

歌名 Reach
歌手 Skillet
专辑 Victorious
[00:10.72] You were the only one to see
[00:14.14] Secrets locked inside of me
[00:17.52] You were the only one
[00:22.03] So tell me where you've gone
[00:24.46] I've lost a little more today
[00:27.82] Nothing more you can take away
[00:31.22] Can I believe you still
[00:35.38] I need something real
[00:37.59] No one ever wants to feel like this
[00:41.11] No one ever wants to feel like this
[00:44.48] Where are you I can't find you
[00:47.99] Broke in two left behind you
[00:51.35] Reach for me
[00:53.56] Reach for me
[00:54.56] I'm falling deep
[00:56.93] I'm falling
[00:58.24] Promise me you're never leaving
[01:01.65] I'm still here broken bleeding
[01:05.06] Reach for me
[01:07.24] Reach for me
[01:08.34] I'm falling deep
[01:11.09] Reach for me
[01:19.32] No one could ever get me more
[01:22.64] Nothing could ever fix me more
[01:26.12] Did I scare you away
[01:30.23] Don't say I'll be okay
[01:32.61] No one ever wants to feel like this
[01:35.99] Where are you I can't find you
[01:39.42] Broke in two left behind you
[01:42.83] Reach for me
[01:45.08] Reach for me
[01:46.04] I'm falling deep
[01:48.39] I'm falling
[01:49.65] Promise me you're never leaving
[01:53.09] I'm still here broken bleeding
[01:56.53] Reach for me
[01:58.62] Reach for me
[01:59.65] I'm falling deep
[02:02.54] Reach for me
[02:17.07] No one ever wants to feel like this
[02:20.50] No one ever wants to feel like this
[02:23.89] No one ever wants to hurt like this
[02:27.31] No one ever wants to hurt like this
[02:30.83] Where are you I can't find you
[02:34.21] Broke in two left behind you
[02:37.61] Reach for me
[02:39.77] Reach for me
[02:40.74] I'm falling deep
[02:43.23] I'm falling
[02:44.45] Promise me you're never leaving
[02:47.89] I'm still here broken bleeding
[02:51.33] Reach for me
[02:53.45] Reach for me
[02:54.42] I'm falling deep
[02:57.44] Reach for me
[02:58.44] Nobody wants to feel like this
[03:04.22] Reach for me
[03:05.45] Nobody wants to hurt like this
[03:08.15] I'm falling deep
[03:11.06] Reach for me
[00:10.72] 你是唯一一个能看清
[00:14.14] 藏在我内心深处的秘密的人
[00:17.52] 你就是唯一的那个
[00:22.03] 所以告诉我,你身处何方?
[00:24.46] 我今天感到更加失落
[00:27.82] 你已经不能从我这带走什么了
[00:31.22] 我能否继续信任你?
[00:35.38] 我渴望物质的满足!
[00:37.59] 没有人想要这样
[00:41.11] 受到如此折磨
[00:44.48] 你究竟在哪,我无处寻求!
[00:47.99] 我被撕成碎片,被你遗弃身后
[00:51.35] 请陪在我的身旁
[00:53.56] 抓住我的双手
[00:54.56] 我正坠入深渊
[00:56.93] 越坠越深
[00:58.24] 向我保证,你永远不会离开
[01:01.65] 我在这里,心仍滴着血
[01:05.06] 请你陪伴我
[01:07.24] 握住我的手
[01:08.34] 因为我仍在坠落
[01:11.09] 请救救我...
[01:19.32] 没有人能将我从泥潭中拉起
[01:22.64] 没有什么可以治愈我的伤痕
[01:26.12] 是我使你恐惧而抛弃我?
[01:30.23] 请你不要以苍白的措辞安慰我!
[01:32.61] 没人想拥有这样的感受
[01:35.99] 你身处何方?我寻遍四海寻不得!
[01:39.42] 我支离破碎,被你丢在一旁
[01:42.83] 请不要抛弃我
[01:45.08] 让我紧贴在你的身旁
[01:46.04] 我正在不断下坠
[01:48.39] 愈来愈深,愈来愈深
[01:49.65] 向我保证,你永远不会离开
[01:53.09] 我的心灵仍滴着血
[01:56.53] 请陪在我的身旁
[01:58.62] 抓住我的双手
[01:59.65] 我正坠入深渊
[02:02.54] 越坠越深
[02:17.07] 没人想拥有这样的感受
[02:20.50] 又有谁能承受此般痛苦?
[02:23.89] 没人想要如此感伤
[02:27.31] 没人能承受这样的折磨!
[02:30.83] 你在哪里?我无处可寻!
[02:34.21] 就这样任凭我被撕成两半?
[02:37.61] 请抓住我的手吧,我的主
[02:39.77] 让我永远不离开你
[02:40.74] 我正在下坠
[02:43.23] 如堕地狱
[02:44.45] 告诉我,你会一直在我身边
[02:47.89] 因为我的心需要你的治愈
[02:51.33] 握住我的手
[02:53.45] 我将永远跟随你!
[02:54.42] 我正落入深渊
[02:57.44] 求您将我救出
[02:58.44] 因为没人愿意感到如此失落!
[03:04.22] 请抓住我的手,将我拉出泥沼
[03:05.45] 因为没人愿意承受如此折磨!
[03:08.15] 我就要落入地狱
[03:11.06] 请抓住我的手,将我救出!