

歌名 Globetrotter
歌手 Ludvigsson
歌手 Jobe
专辑 Globetrotter
[00:04.409] Had to leave, I just couldn't bear to stay
[00:08.505] Nothing's back in this place for me anyway
[00:12.945] I want to see what is hiding across the sea
[00:16.449] If there is something out there for me
[00:20.633] Take a train, ride a cab, catch a flight
[00:24.777] Travel daytime into the night
[00:29.121] All alone, grab a bag, pack it light
[00:33.145] That's what life should be all about
[00:37.953] Go to Paris, London, Amsterdam
[00:40.449] New York, Miami, got a plan
[00:42.473] See Stockholm, travel through Japan
[00:46.521] Go to Sydney, Bombay, Singapore
[00:48.777] Berlin, Helsinki, that's for sure
[00:50.986] Every city, I'll make it through them all
[00:53.513] I'm a globetrotter
[01:15.921] Had to leave, I'm just trying to find my way
[01:20.361] On the road, living life each day by day
[01:24.529] I want to know what it's like living dangerously
[01:28.017] And if the world has a place for me
[01:32.201] Snatch a bike, ride a boat, take a hike
[01:36.377] Venture far to the morning light
[01:40.601] All alone, got the world in my sight
[01:44.745] That's what life should be all about
[01:49.481] Go to Paris, London, Amsterdam
[01:51.961] New York, Miami, got a plan
[01:54.121] See Stockholm, travel through Japan
[01:58.169] Go to Sydney, Bombay, Singapore
[02:00.353] Berlin, Helsinki, that's for sure
[02:02.611] Every city, I'll make it through them all
[02:05.195] I'm a globetrotter
[02:22.364] I'm a globetrotter
[02:32.261] Go to Sydney, Bombay, Singapore
[02:34.100] Berlin, Helsinki, that's for sure
[02:36.164] Every city, I'll make it through them all
[00:04.409] 我理应离开不要试图去挽留
[00:08.505] 我深感这空乏无味无所适从
[00:12.945] 海边的波澜到底想隐瞒什么
[00:16.449] 倘若说我能想到什么
[00:20.633] 末班的火车雨里的出租仰望着的飞机
[00:24.777] 昼里忙碌奔波夜里徜徉自说
[00:29.121] 离群索居鸿鹄之志简言慎行
[00:33.145] 生活理应是这样的自由简单
[00:37.953] 浪漫巴黎古典的伦敦芬芳的阿姆斯特丹
[00:40.449] 火辣的纽约激情的迈阿密
[00:42.473] 斯德哥摩尔的极光跨越日本的岛链
[00:46.521] 悉尼的歌剧孟买的贫民窟还有新加坡的繁华
[00:48.777] 和平的柏林热闹的赫尔辛基
[00:50.986] 每一个城市都让我无限向往
[00:53.513] 我是个自由的环球旅行家
[01:15.921] 跟着心指引的方向走
[01:20.361] 大路之畔小道之间无拘穿行
[01:24.529] 路途危险我都已知晓
[01:28.017] 这世界不必感知到我的存在
[01:32.201] 畅快的单车摇晃的独舟徒步的自在
[01:36.377] 从星夜探险至熹微的晨光出现
[01:40.601] 独行时世界就在我眼前
[01:44.745] 这就是我所向往的生活
[01:49.481] 浪漫巴黎古典的伦敦芬芳的阿姆斯特丹
[01:51.961] 火辣的纽约激情的迈阿密都在计划之中
[01:54.121] 斯德哥摩尔的极光跨越日本的岛链
[01:58.169] 悉尼的歌剧孟买的贫民窟还有新加坡的繁华
[02:00.353] 和平的柏林热闹的赫尔辛基
[02:02.611] 每一个城市我都将会欣然赴往
[02:05.195] 我是自由的环球旅行家
[02:22.364] 我是简单的人间背包客
[02:32.261] 去悉尼孟买新加坡领略人世百态
[02:34.100] 去柏林和赫尔辛基看遍世间繁华
[02:36.164] 每一个城市都将是我旅途的终点和起点