

歌名 Diamonds
歌手 Diviners
歌手 Tom Bradley
专辑 Diamonds
[00:07.31] Run away with me in the dead of the night
[00:11.27] In the morning we'll lead another life
[00:15.30] We can change our name, we can change our start
[00:19.28] But we'll never forget who we really are
[00:22.75] We're still young, and free to roam
[00:26.40] Let's get lost, 'cause you're my home
[00:30.47] Like a river, flow with it, flow with it
[00:33.70] Nobody knows, where we going, going
[00:37.86] We're undiscovered, but just roll with it, roll with it
[00:41.83] We're like diamonds in the sand
[00:45.86] We're like diamonds in the sand
[00:49.83] We're like diamonds in the sand
[00:53.80] We're like diamonds in the sand
[00:57.82] We're like diamonds in the sand
[01:01.80] We're like diamonds in the sand
[01:09.74] We're like diamonds in the sand
[01:19.11] Run away with me like the power lines
[01:23.04] I know sparks are gonna fly when we collide
[01:26.93] If the stars don't shine for us tonight
[01:30.92] It don't matter at all, we've got so much time
[01:34.64] We're still young, and free to roam
[01:38.53] Let's get lost, 'cause you're my home
[01:42.40] Like a river, flow with it, flow with it
[01:45.74] Nobody knows, where we going, going
[01:49.80] We're undiscovered, but just roll with it, roll with it
[01:53.78] We're like diamonds in the sand
[01:57.75] We're like diamonds in the sand
[02:01.74] We're like diamonds in the sand
[02:05.67] We're like diamonds in the sand
[02:09.73] We're like diamonds in the sand
[02:13.79] We're like diamonds in the sand
[02:21.73] We're like diamonds in the sand
[02:29.78] We're like diamonds in the sand
[00:07.31] 在黑夜尽头想带上你私奔
[00:11.27] 天一亮就是属于我们的新生活
[00:15.30] 我们可以更名改姓 我们可以从头开始
[00:19.28] 但是我们永远不会忘记自己究竟是谁
[00:22.75] 我们依旧年轻 我们能肆意徜徉
[00:26.40] 我们可以随时迷失 因为你永远是我的归途
[00:30.47] 就像河流一样 我们随波逐流
[00:33.70] 无人知晓我们会漂流到哪
[00:37.86] 我们悄无声息 但却要掀起波澜
[00:41.83] 我们像沙滩里藏着的细小钻石
[00:45.86] 我们是茫茫人海中的昙花一现
[00:49.83] 我们是万千世界里的独一无二
[00:53.80] 我们是熙熙攘攘中的绝无仅有
[00:57.82] 我们是车水马龙中的当世无双
[01:01.80] 我们在别人眼中微不足道
[01:09.74] 我们在彼此眼里不可或缺
[01:19.11] 就带着源源活力和我私奔
[01:23.04] 我们发生碰撞火星都要坠落
[01:26.93] 如果群星今晚不为我们闪亮
[01:30.92] 没有关系 我们还有大把美好时光
[01:34.64] 我们依旧年轻 我们能肆意徜徉
[01:38.53] 我们可以随时迷失 因为你永远是我的归途
[01:42.40] 就像河流一样 我们随波逐流
[01:45.74] 无人知晓我们会漂流到哪
[01:49.80] 我们悄无声息 但却要掀起波澜
[01:53.78] 我们像沙滩里藏着的细小钻石
[01:57.75] 我们是茫茫人海中的昙花一现
[02:01.74] 我们是万千世界里的独一无二
[02:05.67] 我们是熙熙攘攘中的绝无仅有
[02:09.73] 我们是车水马龙中的当世无双
[02:13.79] 我们在别人眼中微不足道
[02:21.73] 我们在彼此眼里不可或缺
[02:29.78] 我们在彼此眼里不可或缺