let her too worry
[02:20.923] Soliloquy
[02:21.919] At the moment
[02:23.429] Cat got your tongue
[02:24.171] I see!
[02:25.426] In the Next second
[02:26.680] Please leave you alone
[02:27.423] You see?
[02:30.673] After the day, It feels like you're being pumped out of me
[02:32.668] I miss you I am thinking about you
[02:33.426] Marlboro said
[02:36.921] Man Always Remember Love, Because Of Romance Only.
[02:40.925] I am not smoker, cigarette scram now
[02:41.678] In Boston
[02:42.922] In LA
[02:45.172] Too many memories
[02:46.172] Your temper
[02:47.427] Your feeling
[02:49.423] You'd like to be back
[02:50.677] The city
[02:51.921] You see baby
[02:53.928] You are parking no way
[02:55.170] You are sitting
[02:56.180] You are waiting
[02:57.922] California no free
[03:00.672] You gotta wait
[03:02.669] I am not waiting for you
[03:04.424] I am just moving now
[03:06.676] You are trying to be kinds of people you try to be
[03:09.928] I am trying to be a kind of person who I try to be
[03:11.424] I've loved you a lot
[03:12.923] I've given you a lot
[03:14.174] I understand you've thought
[03:15.930] I give up
[03:17.427] I hope we get over each other
[03:18.926] My Tati lady
[03:20.179] 如果我忘记了你
[03:21.920] 希望你也忘记了我
[00:02.707] (起床了阳光普照了)
[00:07.929] -
[00:10.680] -
[00:13.921] -
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[01:00.173] -
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[01:07.673] -
[01:09.427] -
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[01:13.420] -
[01:15.429] -
[01:16.669] -
[01:18.426] -
[01:21.420] -
[01:22.418] (阳光)
[01:22.929] (等待海浪)
[01:25.169] (我整天都在冲浪)
[01:26.179] (我在想念)
[01:27.180] (我在思考)
[01:29.419] (我喜欢这美好的一天)
[01:30.671] (那些浴巾)
[01:31.927] (那两个布包)
[01:33.924] (你躺在沙滩上)
[01:34.922] (你没说谎)
[01:36.174] (你的伤口)
[01:37.931] (是否被海水浸泡)
[01:40.925] (我非常抱歉)
[01:42.423] (大满贯给我的感觉)
[01:44.673] (这是糟糕的一天 但这不是糟糕的生活)
[01:45.430] (因为一个晚上)
[01:47.668] (晚上应该点一盏夜灯)
[01:49.924] (虽然这也是我生活的一部分)
[01:51.174] (也许我们是对的)
[01:54.170] (在爱情和生活中都需要光明)
[01:56.923] (照亮我的路 或者给我一部分阳光)
[01:58.676] (我总是昏昏欲睡)
[02:01.172] (史努比躺在床上 看到许多悲伤)
[02:03.425] (我是嘻哈菜鸟 不是A$AP Rocky)
[02:06.921] (我也是恋爱中的菜鸟 所以错过了很多)
[02:09.170] (我错过了你失去了你 我的TATI小姐)
[02:10.170] (你可以去开心)
[02:11.425] (但请不要那么嗨)
[02:12.677] (你是成年人了)
[02:14.419] (你总是照顾你妈妈)
[02:16.172] (别让她太担心)
[02:20.923] (独白 自言自语)
[02:21.919] (在那个时候)
[02:23.429] (你哑口无言)
[02:24.171] (我明白!)
[02:25.426] (在那下一秒)
[02:26.680] (请让你一个人待着)
[02:27.423] (你知道么?)
[02:30.673] (在那天之后 那就像你从我灵魂中抽了出去)
[02:32.668] (但我想你 我在想你)
[02:33.426] (万宝路说)
[02:36.921] (男人永远记得爱 只因为浪漫)
[02:40.925] (我不抽烟 所以香烟请你离开 说什么都不在重要)
[02:41.678] (在波士顿)
[02:42.922] (在洛杉矶)
[02:45.172] (太多的回忆)
[02:46.172] (你的脾气)
[02:47.427] (你的感受)
[02:49.423] (你太像回去那里)
[02:50.677] (那个城市)
[02:51.921] (你明白么 宝贝)
[02:53.928] (你休想轻易停车)
[02:55.170] (你坐着)
[02:56.180] (你在等待)
[02:57.922] (加州没有免费的)
[03:00.672] (你需要等待)
[03:02.669] (我不在等你)
[03:04.424] (我在移动了)
[03:06.676] (你想成为你想成为的那种人)
[03:09.928] (我想成为我想成为的那种人)
[03:11.424] (我曾很爱你)
[03:12.923] (我也曾付出了)
[03:14.174] (我明白你曾想的)
[03:15.930] (所以我放弃了)
[03:17.427] (我希望我们放过彼此)
[03:18.926] (我的TATI 女士)
[03:20.179] -
[03:21.920] -