

歌名 Kaancepts
歌手 K.A.A.N.
专辑 Kaancepts
[00:21.98] Another psychotic episode, I need my medication hyperventilating 'bout to have a panic attack in public discussing this with the publiscist.
[00:28.90] While I'm meditating, all I spit is heat so is this room properly ventilated?
[00:31.72] I'm giving a high the way that I murder a track.
[00:33.53] I never relax.
[00:34.17] You feel like you ****ing with me and my flow but you isn't my nigga that shit is a rest.
[00:36.58] So I'm playing a random event, I'm taking that beat and not giving it back.
[00:39.10] I'm putting that right in your face just to reverse the verse I'm rehearsing, disperse a curse, that's a mrsa for certain.
[00:43.33] I've been conversing, confirming your inadvertent concersion within this version .
[00:46.22] Cohersion and my persuasive perversion was a diversion.
[00:49.09] Assured while I'm emerging, concerning my insecurities.
[00:51.41] I even said that last line insecurely.
[00:53.64] That's the second time that I won't say this the polling is pouring out of my pores to the potion, but come proportionate force.
[00:58.55] An abortion is purer than bustling fortune abortion.
[01:01.13] I found within an assortment or force for fornication faciltating.
[01:04.10] A formulation of duress in a combination.
[01:06.10] Predicted the proclamation perfect my mental projectable Vitamin for the fighters, injectable, not digestible.
[01:11.06] Address the microphone with the tone of any professional.
[01:13.68] Impressed with impeccable lines, every time, It's incredible.
[01:16.22] My rhyme's highly respectable, penetrating the posher you promised some pasta Que pasa papa? I did it proper
[01:20.94] While eating a penne and pasta, call the doctor or I'm obliterating.
[01:23.62] While reiterating this honest pronunciation of reciprocation, the eloquation within my innovation.
[01:28.40] You should hasten on that replication.
[01:30.11] This is elevation like an application.
[01:31.98] I need to see your credentials massage a pen in my pencil.
[01:34.47] Get loose on an instrumental, with sentimental, incidental
[01:36.97] The sound was more intrusive wasn't conducive.
[01:38.89] I be the one that will lose it
[01:39.42] Coming at me with a lude, and never confuse it.
[01:41.29] I wanted to set the fuse and given the realest of muse
[01:42.79] Never to be able to use it .
[01:43.63] There was no way to refuse it, given the voice said that it uses.
[01:45.88] But when I wanted em all in a pieve in that vision I see when I see when I step on a beat that I'm making, I'm breaking.
[01:48.86] I'm giving them all I can say, but I do understand that the music is fake, created itself in order to relate.
[01:52.47] The love it or hate it the minute we make it.
[01:53.60] We winning it all but not be able to take it and never would lead you astray?
[01:56.07] A talent that I might display?
[01:56.65] We give it a round of applause.
[01:57.95] I said, I'm trying to make the ********* world rise with the rhymes that I comprise.
[02:01.42] The lyrics synchronize the softer part, then analyze. Now watch it photosynthesize
[02:04.60] I'm still in that state of infacy.
[02:06.23] I'm not looking for empathy.
[02:07.21] Why the **** would you envy me?
[02:08.50] Mc is automatic for enemies at the embassy, emphasizing the motion created within the energy
[02:13.44] Enterprising my mind to the single pace to infinity, venturing to divinity
[02:17.33] Da Vinci with division, delivered with ill intention, but if you don't play attention I'm placing you in detention.
[02:21.94] Without an honorable mention, your ranks are filled with dissension
[02:24.33] My bars are filled with dimensions.
[02:25.63] Demented like it's dementia, descending upon defenders for pinning a pawn dependent depicted within this sentence.
[02:30.29] I'm a mild man, a pascifist, massacring the masochists, murdering, blasting the masses off to massive amounts.
[02:35.69] They probably give a better effort, if they knew what really counts.
[02:37.71] But if you keep it real and build then you'll put bills in your accounts.
[02:40.37] I'm not a mathematician, this rhythm arithmetic.
[02:42.45] So I' mma teach you algebra, dumb it down for you simpletons
[02:45.13] IF Y=MX+(plus)ME, THEN I MUST BE, AN MC
[02:47.62] That's obscene in my scene, but My C.
[02:49.89] I haven't even touched on the square roots of my averages.
[02:52.31] The 3.14 Pie divided with savages.
[02:54.58] This ain't a dead democracy
[02:55.92] My flow's totalitarian, battling with barbarians, buried them barely breathing while coughing,wheezing with heathens.
