Queen of Mean

Queen of Mean

歌名 Queen of Mean
歌手 Sarah Jeffery
专辑 Descendants 3 (Original TV Movie Soundtrack)
[00:03.90] I'm so tired of pretending
[00:07.72] Where's my happy ending?
[00:10.84] I followed all the rules
[00:12.45] I drew inside the lines
[00:13.78] I never asked for anything that wasn't mine
[00:16.28] I waited patiently for my time
[00:17.87] But when it finally came
[00:19.18] He called her name
[00:20.88] And now I feel this overwhelming pain
[00:22.98] I mean it's in my veins
[00:24.24] I mean it's in my brain
[00:25.69] My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train
[00:28.45] I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame
[00:31.15] I know exactly who to blame
[00:32.96] I never thought of myself as mean
[00:38.53] I always thought that I'd be the queen
[00:42.89] And there's no in between
[00:45.17] 'Cause if I can't have that
[00:46.65] Then I would be the leader of the dark
[00:48.55] And the bad
[00:49.65] Now there's a devil on my shoulder
[00:51.34] Where the angels used to be
[00:53.42] And he's calling me the queen
[00:56.83] Being nice was my pastime
[01:00.17] But I've been hurt for the last time
[01:02.41] And I won't ever let another person take advantage of me
[01:06.18] The anger burns my skin, third-degree
[01:08.56] Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea
[01:11.32] There's nobody getting close to me
[01:13.18] They're gonna bow to the Evil Queen
[01:15.45] Your nightmare's my dream
[01:16.94] Just wait until they fall to my wicked schemes
[01:19.90] I never thought of myself as mean
[01:25.77] I always thought that I'd be the queen
[01:29.39] And there's no in between
[01:31.83] 'Cause if I can't have that
[01:33.67] Then I would be the leader of the dark
[01:35.45] And the bad
[01:36.37] Now there's a devil on my shoulder
[01:38.29] Where the angels used to be
[01:40.25] And he's calling me the queen of mean (Calling me, calling me)
[01:44.76] The queen of mean (Calling me, calling me)
[01:48.51] (Calling me, calling me) The queen of mean
[01:52.69] Something's pulling me
[01:54.68] It's so magnetic
[01:55.88] My body is moving
[01:57.07] Unsure where I'm headed
[01:58.46] All of my senses have left me defenseless
[02:01.22] This darkness around me
[02:02.48] Is promising vengeance
[02:04.05] The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive
[02:06.66] There's nothing to lose
[02:07.90] When you're lonely and friendless
[02:09.53] So my only interest is showing this princess
[02:12.26] That I am the queen
[02:13.44] And my reign will be endless (Endless)
[02:17.11] I want what I deserve
[02:19.66] I want to rule the world
[02:22.28] Sit back and watch them learn
[02:25.78] It's finally my turn
[02:30.25] If they want a villain for a queen
[02:34.52] I'm gonna be one like they've never seen
[02:38.68] I'll show them what it means
[02:41.10] Now that I am that
[02:42.76] I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad
[02:45.37] 'Cause the devil's on my shoulder
[02:47.18] Where the angels used to be
[02:49.74] And he's calling me the queen of mean (Calling me, calling me)
[02:54.67] (Calling me, calling me)
[02:56.15] The queen of mean (Calling me, calling me)
[03:00.91] I want what I deserve
[00:03.90] 我已经厌倦了伪装
[00:07.72] 不曾看见自己的完美结局
[00:10.84] 我循规蹈矩
[00:12.45] 活在条条框框里
[00:13.78] 从没有奢求过不属于自己的事情
[00:16.28] 我缄默不言,静候时机
[00:17.87] 但这一切依旧来临
[00:19.18] 他呼唤起她的姓名
[00:20.88] 我感到万箭穿心
[00:22.98] 这痛苦流淌在血液里
[00:24.24] 这痛楚回荡在脑海里
[00:25.69] 我的思维停滞不前,就像玩具火车在原地转圈
[00:28.45] 我就是那完美的图片,却在破旧的画框里镶嵌
[00:31.15] 谁是元凶,我心里有数
[00:32.96] 我不认为自己尖酸恶毒
[00:38.53] 总有一天我会成为万物之主
[00:42.89] 在这二者中没有其他出路
[00:45.17] 如果不能拥有本属于自己的事物
[00:46.65] 我会成为黑暗的领主
[00:48.55] 主宰一切邪恶
[00:49.65] 在我的肩上有一位恶魔
[00:51.34] 取代了天使的座位
[00:53.42] 他称呼我恶毒之女王
[00:56.83] 善良在我身上不复存在
[01:00.17] 待人温和使我受到了伤害
[01:02.41] 我不会再让任何人将我出卖
[01:06.18] 愤怒蒙蔽了我,三级烧伤
[01:08.56] 我的血液如同沸腾的大海
[01:11.32] 没有人能接近我
[01:13.18] 所有人向我俯首听命
[01:15.45] 你的梦魇是我梦境的差使
[01:16.94] 等待他们落入我的罪恶诡计
[01:19.90] 我不认为自己尖酸恶毒
[01:25.77] 总有一天我会成为万物之主
[01:29.39] 在这二者中没有其他出路
[01:31.83] 如果不能拥有本属于自己的事物
[01:33.67] 我会成为黑暗的领主
[01:35.45] 主宰一切邪恶
[01:36.37] 在我的肩上有一位恶魔
[01:38.29] 取代了天使的座位
[01:40.25] 他称呼我恶毒之女王
[01:44.76] 恶毒之女王
[01:48.51] 恶毒之女王
[01:52.69] 有一股力量把我拉住
[01:54.68] 如磁铁般将我束缚
[01:55.88] 身体摇晃得不由自主
[01:57.07] 我找不到前路
[01:58.46] 仿佛已经六神无主
[02:01.22] 黑暗在我身边停驻
[02:02.48] 向我允诺复仇与报复
[02:04.05] 我付出的代价无法预估
[02:06.66] 只因我已穷途末路
[02:07.90] 而又孤独无助
[02:09.53] 我只想告诉小公主
[02:12.26] 我才是万物之主
[02:13.44] 我的统治遍及每一处
[02:17.11] 我应得的就一定要得到
[02:19.66] 我要统治整个世界
[02:22.28] 坐回我的王位,他们会知道
[02:25.78] 终于到了我的回合
[02:30.25] 如果他们想要一个恶棍当皇后
[02:34.52] 那我就当一个他们都闻所未闻的史上最坏
[02:38.68] 我会用行动来证明
[02:41.10] 这才是我原本的模样
[02:42.76] 我会成为黑暗的领主
[02:45.37] 在我的肩上有一位恶魔
[02:47.18] 取代了天使的座位
[02:49.74] 他称呼我恶毒之女王
[02:54.67] 他称呼我恶毒之女王
[02:56.15] 他称呼我恶毒之女王
[03:00.91] 我应得的就一定要得到