

歌名 Prologue
歌手 Bronies Original Los Angeles Cast
专辑 Bronies! The Musical
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Joe Greene
[00:12.338] Welcome! Stallions and gentlemares!
[00:15.497] I’m Keith, and I’m from a little town called Martindale
[00:18.489] If you haven’t been to Martindale and you probably haven’t
[00:21.723] I bet you’d been somewhere just like it
[00:23.865] It’s a typical town with lots of families
[00:26.057] parents and children trying to get along
[00:28.393] Oh ermmmm
[00:30.291] And just like anywhere else
[00:31.713] there are leaders and there are followers
[00:34.153] the basketball captain and his teammates
[00:36.339] Hey...hey...hey...hey...hey
[00:37.508] The head cheer leader and her squad
[00:38.777] Go...stallion!
[00:40.681] The school principal and the custodian.
[00:42.802] Uh…
[00:43.929] Martindale high is just like any other school full of normal people doing normal things
[00:50.017] And then, there is me
[00:52.578] I’m a bro who loves cartoon ponies
[00:55.129] I ’m a brony
[00:59.945] Now, I bet you wondering how and why does someone become a brony
[01:04.913] Especially a place like Martindale
[01:07.425] Sure, ponies are cute but there is something else happening----
[01:12.193] ponies inspire goodness----
[01:14.289] they are creative musics
[01:16.169] they are the spirits of carrying truth, joy, trust, sharing and love
[01:22.809] And who couldn’t use a little more love
[01:27.498] Ponies make come to in cartoons
[01:29.641] you may see them in another people
[01:31.306] you may find them in yourselves
[01:34.163] But whenever one brony isn’t meed
[01:36.185] the ponies are there
[01:38.081] Whenever two bronies are gathered in their name
[01:40.705] the ponies are there
[01:42.841] And whenever anyone has a lesson to learn
[01:45.803] the ponies are there
[00:12.338] (开场白)欢迎!雄驹们,雌驹们!
[00:15.497] 我叫Keith,来自一个叫马丁代尔的小镇
[00:18.489] 如果你没有去过或者可能还没去马丁代尔
[00:21.723] 我打赌你一定去过类似的地方
[00:23.865] 这是一个典型的小镇,有很多家庭
[00:26.057] 父母和孩子们都在极力地去和对方相处
[00:28.393] 哦哦哦哦哦
[00:30.291] 就像其他地方
[00:31.713] 有领导者也有追随者
[00:34.153] 还有篮球队队长和他的队员
[00:36.339] 嘿...嘿...嘿...(打篮球的声音)
[00:37.508] 有拉拉队队长和她的队伍
[00:38.777] 冲呀...小马!(拉拉队的助威)
[00:40.681] 还有校长和监护人
[00:42.802] 诶...(叹气)
[00:43.929] 马丁代尔高中也像其他学校一样,全是平凡的人们干着他们平凡的事
[00:50.017] 然后,就到我了
[00:52.578] 我是一个爱看卡通小马的老兄
[00:55.129] 我,是一个马迷
[00:59.945] 现在,我打赌你想知道一个人如何成为,并且为什么成为一个马迷
[01:04.913] 特别是在马丁代尔这种地方
[01:07.425] 当然,小马们很可爱,但其中还有其他缘由
[01:12.193] 小马激发我们内心的善良
[01:14.289] 小马创造音乐
[01:16.169] 小马是承载着真理、欢乐、信任、分享和爱的灵魂
[01:22.809] 并且谁不需要那一点点爱呢?
[01:27.498] 虽然小马是一部动画
[01:29.641] 但是你可以在人们身上找到小马的影子
[01:31.306] 同时,你也可以在自己身上找到小马的影子
[01:34.163] 但每当马迷们需要小马的时候
[01:36.185] 小马就在那儿
[01:38.081] 每当两个马迷以他们的名字聚在一起的时候
[01:40.705] 小马就在那儿
[01:42.841] 并且每当有人需要上一堂友谊课的时候
[01:45.803] 小马,就在那儿