Bad Boy

Bad Boy

歌名 Bad Boy
歌手 Brantley Gilbert
专辑 Bad Boy
[00:00.000] 作词 : Gilbert, Brantley Keith / Phillips, Josh Michael
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Gilbert, Brantley Keith / Phillips, Josh Michael
[00:12.745] Girl, I would dial your number without lookin'
[00:18.612] And you'd always pick it up soon as it rang
[00:24.863] And I'd hear you say, "I hear my momma comin'"
[00:30.833] And you'd hide the phone up underneath the sheets
[00:36.941] And I'd hear her say, "Girl, haven't I told you?"
[00:43.606] "Yeah, I know who you're talkin' to"
[00:49.061] lt's that bad boy
[00:53.892] lt's that wrong side of the tracks boy
[00:59.800] That break your heart and won't come back, boy
[01:04.833] Why's that boy the one you love?
[01:13.440] You're not that bad, boy
[01:20.704] Well, you weren't scared, but you had every reason
[01:25.766] Me and my boy's were nothin' short of dangerous
[01:32.102] But you said, "Boy, you know I've heard you talk to Jesus"
[01:38.582] "How's a tough guy like you afraid to love?"
[01:44.199] You ain't so bad, boy
[01:49.129] You done some things you can't take back, boy
[01:54.965] But I see straight through that, boy
[02:00.545] And that boy's the one I love
[02:08.722] You ain't so bad, boy
[02:14.800] No, you ain't so bad
[02:24.743] Ain't so bad
[02:34.242] Well, I remember sittin' down beside your mama
[02:40.101] My hands shaking in my pocket with that ring
[02:46.409] She said, "Boy I always knew you loved my daughter"
[02:52.100] She loves you too and I think I know what she sees
[02:58.200] So alright, bad boy
[03:02.965] Long as them old habits don't come back, boy
[03:09.345] You know that's how she lost her dad, boy
[03:14.606] And that boy's the one I loved
[03:22.540] He was my bad boy
[03:28.998] He was my bad boy
[03:34.998] Guess you ain't so bad
[03:40.966] No, you ain't so bad, boy
[00:12.745] 我闭着眼都能拨下你的号码
[00:18.612] 而铃声乍响你都会接起电话
[00:24.863] 我听到你说“我妈妈好像要来了”
[00:30.833] 紧接着就把手机藏在床单下
[00:36.941] 我听到你妈妈说“我警告你多少次了”
[00:43.606] “你在和谁打电话 我清楚得很
[00:49.061] 他不是什么好人啊
[00:53.892] 他是那种挑战世俗不知悔改的浪子
[00:59.800] 他会伤透你的心 从此不再回到你的身边
[01:04.833] 但这种人你又怎么会爱上啊”
[01:13.440] ——因为你并不是那种坏人啊
[01:20.704] 你毫无畏惧与我相爱 因为你有自己的原因
[01:25.766] 旁人看来 我这帮兄弟一个个都危险的要命
[01:32.102] 但你明白 内心深处我仍会向耶稣祈祷
[01:38.582] “你这样坚强的男人又怎会畏惧爱情
[01:44.199] 你并不是人们声称的坏人
[01:49.129] 你只是行事莽撞 时常无法挽回罢了
[01:54.965] 但这些我都看得一清二楚
[02:00.545] 你就是我生命里的唯一
[02:08.722] 你并不是那种坏人
[02:14.800] 你并非人们提防谴责的对象
[02:24.743] 你没有他们说的那么十恶不赦”
[02:34.242] 我记得那天我们和你妈妈坐在一起
[02:40.101] 我口袋里装着一枚钻戒 攥在手里不由发抖
[02:46.409] 她说“年轻人啊 我知道你有多爱我女儿
[02:52.100] 她也很爱你 我想我也明白了这其中的原因
[02:58.200] 所以啊 行吧 你这个坏孩子
[03:02.965] 只要你彻底戒除你那些恶习
[03:09.345] 你知道她爸爸就是这么走的
[03:14.606] 而我也深爱着她爸爸这种人
[03:22.540] 他就是我人生中的那个坏人
[03:28.998] 但我也用一生与他相许
[03:34.998] 我想 你可能也没有那么恶劣吧
[03:40.966] 我把女儿托付给你了”