Leader Of The Landslide

Leader Of The Landslide

歌名 Leader Of The Landslide
歌手 The Lumineers
专辑 Junior Sparks
[00:00.00] 作词 : Wesley Schultz/Jeremiah Fraites
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Wesley Schultz/Jeremiah Fraites
[00:17.97] Every night I saw you there
[00:20.29] In your old wicker chair
[00:22.22] Singing, ooh
[00:27.46] You were wrong, I was right
[00:30.13] Didn't matter in a fight, ooh
[00:42.74] Coffee mug filled it up
[00:45.01] Always knew what it was
[00:47.09] Sing, ooh
[00:52.52] Been on your side for years
[00:54.89] You could never love without crying, ooh
[01:02.94] Is she dead, is she fine
[01:07.56] Every day, every night
[01:18.89] Fate has dealt me a lonely blow, I said, ooh
[01:29.81] Tried to help, only hurt
[01:32.12] In the end I made it worse
[01:39.63] Is she dead, is she fine
[01:45.01] Every day, every night
[02:16.55] Give back my keys, give back my chair
[02:22.49] Take back those clothes you always left on the floor
[02:40.52] You drove my wild, drove me insane
[02:46.58] Drank the whole bottle, forgot my name
[02:51.65] All I ever wanted was a mother for the first time
[02:58.24] Finally I could see you as the leader of the landslide
[03:05.33] She left, she left, the writing's on the wall
[03:11.82] Please believe me, I smell the alcohol
[03:17.83] The only thing I know is that we're in too deep
[03:23.77] And maybe when she's dead and gone I'll get some sleep
[03:45.01] You blamed it all on your kids
[03:51.13] You were young, you were innocent
[03:56.89] You told me a lie, **** you for that
[04:03.08] **** all your pride and **** all your prayers
[04:08.82] And all this time I waited like a fool for the first time
[04:14.92] Finally I can see you as the leader of the landslide
[04:22.05] She left, she left, the writing's on the wall
[04:28.18] Please believe me, don't answer when she calls
[04:34.57] The only thing I know is that we're in too deep
[04:40.46] And maybe when she's dead and gone I'll get some sleep
[05:01.62] Out there on my own I was feeling so alone
[05:07.22] Like a poltergeist in the afterlife
[05:13.54] Fading by degrees, I was shaking in the knees
[05:19.66] In the aftermath of this broken glass
[05:28.73] Ohh, ohh
[05:39.93] Ohh
[00:17.97] 无数个夜我望见你
[00:20.29] 在那摇晃的柳条椅上
[00:22.22] 轻声吟唱
[00:27.46] 我们各执己见
[00:30.13] 把争执当成唯一出路
[00:42.74] 满上那咖啡杯
[00:45.01] 我始终能看破你
[00:47.09] 轻声吟唱
[00:52.52] 多年来一直在你身旁
[00:54.89] 你永远只会在声嘶力竭中留下残缺的爱意
[01:02.94] 她还安好吗
[01:07.56] 每个昼夜我都在挂念
[01:18.89] 受尽了命运的捉弄
[01:29.81] 奋力挣扎只是遍体鳞伤
[01:32.12] 最终莫入歧途
[01:39.63] 她还无恙吗
[01:45.01] 每个昼夜我都在想念
[02:16.55] 还给我钥匙和蚕食你的摇椅
[02:22.49] 捡起那些被你胡乱丢在地板上的衣服
[02:40.52] 你总是让我疯癫抓狂
[02:46.58] 就让酒精占据你的神经,得以忘掉我名
[02:51.65] 我想要的不过是最初的母亲的关怀
[02:58.24] 最终你在我心中留下了山崩地裂
[03:05.33] 我就知道你会不告而别
[03:11.82] 相信我我闻到了酒精的味道
[03:17.83] 我们都陷得太深
[03:23.77] 也许她逝去的时候我会得到片刻安宁
[03:45.01] 你将所有过错都算在你的孩子头上
[03:51.13] 你说你年轻气盛
[03:56.89] 去你的满口谎言
[04:03.08] 去你的骄傲自尊和虚伪的祈祷
[04:08.82] 这次我像个傻瓜一样苦苦等待
[04:14.92] 最终你却只留下山崩地裂
[04:22.05] 早就预料她会不辞而别
[04:28.18] 别再理会她的未接来电
[04:34.57] 我们都已陷得太深
[04:40.46] 也许她寿终正寝之后我会得到片刻宁静
[05:01.62] 茕茕孑立成了我的归宿
[05:07.22] 也许我死后也会化成一个吵闹的幽魂
[05:13.54] 逐渐消逝,我双膝再也承受不住
[05:19.66] 这无休止争吵带来的后果