Moving Too Fast

Moving Too Fast

歌名 Moving Too Fast
歌手 Ramin Karimloo
专辑 From Now On
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Jason Robert Brown
[00:00:300] Did I just hear an alarm start ringing?
[00:04:000] Did I see sirens go flying past?
[00:09:000] Though I don't know what tomorrow's bringing
[00:12:500] I've got a singular impression
[00:14:500] Things are moving too fast
[00:18:000] I'm gliding smooth as a figure skater
[00:22:500] I'm riding hot as a rocket blast
[00:27:000] I just expected it ten years later
[00:30:000] I've got a singular impression
[00:32:500] Things are moving too fast
[00:35:000] And you say, "Oh, no, step on the brakes
[00:37:800] Do whatever it takes, but stop this train
[00:40:300] Slow, slow! The light's turning red"
[00:44:500] But I say: No! No!
[00:45:600] Whatever I do
[00:46:800] I barrel on through, and I don't complain
[00:49:300] No matter what I try
[00:50:500] I'm flying full speed ahead
[00:54:000] I'm never worried to walk the wire
[00:58:800] I won't do anything just "half-assed"
[01:03:100] But with the stakes getting somewhat higher
[01:06:500] I've got a singular impression things are moving too fast
[01:14:500] I found a woman I love
[01:19:000] And I found an agent who loves me
[01:23:600] Things might get bumpy but
[01:25:500] Some people analyze every detail
[01:30:000] Some people stall when they can't see the trail
[01:34:700] Some people freeze out of fear that they'll fail
[01:39:100] But I keep rollin' on
[01:44:700] Some people can't get success with their art
[01:49:300] Some people never feel love in their heart
[01:53:700] Some people can't tell the two things apart
[01:58:100] But I keep rollin' on
[02:03:500] Oh, oh - maybe I can't follow through
[02:12:200] But oh, oh - what else am I supposed to do?
[02:21:500] I dreamed of writing like the high and mighty
[02:25:700] Now I'm the subject of a bidding war
[02:30:000] I met my personal Aphrodite
[02:34:400] I'm doing things I never dreamed of before
[02:39:500] We start to take the next step together
[02:43:500] Found an apartment on Seventy-Third
[02:48:500] The Atlantic Monthly's printing my first chapter
[02:53:200] Two thousand bucks without rewriting one word
[02:57:000] I left Columbia and I don't regret it
[03:01:800] I wrote a book and Sonny Mehta read it
[03:06:500] My heart's been stolen
[03:08:300] My ego's swollen
[03:11:000] I just keep rollin' along
[03:21:400] And I think
[03:22:400] Well, well, what else is in store?
[03:24:000] Got all this and more before twenty-four
[03:26:700] It's hard not to be sure
[03:28:000] I'm spinning out of control
[03:31:500] Out of control
[03:34:300] I'm feeling panicked and rushed and hurried
[03:38:500] I'm feeling outmaneuvered and outclassed
[03:42:800] But I'm so happy I can't get worried
[03:46:000] About this singular impression
[03:51:000] I've got a singular impression things are moving too fast
[00:00:300] 我似乎听见了警报响起?
[00:04:000] 我好像看见了警笛闪过?
[00:09:000] 虽然不知道明天会发生什么
[00:12:500] 但我有种奇特的感觉
[00:14:500] 一切都发展得太快了
[00:18:000] 我一路向前 顺畅得像专业花滑选手
[00:22:500] 火热得如同冲天的火箭
[00:27:000] 我对十年之后无比期待
[00:30:000] 我有种奇特的感觉
[00:32:500] 一切都发展得太快了
[00:35:000] 你说:“噢不,快踩刹车!”
[00:37:800] “不管付出任何代价,只要能停下这辆火车。”
[00:40:300] “慢些,慢些!红灯亮了!”
[00:44:500] 可我却连连说不
[00:45:600] 无论我做什么
[00:46:800] 我都会一往无前且心甘情愿
[00:49:300] 无论尝试何事
[00:50:500] 我都将马力全开地向前飞进
[00:54:000] 我从不在意行于悬索
[00:58:800] 我也绝不会半途而废
[01:03:100] 但随着风险渐大
[01:06:500] 我开始有种奇特的感觉 事情发展都快得出乎意料
[01:14:500] 我寻见了我深爱的女人
[01:19:000] 也找到对我青睐有加的出版商
[01:23:600] 未来也许一波三折
[01:25:500] 有人纠结于每个细节末节
[01:30:000] 有人迷失了前路就地安身
[01:34:700] 也有人被失败吓得畏缩不前
[01:39:100] 但我不会停下脚步
[01:44:700] 有人的作品始终无法获得成功
[01:49:300] 有人从未真心感受过爱意悸动
[01:53:700] 也有人一直搞不清其中差别
[01:58:100] 可我只会继续向前
[02:03:500] 噢 也许我也无法坚持到底
[02:12:200] 但我也别无选择了吧
[02:21:500] 我曾梦想成为名声显赫的作家
[02:25:700] 现在我已经变得炙手可热
[02:30:000] 还遇见了我的阿芙罗狄蒂(希腊爱与美的女神)
[02:34:400] 这是我以前从未预见过的生活
[02:39:500] 我们一同向新生活迈出下一步
[02:43:500] 在第七十三街租间公寓
[02:48:500] 大西洋月刊开始刊登我的创作
[02:53:200] 一字未改 两千美元轻松入账
[02:57:000] 我才不后悔离开了哥伦比亚
[03:01:800] Sonny Mehta也看过我写的书
[03:06:500] 我的心被偷走了
[03:08:300] 骄傲自得 信心倍涨
[03:11:000] 我还将继续前进
[03:21:400] 我在想
[03:22:400] 还会有什么在等着我?
[03:24:000] 在二十四岁之前 我一定将其尽收入囊中
[03:26:700] 我万分确定
[03:28:000] 我感觉天旋地转 快要失控
[03:31:500] 快要失控
[03:34:300] 我感到惊慌又心急焦躁
[03:38:500] 我似乎被人愚弄还被人远甩身后
[03:42:800] 可我仍旧快乐无边
[03:46:000] 毫不忧心这奇特的感觉
[03:51:000] 我有种奇特的感觉 这一切都发展得太快了