

歌名 Undertow
歌手 As I Lay Dying
专辑 Shaped by Fire
[00:00.000] 作词 : Jordan Mancino/Tim Lambesis/Josh Gilbert/Nick Hipa/Phil Sgrosso
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Jordan Mancino/Tim Lambesis/Josh Gilbert/Nick Hipa/Phil Sgrosso
[00:00.000] The life that I sought was
[00:02.701] Already like a jail
[00:04.957] Long before I was ever bound
[00:08.945] (Screaming)
[00:15.693] Wrapped up in chains
[00:17.715] No one had built the bonds
[00:19.939] Use to hold me captive
[00:21.949] I had locked away myself
[00:24.449] In a captain-less ship
[00:28.950] Destined to destroy ashore
[00:33.200] Destruction was my savior
[00:35.211] Crushing, collapse, crashing
[00:41.941] From the impact
[00:42.706] I can't escape the undertow that's pulling me
[00:49.707] But I keep fighting to get away
[00:53.960] The undertow that's pulling me, pulling me
[01:01.461] My control disappeared
[01:03.699] 'Cause it was never real
[01:12.443] Aboard a ship with nowhere to go
[01:16.945] Guided by lifelessness
[01:19.213] A skeleton without a soul
[01:22.953] Crushing
[01:25.190] Collapse looming ahead
[01:27.441] Crashing is imminent
[01:29.949] From the impact
[01:30.697] I can't escape the undertow that's pulling me
[01:37.694] But I keep fighting to get away
[01:41.952] The undertow that's pulling me, pulling me
[01:48.448] I can't escape the undertow that's pulling me, pulling me
[01:58.201] Though I found freedom when
[02:02.690] I stopped fighting everyone else
[02:06.948] And loosened up the anchor
[02:11.207] That I had tied around myself
[02:15.948] I let go of the chains!
[02:22.209] Chains!
[02:25.194] Just let go of the chains!
[02:29.670] I let go of the chains used to hold me in
[02:33.664] My addictions!
[02:40.420] Killing me from within
[03:00.171] I can't escape the undertow that's pulling me
[03:06.929] But I keep fighting to get away
[03:11.418] The undertow that's pulling me, pulling me
[03:17.666] I can't escape the undertow that's pulling me
[03:24.422] But I keep fighting to get away
[03:28.928] The undertow that's pulling me, pulling me
[03:34.421] Just let go of the chains!
[03:45.171] Chains!
[03:48.419] I let go of the chains used to hold me in my addiction
[00:00.000] 我所寻求的生活
[00:02.701] 已经如同牢狱
[00:04.957] 早在我被束缚于此之前
[00:08.945] (尖叫)
[00:15.693] 我被锁链层层缠绕
[00:17.715] 拴住我的镣铐
[00:19.939] 不是由其他任何人铸成
[00:21.949] 我已将自己锁在
[00:24.449] 一艘没有船长的船上
[00:28.950] 这艘船命定要在海岸撞毁
[00:33.200] 毁灭是我的救赎
[00:35.211] 粉碎坍塌
[00:41.941] 碰撞崩毁
[00:42.706] 我无法逃离将我攫住的暗流
[00:49.707] 但我仍在努力试图挣脱
[00:53.960] 暗流正攫住我,把我拉走
[01:01.461] 我的控制力荡然无存
[01:03.699] 因为它从未真实存在
[01:12.443] 我在一艘无路可去的船上
[01:16.945] 受到死亡的指引
[01:19.213] 一具没有灵魂的骷髅
[01:22.953] 粉碎
[01:25.190] 塌陷(逐渐逼近)
[01:27.441] 撞击(迫在眉睫)
[01:29.949] 崩毁
[01:30.697] 我无法逃离将我攫住的暗流
[01:37.694] 但我仍在努力试图挣脱
[01:41.952] 暗流正攫住我,把我拉走
[01:48.448] 我无法逃离攫住我的暗流
[01:58.201] 尽管如此我还是找到了自由
[02:02.690] 当我不再和其他任何人争斗
[02:06.948] 并松开了约束我的锚
[02:11.207] 我亲手绑在自己身上的锚
[02:15.948] 我摆脱了那锁链
[02:22.209] 锁链
[02:25.194] 摆脱束缚吧!
[02:29.670] 我摆脱了那曾经把我困于
[02:33.664] 我的瘾症中的桎梏
[02:40.420] 瘾从内部蚕食我的生命
[03:00.171] 我无法逃离将我攫住的暗流
[03:06.929] 但我仍在努力试图挣脱
[03:11.418] 暗流正攫住我,把我拉走
[03:17.666] 我无法逃离攫住我的暗流
[03:24.422] 但我仍在努力试图挣脱
[03:28.928] 暗流正攫住我,把我拉走
[03:34.421] 摆脱束缚吧!
[03:45.171] 枷锁
[03:48.419] 我摆脱了把我困在瘾症里的枷锁