Primal Instinct

Primal Instinct

歌名 Primal Instinct
歌手 Angerfist
歌手 stereotype
专辑 Primal Instinct
[00:18.71] I'll never forget those who betrayed me
[00:50.97] Better get out of the way
[00:53.74] This will get messy
[01:14.86] Better get out of the way
[01:24.39] I never belonged in this world
[01:28.19] I wasn’t made for this
[01:30.97] But I’ll never forget those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust
[01:54.86] Rely on your instincts
[01:57.76] Never trust anyone
[02:41.25] Let's go!
[03:07.56] Those who never failed my trust
[03:16.76] Never trust anyone
[03:19.36] Go!
[03:40.20] Rely on your instincts
[04:02.15] Rely on your instincts
[04:33.45] I wasn’t made for this
[04:36.11] But I’ll never forget those who betrayed me, and those who never failed my trust
[00:18.71] 我永远不会忘记那些背叛我的人
[00:50.97] 最好别挡道
[00:53.74] 将会败得一塌糊涂
[01:14.86] 最好别挡道
[01:24.39] 我从来都不属于这个世界
[01:28.19] 我不是为了这个而活着的
[01:30.97] 但我永远不会忘记那些背叛我的人和那些从未辜负我信任的人
[01:54.86] 靠你的直觉
[01:57.76] 永远不要相信任何人
[02:41.25] 走吧!
[03:07.56] 那些从未辜负我信任的人
[03:16.76] 永远不要相信任何人
[03:19.36] 冲!
[03:40.20] 靠你的直觉
[04:02.15] 靠你的直觉
[04:33.45] 我不是为了这个而活着的
[04:36.11] 但我永远不会忘记那些背叛我的人和那些从未辜负我信任的人