Death Tour

Death Tour

歌名 Death Tour
专辑 Blood Pact
[00:26.79] Ain't no b1tch gonna be testing my meddle
[00:29.73] Death tour demon dogs you not on our level
[00:33.24] Blood stained rebel
[00:35.04] Eyes of a devil
[00:36.72] Finger on the trigger
[00:38.29] B1tch just let go
[00:39.93] Fearless Soulja
[00:41.46] Bonded blood in this b1tch til it's all over
[00:43.55] Keep my composure.
[00:44.85] Feeding the beast from the deep
[00:46.02] A feast better warn em, taking no orders
[00:48.27] We reek of disorder, releasing the mortar
[00:50.29] Increasing the torture
[00:51.67] Better be seeking the lord when we be on your corner
[00:53.71] I consist of red water, *** appeal plus misery
[00:56.87] More than black identity, b1tch I'ma entity
[01:00.51] Problem wit my family then I got an enemy
[01:03.75] Blood pact tendency
[01:05.39] Real n1gga energy
[01:07.14] Cause we Death Tour demon dogs!
[01:08.78] Riding til the wheels fall off!
[01:10.58] Worldwide!!!!!!!
[01:12.03] Are you ready to die?!!!!!
[01:17.16] Death Tour demon dogs
[01:18.79] Riding til the wheels fall off
[01:20.75] Worldwide!!!!!
[01:22.06] Are you ready to die?!!!
[01:24.09] Death Tour demon dogs
[01:25.60] Riding til the wheels fall off
[01:27.31] Worldwide!!!!!
[01:29.01] Are you ready to die
[01:30.67] Die die! We all die!!
[01:37.11] Die die! We all die!!
[01:43.83] It's that blood pact gang sh1t
[01:46.08] Pull it out and aim sh1t
[01:47.75] We not on the same sh1t but you already know
[01:51.03] Can't talk to a n1gga that look like this
[01:52.92] (In) case you couldn't tell, I'm really that b1tch
[01:54.56] Magnificent but not content
[01:56.26] Til we get a bag and it augment
[01:57.96] On something you can't process
[01:59.65] Our presence like a bomb threat
[02:01.29] My anger is constant
[02:02.94] And you standing too close
[02:04.63] We forget how to act
[02:06.24] If the bag ain't exact
[02:08.06] It ain't nothing abstract
[02:09.77] We just sticking to the pact
[02:11.14] Cause we Death Tour demon dogs
[02:13.05] Riding til the wheels fall off
[02:14.76] Worldwide
[02:16.14] Are you ready to die
[02:18.15] Death Tour demon dogs
[02:19.75] Riding til the wheels fall off
[02:21.59] Worldwide
[02:22.88] Are you ready to die
[02:24.87] Die die! We all die!!
[02:31.38] Die die! We all die!!
[00:26.79] 不会有人会质疑我的能力
[00:29.73] 死亡地狱犬 你跟我们不一样
[00:33.24] 血迹斑斑的叛徒
[00:35.04] 撒旦的眼睛
[00:36.72] 扣动扳机
[00:38.29] 松手
[00:39.93] 无畏的灵魂
[00:41.46] 在她身上沾了血,直到一切结束
[00:43.55] 保持冷静
[00:44.85] 丢去喂野兽
[00:46.02] 最好警告他们,不要作死
[00:48.27] 我们散发着混乱的气息,释放着迫击炮
[00:50.29] 继续折磨
[00:51.67] 当我站在你身边时,你最好祈祷上帝能救你
[00:53.71] 我是血液,散发着痛苦的魅力
[00:56.87] 不仅仅是黑人,独立存在体
[01:00.51] 我的家庭出了问题,然后我有了对手
[01:03.75] 血液倾向
[01:05.39] 真正的黑人力量
[01:07.14] 因为我们是死亡地狱犬
[01:08.78] 一直开到轮子掉落
[01:10.58] 世界!!!!!!
[01:12.03] 你准备好感受痛苦了吗?!!!!!
[01:17.16] 死亡地狱犬
[01:18.79] 一直开到轮子掉下来
[01:20.75] 世界!!!!!
[01:22.06] 你准备好感受痛苦了吗!!!!!
[01:24.09] 死亡地狱犬
[01:25.60] 一直开到轮子掉下来
[01:27.31] 世界!!!!!
[01:29.01] 你准备好感受痛苦了吗
[01:30.67] 消失吧!我们都会消失
[01:37.11] 消失吧!我们都会消失
[01:43.83] 是血帮的事
[01:46.08] 把它拔出来瞄准
[01:47.75] 我们不是同类,你懂的
[01:51.03] 不能和这样的黑鬼讲话
[01:52.92] 万一你讲不出来,我确实是那个索嗨
[01:54.56] 华丽但不满意
[01:56.26] 知道我们得到一个大袋子
[01:57.96] 你没法解决的事
[01:59.65] 你没法解决的事
[02:01.29] 我的怒气不断
[02:02.94] 你站的太近了
[02:04.63] 我们忘了怎么做
[02:06.24] 如果没装好的话
[02:08.06] 这不是什么难解决的事
[02:09.77] 我们遵守协议
[02:11.14] 因为我们是死亡地狱犬
[02:13.05] 一直开到轮子掉下来
[02:14.76] 世界
[02:16.14] 你准备好感受痛楚了吗
[02:18.15] 死亡地狱犬
[02:19.75] 一直开到轮子掉下来
[02:21.59] 世界
[02:22.88] 你准备好感受痛楚了吗
[02:24.87] 消失吧!我们都会消失
[02:31.38] 消失吧!我们都会消失