Night Falls

Night Falls

歌名 Night Falls
歌手 Dove Cameron
歌手 Sofia Carson
歌手 Booboo Stewart
歌手 Cameron Boyce
歌手 Thomas Doherty
歌手 China Anne McClain
歌手 Dylan Playfair
专辑 Descendants 3 (Original TV Movie Soundtrack)
[00:05.99] Watch your back watch your back
[00:07.51] Watch your back watch your back
[00:08.92] We can counter their attack hit 'em 'til the armor cracks
[00:11.96] This could get a little sticky
[00:15.08] How to win this battle could be tricky but I know the best way
[00:19.50] Fall back let me lead you hold the line
[00:22.08] And we'll bring them to their knees
[00:24.00] Swords in the air if you're with me
[00:26.34] They got us outnumbered one to fifty
[00:29.92] But victory is ours 'cause I got a strategy you take the left
[00:34.07] And the rest of you can follow me
[00:35.67] Un-uh
[00:36.41] This is my crew
[00:37.53] This is my squad
[00:39.33] This is my turf
[00:40.52] Oh my gosh
[00:42.42] Look guys
[00:43.15] We've got bigger fish to fry
[00:44.57] Put your differences aside
[00:46.14] 'Cause right now we're on the same side
[00:48.23] Until the night falls everyone
[00:51.21] We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
[00:54.02] Watch your back watch your back
[00:55.48] Watch your back watch your back
[00:56.97] We can counter their attack hit 'em 'til the armor cracks
[01:00.24] Until the night falls we're aligned
[01:03.20] It doesn't mean that we're on the same side
[01:05.97] Watch your back watch your back
[01:07.45] Watch your back watch your back
[01:08.91] Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast they're too heavy to react
[01:12.01] This situation's getting kinda heavy
[01:14.96] Hold your weapons tight keep 'em steady
[01:17.82] 'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive
[01:20.75] I'll cause a distraction you attack them from the side
[01:23.97] All my soldiers stand at the ready
[01:26.95] We can cut 'em up like a confetti
[01:30.10] We'll hit 'em from the front you counter from behind
[01:32.97] Don't forget the fate of Auradon's on the line
[01:35.74] This is all out war they got us outnumbered
[01:38.94] The way the swords clash is the sound of the thunder
[01:42.11] And we are not going under we will never run for cover
[01:44.89] We battle for the victory and ride for each other
[01:48.25] Until the night falls everyone
[01:51.18] We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
[01:54.05] Back to back back to back
[01:55.42] Back to back back to back
[01:56.96] We can counter their attack hit 'em 'til the armor cracks
[02:00.26] Until the night falls we're aligned
[02:03.14] It doesn't mean that we're on the same side
[02:05.95] Back to back back to back
[02:07.44] Back to back back to back
[02:08.93] Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast they're too heavy to react
[02:13.45] Suit of armor strong and true
[02:15.50] Make this metal bust a move
[02:54.31] Until the night falls you can trust
[02:57.16] I'm gonna help you win this battle because
[02:59.76] I got your back got your back
[03:01.45] Got your back got your back
[03:02.98] All for one and that's a fact knights fall pitch black
[00:05.99] 小心
[00:07.51] 保持警惕
[00:08.92] 我们可以对抗他们的攻击,直到盔甲破裂
[00:11.96] 这可能会有点难搞
[00:15.08] 要赢得这场战斗可能会很棘手,但我自有妙计
[00:19.50] 退下,我来指挥,你管好队伍
[00:22.08] 我们会打得让他们跪地求饶
[00:24.00] 和我一起高举长剑
[00:26.34] 虽然敌众我寡
[00:29.92] 但胜利会是我们的,我自有妙计,你们管好左翼
[00:34.07] 其他人随我走
[00:36.41] 这是我的团队
[00:37.53] 这是我的小组
[00:39.33] 这是我的地盘
[00:40.52] 稍等
[00:42.42] 伙伴们
[00:43.15] 我们有更重要的事情要先解决
[00:44.57] 抛开你们的分歧
[00:46.14] 因为现在我们是同一阵线
[00:48.23] 直到夜幕降临,所有人
[00:51.21] 我们会待在一起,直到战斗结束
[00:54.02] 小心
[00:55.48] 保持警惕
[00:56.97] 我们可以对抗他们的进攻,直到盔甲裂开
[01:00.24] 直到夜幕降临,我们是英雄联盟
[01:03.20] 虽然那并不意味着我们是同一阵线
[01:05.97] 小心
[01:07.45] 保持警惕
[01:08.91] 狠狠的快速出击,让他们无法招架
[01:12.01] 情况变得有点复杂
[01:14.96] 拿起武器保持稳定
[01:17.82] 只要齐心协力,我们一定会赢
[01:20.75] 我来分散注意力,你们从侧面攻击
[01:23.97] 所有士兵都准备好
[01:26.95] 让我们把他们粉碎成渣
[01:30.10] 我们在前面攻击,你们从后面反击
[01:32.97] 不要忘记Auradon's信念 在这千钧一发之时
[01:35.74] 全面战争开启,敌众我寡
[01:38.94] 剑气碰撞 剑光四射
[01:42.11] 我们绝不会陷入困境,我们永远不会逃避
[01:44.89] 因为我们为胜利而战,为彼此而战
[01:48.25] 直到夜幕降临
[01:51.18] 我们会待在一起,直到战斗结束
[01:54.05] 背靠背,肩并肩
[01:55.42] 背靠背,肩并肩
[01:56.96] 我们一起抵抗敌人的攻击,直到盔甲裂开
[02:00.26] 直到夜幕降临,我们齐心协力
[02:03.14] 虽然这并不意味着我们是同一阵线
[02:05.95] 背靠背,肩并肩
[02:07.44] 背靠背,肩并肩
[02:08.93] 狠狠的快速出击,让敌人无法招架
[02:13.45] 盔甲强壮而真实
[02:15.50] 向它出招吧
[02:54.31] 直到夜幕降临,你可以相信
[02:57.16] 我会帮你们赢得这场战斗,因为
[02:59.76] 我会守护你们
[03:01.45] 我会尽全力保护你们
[03:02.98] 一切都是因为,骑士黑暗降临