[03:00.51] I'm digging ditches and heaving dirt over my left shoulder
[03:03.06] You introduce a Jehovah, supposed the fool that's in front of me
[03:06.02] Started running and stumbling, Mubling something out of his lips till I slit his wrist.
[03:09.26] And I tied him up to a cross and I started off with incisions insisting on silence for this crucifixion.
[03:13.79] The victim was tortured for hour, Scorched by a blowtorch till the toes are burned to a fricassee and now I'm carving all of the flesh.
[03:19.23] What's left of it, crispily.
[03:20.02] I'm vividly visualizing my victory.
[03:21.80] I'm pushing the vascular vein down to the main artery.
[03:24.15] The smell of death induces vomiting.
[03:25.90] I'm violent with a bayonet filleted his fingertips to get rid of the evidence.
[03:29.22] I'm pulling out his canines, morlars, and bicuspids.
[03:31.57] While following in the footsteps of all of my ******* idols, from Jack the ripper, to John wayne gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer, The black Dahlia Killer and even the Cleveland Butcher who take a subject and slice it with a surgical precision.
[03:40.91] Even though I'm only kdding, I've lost faith in the music.
[03:44.11] And every song that I hear is amusing;it's so confusing.
[03:46.46] You would rather have a nigga acting like a buffoon.
[03:48.56] Give him a clown costume with the floppy shoes and the red nose
[03:51.22] And don't forget the diamond chain to go with his expensive clothes
[03:54.19] Perpetuating an image that no one can afford it.
[03:55.97] You ************* sicker than an original ignorance.
[03:58.74] I pick the microphone up and give you something that's different
[04:01.19] Just open up your ears when I appear and Start listening
[04:03.62] It's K.A.A.N.
[04:07.71] Knowledge.Above.All.Nonsences.
[00:21.98] 精神病再次发作,需要药物以防窒息,在公众场合常常惊慌失措,需要和出版商好好聊一聊了。
[00:28.90] 我在冥想时,呼出的都是热气,这个房间通风良好吗?
[00:31.72] 水平不错,毁坏了一条轨道
[00:33.53] 我从不歇息。
[00:34.17] 你以为能和我水乳交融,但你不是我的人,剩下的都是些垃圾。
[00:36.58] 所以这是个随机游戏,我踩着节拍,不会乱了阵脚。
[00:39.10] 我砸在你的脸上,只是为了纠正排练的诗句,驱散诅咒,那肯定是细菌般的存在,令人避之不及。
[00:43.33] 我滔滔不绝,证实了你在无意中流露出的自大。
[00:46.22] 聚在一起,强行说服,颠倒是非,这不过是为了转移视线罢了。
[00:49.09] 在我现身时,危机感便如影相随。
[00:51.41] 我甚至说了最后一句话,便令人不安。
[00:53.64] 这是第二次,我从不会有此言论,对民意的耿耿于怀从我的毛孔中喷涌而出,成为一剂毒液,又以排山倒海之力扑向我。
[00:58.55] 人工流产可比源源不断地攫取财富光明磊落得多。
[01:01.13] 我在各种各样的力量中发现了淫乱的迹象。
[01:04.10] 这是一种胁迫。
[01:06.10] 可以预见,这份宣言为我注入了心灵维他命,增强了斗志,但这需要外部力量,并非一己之力。
[01:11.06] 用任何专业人士的口吻对麦克风讲话。
[01:13.68] 流畅无瑕的演出令人印象深刻,每次都是这般不可思议。
[01:16.22] 我的说唱韵调十分受人尊敬,魅力十足,老爸,你不是答应给我做些意大利面食吗?我的说唱越来越好。
[01:20.94] 一边吃着意大利面,一边给医生打电话,否则我就完了。
[01:23.62] 一遍遍,真心实意,吐露报答之声,竭尽所能,独抒己见。
[01:28.40] 加快速度,不断重复。
[01:30.11] 像应用程序不断升级。
[01:31.98] 我要看看你的证件在我的笔杆上享受按摩服务。
[01:34.47] 在乐器上寻求放松,听着那么多愁善感,但又不是故意为之。
[01:36.97] 这声音更易侵入人心,不是好事。
[01:38.89] 也许我会失去它。
[01:39.42] 带着一张便条来找我,千万别搞混了。
[01:41.29] 我想点燃导火索,给你最真实的缪斯女神
[01:42.79] 永远不能触碰它。
[01:43.63] 无力拒绝,因为那个声音说它大有用处。
[01:45.88] 但当我希望一切都是幻象时,我望见自己踩着正在创作的节拍,我意识到自己正在打破约束。
[01:48.86] 该说的都说了,但我明白音乐是假的,是为了产生联系而创造出来的。
[01:52.47] 无论是爱还是恨,都是我们创造了音乐。
[01:53.60] 我们赢得了一切,却依旧无法接受,自己真的不会误入歧途?
