

歌名 Jailbird
歌手 祈Inory
专辑 重装战姬 Final Gear Original Soundtrack 1
[00:07.70] 歌:祈inory
[00:11.61] 作词:夏铜子/T-Nymph
[00:19.11] 作曲:T-Nymph
[00:26.75] 编曲:T-Nymph
[00:36.27] Waiting till the sunrise
[00:40.09] Hopefully we could make it tonight
[00:44.16] Took too much to brighten the path
[00:46.41] Go through the moonlight
[00:47.98] Wondering how would we keep alive? I care
[00:51.62] Those who dare to travel to future
[00:55.26] Can you tell me the end of story is fine
[00:59.50] Consequences rush out from my mind
[01:01.81] No one will sacrifice
[01:03.38] We will survive, I will survive
[01:05.87] Are you finally powerful enough to dry their sweat and tears
[01:10.18] before we idealized
[01:13.23] You know why despair is floating high
[01:16.31] There’s no time to cry
[01:17.74] Get up and fight!
[01:20.82] Don’t try to escape
[01:22.51] Cause everything is going to opposite way
[01:25.01] Like a bird imprisoned in the cage
[01:28.33] Even have to run the risk of losing something hard to pay
[01:32.45] Sunset in my mind has been casted away. Now
[01:37.06] Try! to stride over the anguishing part
[01:40.34] Let the scars fade out deep in your heart
[01:43.38] Remember it is for the sake of saving all the world and case
[01:47.82] As long as it’s carved in my fate
[02:07.38] Standing on the boardline
[02:11.32] Actually both of us are about to break
[02:15.47] Anybody could show me the way
[02:17.78] It drives me crazy
[02:19.41] Maybe this is the last chance to decide
[02:23.01] Not really sure if you do care
[02:26.50] This world we are living is full of unfair
[02:30.90] Become unaware of who we are
[02:33.12] Struggling so hard
[02:34.57] Would we survive, would I survive?
[02:36.87] Between the lines, seems that you are losing your mind
[02:40.10] Wake up everytime stuck in black and white
[02:44.33] Did you find the answer deep inside
[02:47.69] There is nowhere to hide
[02:49.27] Just hold me tight
[02:51.98] Don’t try to escape
[02:54.19] No one will grant you freedom and rights
[02:56.45] You are a bird imprisoned in the cage
[02:59.74] Filled up with loneliness
[03:01.91] No need for you to be ashamed
[03:04.04] In this parallel world at least we feel the same. Now…
[03:08.31] Fly! to look for the forgotten stars
[03:11.69] For long keep twinkling from afar
[03:14.70] Remember it is for the sake of saving all the world and case
[03:19.15] As long as it’s carved in my fate
[03:23.61] Welcome to the era of chaos.
[03:27.08] Everlasting combat makes rage grow.
[03:31.76] Which way would you choose
[03:34.46] to stop tolerating with sorrow?
[03:39.02] Remember, justice is always defined by the victors.
[03:43.72] Those who survived at last.
[03:46.24] Now fight before the whole world collapsed
[03:50.40] Go and find your final gear!
[03:53.15] Don’t try to escape
[03:54.80] Cause everything is going to opposite way
[03:57.56] Like a bird imprisoned in the cage
[04:00.70] Even have to run the risk of losing something hard to pay
[04:04.82] Sunset in my mind has been casted away. Now
[04:09.36] Try! to stride over the anguishing part
[04:12.65] Let the scars fade out deep in your heart
[04:15.80] Remember it is for the sake of saving all the world and case
[04:20.44] As long as it’s carved in my fate
[00:36.27] 在彷徨中等待日出
[00:40.09] 期盼能够度过今夜
[00:44.16] 为了照亮前路,我们付出太多
[00:46.41] 伴随着皎洁的月光
[00:47.98] 我们要如何努力活下去?
[00:51.62] 那些勇于前行的人啊
[00:55.26] 能否告诉我结局一切安好?
[00:59.50] 各种猜测撕破我的思绪
[01:01.81] 能否没有牺牲地迎来终局?
[01:03.38] 你们都将会幸存,我也会
[01:05.87] 如今你是否强大到可以抹去泪和汗
[01:10.18] 在我们陷入奢望之前?
[01:13.23] 你若知道人们为何绝望
[01:16.31] 就会明白我们没有时间哭丧
[01:17.74] 起身战斗吧!
[01:20.82] 不要试图逃避
[01:22.51] 因为世间有太多事与愿违
[01:25.01] 如同一只被囚禁的鸟儿一样
[01:28.33] 冒着失去一切代价的风险
[01:32.45] 殊不知记忆中美好的片段逐渐被淡忘
[01:37.06] 现在试着去跨跃痛苦
[01:40.34] 让内心深处的伤痕消散
[01:43.38] 要记住,拯救世间万物
[01:47.82] 就是纂刻在我心中的宿命
[02:07.38] 如同站在悬崖边际一般
[02:11.32] 我明白我们都濒临崩溃
[02:15.47] 谁能给我指明方向
[02:17.78] 这让我心如刀绞
[02:19.41] 这恐怕将会是最后一次抉择
[02:23.01] 不确定你是否真的在意
[02:26.50] 世间的种种不公已将我们包围
[02:30.90] 我们变得不在意初衷
[02:33.12] 生存是如此艰难
[02:34.57] 你们会幸存吗?我会吗?
[02:36.87] 察觉到你似乎正在迷失方向
[02:40.10] 每当你醒来都纠结于是非黑白
[02:44.33] 那你找到内心深处的答案了吗
[02:47.69] 我们早已无藏身之处
[02:49.27] 就抓紧我的手吧
[02:51.98] 不要试图逃避
[02:54.19] 没人会轻易施舍自由和权利
[02:56.45] 你是一只被囚禁的鸟儿
[02:59.74] 即便时刻被寂寞灌溉
[03:01.91] 也不需要为此感到羞愧
[03:04.04] 在这个平行世界至少我们还能感同身受
[03:08.31] 飞吧 去寻找那些被遗忘的星
[03:11.69] 在遥远的宇宙默默凝视着你的星空
[03:14.70] 要记住,拯救世间万物
[03:19.15] 就是纂刻在我心中的宿命
[03:23.61] 欢迎来到混沌的时代
[03:27.08] 永无止境的战斗滋养了膨胀的怒火
[03:31.76] 此时的你会选择哪一条路
[03:34.46] 来阻止悲剧的蔓延?
[03:39.02] 记住!正义永远只被胜者定义
[03:43.72] 也就是那些活到最后的人
[03:46.24] 战斗吧,在世界坍塌之前
[03:50.40] 去实现你的的夙愿
[03:53.15] 不要试图逃避
[03:54.80] 因为世间有太多事与愿违
[03:57.56] 如同一只被囚禁的鸟儿一样
[04:00.70] 冒着失去一切代价的风险
[04:04.82] 殊不知记忆中美好的片段逐渐被淡忘
[04:09.36] 现在试着去跨跃痛苦
[04:12.65] 让内心深处的伤痕消散
[04:15.80] 要记住,拯救世间万物
[04:20.44] 就是纂刻在我心中的宿命