A Sleeping Throne

A Sleeping Throne

歌名 A Sleeping Throne
歌手 Lacrimas Profundere
专辑 Bleeding the Stars
[00:15.75] I didn't want to know
[00:19.43] Where your sweet love flows
[00:22.60] And I don't want to leave
[00:26.39] This bright kingdom of my grief
[00:29.64] I didn't understand
[00:33.01] Why every king must end
[00:36.00] Why all this blood must flow
[00:40.14] And that we must leave in dust
[00:44.59] And I sit enthroned
[00:48.00] On my knees
[00:51.42] And I lick my wounds
[00:54.80] In great halls
[00:58.31] And I wear a crown
[01:01.76] Made of stone
[01:05.15] Which is only there
[01:08.66] To bow me
[01:24.23] I will not leave my hate
[01:28.05] Will not congregate
[01:31.14] I'm the king of my alone
[01:34.81] And I want me to be gone
[01:39.47] And I sit enthroned
[01:42.92] On my knees
[01:46.33] And I lick my wounds
[01:49.75] In great halls
[01:53.18] And I wear a crown
[01:56.63] Made of stone
[02:00.01] Which is only there
[02:03.45] To bow me
[02:54.94] And I sit enthroned
[02:58.37] On my knees
[03:01.73] And I lick my wounds
[03:05.17] In great halls
[03:08.67] And I wear a crown
[03:12.09] Made of stone
[03:15.46] Which is only there
[03:18.87] To bow me
[03:22.38] And I sit enthroned
[03:25.71] On my knees
[03:29.14] And I lick my wounds
[03:32.62] In great halls
[03:36.06] And I wear a crown
[03:39.44] Made of stone
[03:42.98] Which is only there
[03:46.33] To bow me
[00:15.75] 我不愿知悉
[00:19.43] 你美好的爱流向何方
[00:22.60] 亦不愿离开
[00:26.39] 我这光明的悲怆国度
[00:29.64] 我不曾明白
[00:33.01] 为何每个君主必将终结
[00:36.00] 为何总要将鲜血洒尽
[00:40.14] 为何我们必将归于尘土
[00:44.59] 因此我心怀崇敬
[00:48.00] 屈膝跪坐
[00:51.42] 因此我舔舐伤口
[00:54.80] 在这厅堂中
[00:58.31] 我头顶的王冠
[01:01.76] 由岩石所造
[01:05.15] 这是此处唯一
[01:08.66] 我为之屈服的事物
[01:24.23] 我不会放下仇恨
[01:28.05] 亦不会随波逐流
[01:31.14] 我是自己的主宰
[01:34.81] 惟愿自己走向消亡
[01:39.47] 因此我心怀崇敬
[01:42.92] 屈膝跪坐
[01:46.33] 因此我舔舐伤口
[01:49.75] 在这厅堂中
[01:53.18] 我头顶的王冠
[01:56.63] 由岩石所造
[02:00.01] 这是此处唯一
[02:03.45] 我为之屈服的事物
[02:54.94] 因此我心怀崇敬
[02:58.37] 屈膝跪坐
[03:01.73] 因此我舔舐伤口
[03:05.17] 在这厅堂中
[03:08.67] 我头顶的王冠
[03:12.09] 由岩石所造
[03:15.46] 这是此处唯一
[03:18.87] 我为之屈服的事物
[03:22.38] 因此我心怀崇敬
[03:25.71] 屈膝跪坐
[03:29.14] 因此我舔舐伤口
[03:32.62] 在这厅堂中
[03:36.06] 我头顶的王冠
[03:39.44] 由岩石所造
[03:42.98] 这是此处唯一
[03:46.33] 我为之屈服的事物