

歌名 Offline
歌手 Aeris Roves
专辑 Offline
[00:00.00] 作词 : Kyle Miller/Paul Epworth
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Kyle Miller/Paul Epworth
[00:04.00] I'm tired of living in a digital world
[00:07.00] With digital girls and digital curves
[00:10.00] It's a little too perfect
[00:14.00] Just a little too perfect
[00:19.00] I always see you through my digital eyes
[00:22.50] Your digital smiles a little too bright
[00:25.00] And it leaves me on certain
[00:29.50] Oh it leaves me uncertain
[00:34.50] Artificial news with superficial views
[00:38.00] I won't be making do with a beauty that's untrue
[00:42.00] I give 1000 likes and still there is no reply
[00:46.00] Would it make a difference if I was verified
[00:50.00] Do you lie awake at night
[00:53.80] Staring down the end of your phone
[00:57.40] What is it we're looking to find
[01:01.00] That's making us feel so alone
[01:03.00] Can we take this offline
[01:07.00] Cause I want something real
[01:12.00] Not just another timeline
[01:15.00] That just don't appeal
[01:19.50] Now I would wait a lifetime
[01:23.00] If you're gonna reveal
[01:27.00] What's really on the inside
[01:30.50] If it's something I can feel
[01:43.00] What do you do when you need a good cry
[01:47.00] Cuz your circuits will fry
[01:49.00] And put your life on the line
[01:54.00] But your life is online
[01:59.00] Maybe you could use a sad face emoji
[02:03.00] A digital token of a heart that's been broken
[02:09.00] That's a love that's unspoken
[02:14.00] Do you lie awake at night
[02:18.00] Staring down the end of your phone
[02:22.00] Was it we're looking to find
[02:26.00] That's making us feel so alone
[02:28.00] Can we take this offline
[02:32.00] Cause I want something real
[02:36.40] Not just another timeline
[02:40.00] That just don't appeal
[02:44.00] Now I would wait a lifetime
[02:48.00] If you're gonna reveal
[02:52.00] What's really on the inside
[02:55.00] If it's something I can feel
[02:58.00] You can keep on swiping and swiping
[03:03.00] You can keep on swiping and swiping
[03:07.00] So can we take this offline
[03:15.00] So can we take this offline
[03:22.50] So can we take this offline
[03:30.50] So can we take this offline
[00:04.00] 我有些厌倦了存活于这般数字人间
[00:07.00] 尽日与女孩为伴, 尽管她们拥有魔鬼曲线
[00:10.00] 这有些太过完美
[00:14.00] 完美的不太真实
[00:19.00] 我常常仅能通过数码屏幕与你对视
[00:22.50] 你天使般的笑容, 无疑是如此的艳丽可人
[00:25.00] 总是让我内心如此安定
[00:29.50] 可又让我十分彷徨茫然
[00:34.50] 虚假新闻接踵而至, 肤浅社评铺天盖地
[00:38.00] 我不愿将就于如此不真实的美丽
[00:42.00] 给出大量赞美却得不到任何回应
[00:46.00] 难道得到些赞赏就会天翻地覆么
[00:50.00] 是否你也常常难以入眠
[00:53.80] 盯着手机世界里的另一端
[00:57.40] 我们追寻着所谓的欢愉
[01:01.00] 却终会埋葬于无尽的孤独
[01:03.00] 你是否愿意和我一起拔掉网线回到世间
[01:07.00] 感受彼此面对面的呼吸
[01:12.00] 我不需要一个社交媒体上记载的时间线
[01:15.00] 那一点也不吸引我好嘛
[01:19.50] 吾愿穷尽此生
[01:23.00] 待汝吐露真心
[01:27.00] 吾欲知汝哀愁
[01:30.50] 花一朵可解语
[01:43.00] 当你需要一个肩膀时, 你愿意打给我么
[01:47.00] 还是像其他人那样, 大脑发热短路
[01:49.00] 在网络上用一段一段文字去发泄情绪
[01:54.00] 解释说你早已被繁华的线上世界绑定
[01:59.00] 那也许你还可以发一个哭脸emoji
[02:03.00] 顺便在后面带上一个破碎的爱心
[02:09.00] 也许会有很多人评论去安慰你
[02:14.00] 也许你也会渐渐感到温暖
[02:18.00] 关注着手机里的新消息提醒
[02:22.00] 查看留言是否符合你的心意
[02:26.00] 却只会让你更加孤独和空虚
[02:28.00] 你是否愿意和我一起断掉WiFi回到世间
[02:32.00] 感受彼此面对面的眼神
[02:36.40] 我不需要一个社交媒体上记载的时间线
[02:40.00] 那是否同样也不吸引你
[02:44.00] 吾愿穷尽此生
[02:48.00] 待汝吐露真心
[02:52.00] 吾欲知汝欢喜
[02:55.00] 为博红颜一笑
[02:58.00] 但或许你并不在意呢
[03:03.00] 只顾继续滑动着屏幕
[03:07.00] 也许某天你愿意放下手机
[03:15.00] 回到属于你我的真实空间
[03:22.50] 牵着手一起遨游整个地球
[03:30.50] 或许景色会胜过数码世界