[01:56.07] 音乐是我可以展示的天赋吗?
[01:56.65] 音乐响起,我们热烈鼓掌。
[01:57.95] 我想说,我正试图用我谱写的韵律使这个糟糕的世界重新来过。
[02:01.42] 曲调柔和之处有相匹配的歌词,然后使之协调。现在看着它发光发热,产生作用。
[02:04.60] 我是个无耻之徒。
[02:06.23] 我不求同情。
[02:07.21] 那你又凭什么嫉妒我?
[02:08.50] 哪怕是大使馆里的敌对分子,也遵循着质能关系式,能量与运动相互转换。
[02:13.44] 我的心矢志不渝,无可阻挡,朝着神的方向勇往直前。
[02:17.33] 达芬奇的《最后的晚餐》中门徒心生分歧,怀着恶意,但是如果你无法专心致志,我同样会拘禁你。
[02:21.94] 恕我直言,你的战队充满了纷争
[02:24.33] 而我这却恪守规则。
[02:25.63] 如同患了痴呆症一样精神错乱,攻击防御者,刺杀守卫,这些场景都描绘于这个句子中。
[02:30.29] 我是一个温和之人,虔诚之人,给受虐狂按摩,策划谋杀,把民众炸成一团。
[02:35.69] 如果他们知道什么才是真正重要的事,他们才可能付出更大的努力。
[02:37.71] 但是如果你保持清醒,稍加努力,便有回报。
[02:40.37] 虽然我不是数学家,但这是说唱的节奏算术。
[02:42.45] 所以我要教你们代数,让你们这些笨蛋闭嘴
[02:45.13] 如果 Y=MX+ME,那么我肯定就是 MC
[02:47.62] 在我眼中这实属淫秽,但 My C 除外。
[02:49.89] 我甚至还未接触过平均数的算数平方根。
[02:52.31] 圆周率就这样被野蛮人分割了。
[02:54.58] 这可不是民主国家该有的样子。
[02:55.92] 同野蛮人斗争的极权主义者亲手埋葬了他们,他们呼吸微弱,和异教徒一样苟延残喘。
[03:00.51] 我在挖沟凿渠,将尘土抛向左肩。
[03:03.06] 你在我面前装傻子,还搬出了耶和华。
[03:06.02] 跑来跑去,跌跌撞撞,嘴里叽里咕噜,直到我割开他的手腕。
[03:09.26] 我把他绑在十字架上,割开他的手腕,一言不发,看着他像基督一样被钉在十字架上。
[03:13.79] 受害者被折磨了一个小时,被喷灯烧焦,脚趾被烧成肉丁,而我正一刀一刀划开他的皮肉。
[03:19.23] 只剩下脆脆的皮肉。
[03:20.02] 我想象着胜利。
[03:21.80] 血脉畅通。
[03:24.15] 死亡的气味令人作呕。
[03:25.90] 我用刺刀刺穿他的指尖,消除证据。
[03:29.22] 我要拔光他的尖牙利齿。
[03:31.57] 紧紧跟随着我偶像的脚步,从开膛手杰克,到约翰·韦恩·盖西和杰弗里·达默,再到黑色大丽花杀手,甚至是锁定对象、手法精湛的克利夫兰屠夫。
[03:40.91] 我只是在开玩笑而已,但是我对音乐失去了信仰。
[03:44.11] 我听到的每一首歌都很有趣;真是令人困惑。
[03:46.46] 你宁愿让一个黑人扮成小丑。
[03:48.56] 给他一件小丑服,一双松软的鞋子,一个红色鼻头
[03:51.22] 别忘了钻石项链,和他昂贵的衣服搭配
[03:54.19] 让这个无人敢担负的形象永垂不朽。
[03:55.97] 比起最初的无知,你更令人作呕
[03:58.74] 拿起麦克风,给你些与众不同的东西
[04:01.19] 当我出现时,竖起你的耳朵,仔细听好了
[04:03.62] 这就是 K.A.A.N.
[04:07.71] 知识胜过一切无稽之谈