Parting Gift

Parting Gift

歌名 Parting Gift
歌手 Our Hollow, Our Home
专辑 In Moment / / In Memory
[00:20.00] These are my words of wisdom
[00:24.00] I pass down from me to you
[00:29.00] The road that you are lost on
[00:34.00] Has but one path to choose
[00:37.00] And although your soul lies heavy
[00:42.00] It's a weight that you must bear
[00:46.00] Cause you will carry their loss with you always
[00:51.00] But please don't despair
[00:55.00] Just wait for a sign
[01:00.00] And the pain in your heart will die
[01:04.00] But I can't lie, no
[01:07.00] It never leaves, it never leaves
[01:11.00] It just gets easier with time
[01:13.00] So just wait for a sign
[01:17.00] And the pain in your heart will die
[01:22.00] But I can't lie, no
[01:25.00] It never leaves, it never leaves
[01:28.00] Cause we're the ones they leave behind
[01:31.00] This is a trial we all must take
[01:35.00] To watch a loved one slip away
[01:40.00] Into the peaceful rest of death
[01:45.00] Where pain is lifted
[01:48.00] So you may ask me "Does it get easier than this?"
[01:54.00] And all I can say to you is
[01:57.00] "Take no love for granted and cherish your family
[02:01.00] Cause the hands of time wait for no one
[02:04.00] Like they didn't wait for me"
[02:07.00] Just wait for a sign
[02:11.00] And the pain in your heart will die
[02:16.00] But I can't lie, no
[02:18.00] It never leaves, it never leaves
[02:22.00] It just gets easier with time
[02:25.00] So just wait for a sign
[02:30.00] And the pain in your heart will die
[02:34.00] But I can't lie, no
[02:37.00] It never leaves, it never leaves
[02:40.00] Cause we're the ones they leave behind
[02:43.00] I'm so sorry that you're hurting
[02:48.00] But please take my words as truth
[02:53.00] Keep your head above the water
[02:57.00] And make them proud of you
[03:19.00] So just wait for a sign
[03:24.00] And the pain in your heart will die
[03:28.00] But I can't lie, no
[03:32.00] It never leaves, it never leaves
[03:34.00] It just gets easier with time
[03:37.00] So just wait for a sign
[03:32.00] And the pain in your heart will die
[03:46.00] But I can't lie, no
[03:49.00] It never leaves, it never leaves
[03:52.00] Cause we're the ones they leave behind
[00:20.00] 这些属于我的至理
[00:24.00] 你将从我这继承
[00:29.00] 你所迷失的路
[00:34.00] 有且唯有一条能被选择
[00:37.00] 虽然你的灵魂沉重
[00:42.00] 却也必须承受
[00:46.00] 因为你总是要面临灵魂的衰落
[00:51.00] 但请不要绝望
[00:55.00] 只需等待一个迹象
[01:00.00] 你心中的伤痛便会死去
[01:04.00] 但我不能撒谎,不
[01:07.00] 它从未离去,从未
[01:11.00] 它只会在光阴中寂寞
[01:13.00] 所以只需等待一个迹象
[01:17.00] 你心中的伤痛便会死去
[01:22.00] 但我不能撒谎,不
[01:25.00] 它从未离去,从未
[01:28.00] 因为我们是它们抛弃的人
[01:31.00] 这是一个我们都必须接受的考验
[01:35.00] 看着心爱的人悄然逝去
[01:40.00] 进入死亡的寂静中
[01:45.00] 尔后悲痛升起
[01:48.00] 你可能会问“还有比失去更容易的吗?”
[01:54.00] 我只能告诉你
[01:57.00] 爱并非理所应得,要珍惜你的家庭
[02:01.00] 因为时间不为任何人停留
[02:04.00] 就像它们没有为你停留一样
[02:07.00] 只需等待一个迹象
[02:11.00] 你心中的伤痛便会死去
[02:16.00] 但我不能撒谎,不
[02:18.00] 它从未离去,从未
[02:22.00] 它只会在光阴中寂寞
[02:25.00] 只需等待一个迹象
[02:30.00] 你心中的伤痛便会死去
[02:34.00] 但我不能撒谎,不
[02:37.00] 它从未离去,从未
[02:40.00] 因为我们是它们抛弃的人
[02:43.00] 我为你的伤痛而难过
[02:48.00] 但请相信我的话
[02:53.00] 勉力对抗生活的不幸
[02:57.00] 让逝去的人仍能以你豪
[03:19.00] 只需等待一个迹象
[03:24.00] 你心中的伤痛便会死去
[03:28.00] 但我不能撒谎,不
[03:32.00] 它从未离去,从未
[03:32.00] 你心中的伤痛便会死去
[03:34.00] 它只会在光阴中寂寞
[03:37.00] 只需等待一个迹象
[03:46.00] 但我不能撒谎,不
[03:49.00] 它从未离去,从未
[03:52.00] 因为我们是它们抛弃的人